Spongy Topic #5: Logic


Jun 29, 2013
Do you care about logic in the show? For example, does it bother you when the show includes water under water? I would say it kinda bothers me a little bit but not all that much. I know it's a cartoon but I still think they should stick with the simple logic that you can't have water under water :P

Or even fire under water, etc. etc. Feel free to post some pictures/memes of it if you want but just discuss how you feel about logic in the show.

Most of the time, I don't care about logic in the show. The best part about the show is that the writers can choose to defy logic whenever they want. Which is why they choose to put a gorilla underwater, to make a fire work underwater, or to make any character drown in the show even though the show takes place underwater. This show is the epitome of "screw logic".


In real life, Davy Jones wouldn't really breathe underwater, but that's the power of not using logic.
You CAN have a fire under water, actually. A chemical fire. There are certain chemicals that will burn under water until the chemical's burned out. The fire draws the air from the water.
I don't care about the logic. It's fun to talk about it jokingly and discuss how things might work but when people use logical inconsistencies as a serious criticism or complaint about the show they completely miss the point.
What fun would the show be if it adhered to a strict set of logic? There wouldn't be as many good gags either.
Everything is 2 dimensional. That's the most illogical thing I can think about the show.
Sometimes the show's complete disregard for logic can be quite amusing.