which spongebob character would you love to be friends with BESIDES spongebob?


Floating Shopping List
Jun 16, 2017
Reaction score
inside a bubble of dreams
Because we all know we would love to be friends with spongebob, who's another character you would love to meet? For me, it would be Pearl. :D She's just a typical stereotype of a teenager in which i would love to hang out :D since I'm also a girly (kind off) teen. I can imagine myself having a tea party with her xD
Hmm...that's a toughie...
I suppose it'd ultimately come down to ol' Squiddy since he's a little more down-to-earth and would probably be a great guy to have meaningful conversations with.

Also Squilliam cuz he rich AF and his house is amaze-balls :xP: :xP:
Squidward. We both share a lot of personality traits (cynical, grumpy, loves art and music, etc.), and I think that he is very interesting to talk to.
gary because he is pretty quiet and he understands and listens to you and he gives good advice and i love him!!!!!!
i feel like i share most in common with squidward, but im not sure if i'd wanna be friends with him. doesnt really seem like a fun guy to hang out with...
Krabs. We're both greed heads and maybe I could steal his loot when he didn't notice.
Well, you all know who my first pick would obviously be. Not even gonna list his name.

I think I'd have interesting conversations with Sandy, perhaps Ms.Puff so to ask her why she doesn't just give up with teaching SpongeBob. I would. Maybe Larry too, he'd have great advice on staying fit or how how to deal with Stomach fat.

Heck, screw it... I suppose I'd even talk to Squilliam If I actually saw him.