I made my own SpongeBob bootleg!

tooly is still king

no one replaces tooly except tooly

he will always be king

you can't escape tooly

tooly is watching you
Good, but not as good as Sandwichboy and Tooly.
PurplePosersSocksDude said:
Tooly is just a stupid Burger King crown.
Tooly looks more like a bathtub plug to me.

Who toast on a counter under the sea?
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
Metallic and yellow as heated is he?
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
If electronical nonsense is something you wish?
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
Then drop on the floor and breaks like brick!
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
Bob the Amazing Toaster!
*Bob makes bagpipe noises*
This inspired me to make some sort of bootleg SpongeBob image of my own. (The colouring of the one on the right is actually based of off some bootleg merchandise I have seen before on holiday)
Here it is :P
Ihavedahswag said:
This inspired me to make some sort of bootleg SpongeBob image of my own. (The colouring of the one on the right is actually based of off some bootleg merchandise I have seen before on holiday)
Here it is :P
If Spongebob was an anime. (OH GOD)

This image was taken from a split second frame in a corrupted version of a back to school add with a tooly backpack in it. (wich was adveritised)
Other than the image, the rest of the video is comprised of incomprehensible jumbles of colors, static, or just black screens. The audio seems to be a heavily distorted version of the audio from the another add with tooly in it too, with loud, droning buzzes occasionally interrupting it.
The ad itself was found by a group of 5 urban exploring teenagers when they left the tv recorded within an abandoned mental institution Of these 5 individuals, 2 have committed suicide, 1 has gone missing, 1 refuses to comment on the tape, and the last hastily agreed to give paranormal investigators the tape shortly after being interviewed about the suicide and disappearances of the other 3 people. The current whereabouts of the tape are unknown, and many who stare at this image for a long enough period of time claim to see tooly blink...
The teenager that has gone missing was found dead in a dust bin a year later after the discovery of the tape.