Pinned thread What video game are you playing?


Bomb-Selling Pirate
Dec 29, 2023
the Minecraft house you built and forgot about
I tried the Meet the Robinsons DS game, and it's kind of interesting. I didn't expect it to be a full 3D game as DS games usually aren't, and it seems to have some interesting mechanics I haven't seen in the game's style. I only played the first level and part of the second. I will say it is a bit of an odd experience as the first level takes place in Ancient Egypt and it's not really explained why. It's played off as it was just what Wilbur was doing before the Bowler... Hat... Guy... (not sure why but every time Wilbur has said his name so far it has been with a bunch of ellipses) stole the time machine which is a cool bit of lore, but it just feels like they had a bunch of Egyptian assets and decided to make up a random reason to use them. The second level is also full of random robots not seen in the movie, so I'm a little worried that this is going to be one of those movie games that just make up random stuff instead of using anything from the actual movie.


Bomb-Selling Pirate
Dec 29, 2023
the Minecraft house you built and forgot about
I tried the Meet the Robinsons DS game, and it's kind of interesting. I didn't expect it to be a full 3D game as DS games usually aren't, and it seems to have some interesting mechanics I haven't seen in the game's style. I only played the first level and part of the second. I will say it is a bit of an odd experience as the first level takes place in Ancient Egypt and it's not really explained why. It's played off as it was just what Wilbur was doing before the Bowler... Hat... Guy... (not sure why but every time Wilbur has said his name so far it has been with a bunch of ellipses) stole the time machine which is a cool bit of lore, but it just feels like they had a bunch of Egyptian assets and decided to make up a random reason to use them. The second level is also full of random robots not seen in the movie, so I'm a little worried that this is going to be one of those movie games that just make up random stuff instead of using anything from the actual movie.
My worries were not reality! I was worried that the game would have zero relation to the movie aside from the cutscenes, and while the events of the movie are played out in cutscenes, it doesn't mean there is zero connection to the movie or franchise. The "random robots" were all ant-themed, and it was made clear that they were being led by the Ant Queen, a human in an ant costume. When I heard this it confirmed to me that the levels had no relation to the movie, and I was disappointed. When I got to the Ant Queen though, it said her name was Lizzy. I looked this name up to see if maybe there was a lore reason for her existence, and was surprised. Lizzy is the little goth girl from the movie who brought her collection of ants to the science fair. I hadn't even considered that even though with hindsight, it feels blatantly obvious. Though we aren't seeing the events of the movie played out, we get to see how established characters grew past the events of the movie. The second level is a bit more obvious in who the villain is, as his face is plastered all over signs, and the cutscene that plays between levels one and two shows Wilbur inadvertently wronging him. The villain is Stanley, the toga-wearing kid who brought his model volcano to the science fair. I'm curious who the next villain will be as I think the two villains so far were the only non-main science fair kids of note.


Bomb-Selling Pirate
Dec 29, 2023
the Minecraft house you built and forgot about
Opoona. It's a Wii game I never hear talked about. One stand-out part of the game is that rather than using a Wiimote in combination with a Nunchuk, Opoona is controlled exclusively through the Wii Nunchuk, making it to my knowledge the only game in existence with its control scheme. I'm not super far into it, but if you're a fan of Frutiger Aero or similar aesthetics or unique Wii games, I highly recommend giving it a try.