When do you think the post-189 episodes will start to air?

Original Raw and Uncut

Two-Headed Starfish
Jul 12, 2014
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United States
At this rate i'm thinking around November or December or very early in 2015. Or nick may supprise us and air them during this summer. But with my luck they won't even air until mid-2015 or something.
Note: The episode "Yeti Krabs" doesn't count because it's production code is 188b.
When do you think episodes in the 190's will start to air? I've also been hearing rumors that in episode 195a there will be a fire drill in boating school, but they're false without a doubt. The news about post-189 episodes has been stressing me out so much, I even have weird dreams of made-up post-189 episodes at least twice a month.

Summer 2015.

The movie is their main priority right now, and once the post-editing era hits (I predict somewhere in late December to mid-January), the crew will (or should) start working on the new episodes (excluding Yeti Krabs). This could vary tremendously. South Park episodes take about a week - Adventure Time, Family Guy, and Simpsons episodes take about 8 to 9 months.

In other words:
