So this is why Patrick Star is stupid

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It's kinda cool that they keep these little bits of oceanography in the show
I feel like I saw this same explanation in an old Nick commercial or something
It's kinda cool that they keep these little bits of oceanography in the show
I feel like I saw this same explanation in an old Nick commercial or something

There's a bonus feature on the SpongeBob movie DVD where they talk about the real creatures the characters are based on, too.
he stupid because he has not been to school for his whole life
Patrick has a brain, so there must be different reason Patrick's stupid that doesn't follow logic (like most of the show anyway).
Maybe Patrick went to school, but didn't learn anything. It could have been that he copied Spongebob and possibly Flatts.
patrick musta hit his head so hard that his brain died
Starfish also eat sponges, that's why Patrick almost ate SpongeBob in To Save a Squirrel and InSPONGEiac.
And Mr. Krabs likely married a whale because...
When is Patrick the stupidest?

I say in Picture Day when he is carrying SB in the jelly jar then instantly forgets he's in there. Seriously? 5-second memory.
SpongeBob: First, get a jar.
[Patrick holds up a pickle]
SpongeBob: Patrick, that's a pickle.
Patrick: Yes.
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