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Grandma's Kisses

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Airdate:March 6, 2001
Season: 2
Prod. Number: 26a
Air Number: 29a
Paired With:Squidville
Directors:Walt Dohrn and Paul Tibbitt (directors), Jim Schumann and Octavio Rodriguez (storyboard), Andrew Overtoom (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Walt Dohrn, Paul Tibbitt, Merriwether Williams
Plot:SpongeBob declares himself too old for Grandma's kissy kisses.
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Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Sorry, grandmother, but the kissing has to stop."

"Of course not. No matter how grown-up you get, you'll always be my little baby boo. And remember, you can kiss your grandma and still be an adult. Here you go."