Patrick's Eyelids


Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Have you ever noticed that in a lot of promotional material and still paintings in the show that they get Patrick's eyelid color wrong a lot? Personally, it bugs me whenever I see this mistake. Patrick's eyelids are purple, not pink.

How does this mistake even happen? Shouldn't they know what the characters look like? It happens a lot.

Here are some examples:


Even in the part that my profile pic is from, Patrick blinks and has pink eyelids. (Although, I'm willing to forgive it there since it makes them look more saggy and disgusting, which is awesome.)

This has pretty much been a problem even since the beginning.

As for why it happens, my guess might be because the animators are so busy with his primary color (pink) that his purple eye lids are overlooked. I'm actually surprised this hasn't caught more attention and end up on the same level as the Rumble/Frenzy debacle in the Transformers fandom (RIBFIR 4 LIFE!!).
illiniguy34 said:
This has pretty much been a problem even since the beginning.

As for why it happens, my guess might be because the animators are so busy with his primary color (pink) that his purple eye lids are overlooked. I'm actually surprised this hasn't caught more attention and end up on the same level as the Rumble/Frenzy debacle in the Transformers fandom (RIBFIR 4 LIFE!!).
I actually understand it for the animation, I'm not expecting the animators to be perfect. But the examples I provided were all still paintings, which I believe is done in studio at Nickelodeon. The animators have been way better at avoiding this mistake than the still image painters.