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Grandma's Kisses

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Airdate:March 6, 2001
Season: 2
Prod. Number: 26a
Air Number: 29a
Paired With:Squidville
Directors:Walt Dohrn and Paul Tibbitt (directors), Jim Schumann and Octavio Rodriguez (storyboard), Andrew Overtoom (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Walt Dohrn, Paul Tibbitt, Merriwether Williams
Plot:SpongeBob declares himself too old for Grandma's kissy kisses.
On Video:
The Seascape Capers The Complete Second Season The First 100 Episodes

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Tell her like it is, SpongeBob, no more baby stuff."

"Of course not. No matter how grown-up you get, you'll always be my little baby boo. And remember, you can kiss your grandma and still be an adult. Here you go."