Any anime fans here?

This should probably go in Arts & Entertainment. But yeah, I'm a new fan to most anime. The ones I'm currently into are:

Clannad & Clannad After Story (almost done with After Story)
Ouran High School Host Club
Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
Squid Girl (watched most of it)
Hamtaro (guilty pleasure)

I also really liked the movie 5 Centimeters per second.

I'll probably add more soon.
Xx DerpyHooves xX said:
  • Rosario + Vampire
  • High School of the Dead
  • Boku No Pico
  • Junjo Romantica
  • Pokemon: Indigo League
  • Sword Art Online
  • Dragon Ball Z
Most anime I watched was when I watched Kids WB and Toonami as a kid (Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Sailor Moon at one point, kinda remember DBZ, all that stuff). Don't really watch any now but I heard Cowboy Bebop is great.
The only animes I remember watching more than one episode of and liking were Trigun and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya although I'm nowhere near finishing either of them. Lucky Star isn't bad, either, although it get can really boring sometimes with how long it drags its jokes. I've seen at least one episode of FLCL and Ao no Exorcist and find the concepts behind both interesting. And of course, having friends who are bigger anime fans than I am, I have seen Attack on Titan although the overall hopeless tone of the story might put me off watching any further than the first two episodes. I really liked Miyazaki's Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service films and would like to watch more of his movies. (The Cat Returns, another Studio Ghibli movie, was cute.) By the way, I can't stand shows like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and their ilk as I found them to be quite formulaic and repetitive. I also never really got into any of the Dragon Ball shows, although that same group of friends I mentioned love them. I guess you could say I'm a casual anime fan who's curious to know more about the genre.
I'm a pretty big fan of anime. :) I like shows like Hetalia, Highschool DxD, Highschool Of The Dead, and Sailor Moon.

Xx DerpyHooves xX said:
  • Boku No Pico

Just so you know, I respect your opinion. Though I'm curious as to why you like this show. I thought it was HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING!!!!
The only animes I remember watching more than one episode of and liking were Trigun and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya although I'm nowhere near finishing either of them. Lucky Star isn't bad, either, although it get can really boring sometimes with how long it drags its jokes. I've seen at least one episode of FLCL and Ao no Exorcist and find the concepts behind both interesting. And of course, having friends who are bigger anime fans than I am, I have seen Attack on Titan although the overall hopeless tone of the story might put me off watching any further than the first two episodes. I really liked Miyazaki's Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service films and would like to watch more of his movies. (The Cat Returns, another Studio Ghibli movie, was cute.) By the way, I can't stand shows like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and their ilk as I found them to be quite formulaic and repetitive. I also never really got into any of the Dragon Ball shows, although that same group of friends I mentioned love them. I guess you could say I'm a casual anime fan who's curious to know more about the genre.
(Though Pokemon is probably the most tolerable of them all.)
I remember watching Naruto with my brother when I was younger.
I like:
Full Metal Alchemist/Brotherhood
Elfein Lied
Higurashi When They Cry
Attack on Titan (watching the english dub on adultswim)
Death Note (I've only seen the first 17 eps)
Highschool of the Dead
And Boko n...

I'm going to watch Space Dandey and Sword Art Online soon.
GordokTheMad said:
I'm a pretty big fan of anime. :) I like shows like Hetalia, Highschool DxD, Highschool Of The Dead, and Sailor Moon.


Just so you know, I respect your opinion. Though I'm curious as to why you like this show. I thought it was HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING!!!!
Well, just to let you know...

According to Wikipedia It's a Yaoi/Hentai, those stuff are gonna lead to something disgusting.
The only series I actually became a fan of is the Gundam series, maybe that's because it have lots of cool model kits that I could collect and build myself. Beside of that, I'm not a big fan of anime.