Squidward+Pickle (Squickle)

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President Squidward

Mmmm donuts.
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
These two are meant for each other. <3


SpongeRoadie UK said:
Nope. No. NO. NO. GOD NO.


Okay, you could start the topic. But please. DON'T TURN THIS INTO A SHIPPING TREND. JUST ....

I won't. :p

Just a joke. Calm down.

(Besides, E.V.I.L is the one who got me into shipping characters)

But seriously, calm down mate.

Besides, we know who's meant for each other *cough* SPANDY *cough*
President Squidward said:
I won't. :p

Just a joke. Calm down.

(Besides, E.V.I.L is the one who got me into shipping characters)

But seriously, calm down mate.
Alright. I'm calm. I'm calm. No worries. Breathe, Matty, breathe. There is NO way E.V.I.L. will make this ship into a trend.
SpongeRoadie UK said:
Alright. I'm calm. I'm calm. No worries. Breathe, Matty, breathe. There is NO way E.V.I.L. will make this ship into a trend.
If he does, i'll do something about it.

(I don't know why I made this topic in the first place)
I so can't wait for E.V.I.L. to show up.

Thanks for the new ship, President Squidward. :P

(Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, I'm joking.)
HarryPotterLives said:
I so can't wait for E.V.I.L. to show up.

Thanks for the new ship, President Squidward. :p

(Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, I'm joking.)
I did it more for a joke and not to take this too far... please don't let E.V.I.L spam this all over SBM...
President Squidward said:
I did it more for a joke and not to take this too far... please don't let E.V.I.L spam this all over SBM...
I don't think I could stop him even if I wanted to.

But seriously, we know this is only a joke. :P
Squidward and the pickle sittin' in the sea, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
First comes love, then comes marrriage, then comes the squickle in the baby carriage.

Now that's a real ship. That's some hardcore pickle action. ;)
Dr. Peter Lankton said:
Squidward and the pickle sittin' in the sea, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
First comes love, then comes marrriage, then comes the squickle in the baby carriage.

Now that's a real ship. That's some hardcore pickle action. ;)
That Squickle kiss is hot. ;)
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