The Top 30 WORST SpongeBob Episodes


Imitation Krab
Jan 29, 2016
This was accidentally posted into a wrong forum,sorry guys.

#2 The Top 30 Worst Episodes of Spongebob: post #2 Bobby792003
Baby Clam


9 posts
Posted A minute ago
Hello!Now before I get started,let me show you what are included and unincluded from this list.I will not allow specials.If they were,Truth or Square would be #1.It sucks so much!But,pre-movie episodes CAN qualify,so don't get your hopes up for seeing all post-movie on here.Alright,let's do this!
What a better way to start off is with a very boring episode that has hardly any potential.
30.House Sittin' For Sandy

Now let me start with some good things about the episode because things will get nasty very quickly.I like how they trick you to think that Sandy will shoot SpongeBob and Patrick.It was kinda clever.Some jokes actually work.Now,this episode could've been off this list and the dishonorable mentions if it weren't for so much filler!

I can't tell you how much filler is in this episode.The actual episodes start after the 5 minute mark!That's crazy!Also,some parts are annoying and lazily done.I'm not going to the talk about the story,because it's pretty decent for a season 8 episode.So yeah,this episode is at number 30.It's pretty bad,but not that bad.
It's quite mediocre,I'll have to say.

I'm going to school,so sooner or later,there will be a number 29.
Wrong place, again, fan favorites, look at the spongebob forum and go to fan favorites, not fan creations.
And you don't need to make the same topic in another forum. You can ask a mod/admin to move it to the right forum.
Back for another episode.What's it today?

Oh,come on!

29.Pet or Pests

Let me quickly explain the plot.Spongebob adopts a stray worm that he found that makes babies.Fair enough.But there are problems that make this episode despised.

First of all, this episode is a gross-out.The looks of the worm is very disgusting and the slime it spews out isn't good either.Second of all, When SpongeBob decides to give the pests to someone else,they say no.Ok.But Larry, he just had to attempt to eat them.They act like puppies (because worms are dogs in SpongeBob), so why would you eat them?Plus,those worms don't look appetizing (why the hell did I say that) to him!Finally, we go to the Krusty Krab, and Mr.Krabs wants to make money (duh) so he sells the puppies to the backround fish for some money.I just loathe this episode.It's hardly anywhere funny and should've been higher on this but there are 28 more episodes that are worse than this poor,exuse foe an episode.Ugh it's gonna be a loooooooong list.
I just came to this wiki,cut me some slack!

Can someone move this topic plus the text already here (if possible) to Fan Favorites?
How do I ask someone to move this topic to fan favorites?Is it pssible for you to move this to fan creations while just being in the comment section?
This topic is already in fan favourites...

Pet Or Pests is a choice I would agree with, although I might actually place it higher.
Takes a million years to make the next one.
Yay,I'm back.
This is the mystery episode.Get ready.

Oh, not this episode!

28.Oral Report

Since I was a kid,I liked almost every episode because I never knew any better plus I never knew who new writers were. I still had episodes I hated for my entire life. This one was no exception. We all start with some customers waiting for their food. After a minute or so, they become ravenous and dangerous. Wait, they were just there for a minute or five? Can't these people wait for hunger? If not, buy something to eat, there's no use to wait for your burger if the fry cook dosen't want to at the moment. Speaking of which, SpongeBob has failed for another time. Guess what? We have some STP! Yeeaaahhh!!! SpongeBob then gets stage freight. He goes to Patrick for help, oh wait, that's not Patrick. IT'S PATPRICK!!! Dear lord, what the hell did the writers do to poor pat? He went from dumb friend to dumbass prick. PATPRICK tries to help, but makes it worse. Then PATPRICK shouts at SpongeBob to speak the speech. He's forcing him!

They go then to Sandy. She, of course, said SpongeBob has, ugggghhhh, "oral report-itis". SANDY, YOU DUMBASS SQUIRREL!!! It's called stage freight,not ORAL REPORT-ITIS!!! Does literally every medical condition or fear have to have -itis? This is just retarded. This proves Sandy is not a scientist. Mabye I should've put this episode higher. Oh, well. Then after boring crap, Ms.Puff gets arrested.

This episode was just trash. Guess what the next episode is!

Hint: Pre-Movie
AWWW I thought Oral Report was one of the best of that season
Look who read my mind!


No, it's not I'm With Stupid or The Great Snail Race. It's Dumped. BobCarotte knows what he's saying because he witnessed the very boring and sad things that occur.When SpongeBob and Gary play, something wants Gary to come to Patrick. Patrick things it's time for Gary to pass on. Now let me say this:THIS IS NOT PATRICK'S A ::dolphin noise::!!! He thinks Gary come to him. He didn't steal it like any PATPRICK would do.Spongebob tries to make new friends, but fails. Then SpongeBob cries so much that it turned into a creepy pasta! Really, guys? Anywho, Patrick comes and realizes that the cookie was the reason Gary wanted him. Are you serious? This ::dolphin noise:: cookie caused everything? Well, ok then. Jbafhifadbinfbheibchebhcnwjncjhsbcvhjbsfjhvnjhnscihnsfkjnvjkxnvjkndkjvnihxncnksnkvnns.
This episode would've been off this list if it weren't for the ending and cruelty. I like I'm With Stupid (STHU FANBOYS) because of it's story and good jokes, but this is just too much. Yeah, this episode was the worst Pre-Movie episode EVER!!!!!!!

Spongebob07 said:
AWWW I thought Oral Report was one of the best of that season
So you like Patrick's a ::dolphin noise::? Ok,I can see why you like it.
The episode has some good jokes like the SpongeBob overcoming his fear thing.
And the boating report montage.
Oral Report: I quite like this one. It has some decent stuff. I would consider Patrick to be encouraging SpongeBob in the wrong way (but an enjoyable way, definitely). But you're right about Sandy being strangely dumb in this one.

Dumped: I would've placed it higher. I agree with you completely.
Ok, guys. This choice should've been higher or stayed here, but some epsiode had to be worse than this one.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you one of the most boring pieces of crap in my entire life.

I give you Hide And Then What Happens?

26.Hide And Then What Happens?

Now let me say this:This epsiode is so ::dolphin noise:: boring! I remembered that Popeye Q. Krabs said that made their self fall asleep. The episode starts off with the two idiots doing a staring contest. How original! They then do a hide and seek game where Patrick wastes our time by being such a DUMB IDIOT!!! No, not a dumb idiot. A BRAINLESS MORON!!! He literally gets nothing what SpongeBob says compared to pre movie where he does. Did someone take out his brain again? Then we have one of the worst filler I have ever seen in my life. Sure, the filler had some good jokes, but it still sucked. Finally, SpongeBob finds Patrick in his rock because he didn't want to play.


I'm glad Daffy dislikes it because it's a waste of my time and your time! ENOUGH FILLER, OKAY???!!!!

I'm better now.

Image for Dumped
Guess what? Until I come back from school,WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER STUPID EPISODE TO TALK ABOUT!

Good to see another S8 episode. I hope it's not Pet Sitter Pat, but I think it will be that, Fiasco or Are You Happy Now?
Sorry for not posting any videos. Anyways, Pinhead Larry, it's neither! It's actually The Googly Artiste.

25.The Googly Artiste

Now we are getting to the ones I despise. I hate this episode for so many good reasons.

1. Almost Everyone Is Retarded

Almost everyone in this episode think that a rock with a ton of googly eyes is amazing. How stupid are these dumb idiots? Even this poor exuse for a critic, Fredrick T. Nitpick, thinks that it is also a relic. I can agree that Squidward's sculpture wouldn't be acceptable (I liked it), but loving a stupid rock with Googly eyes glued to it? That just complete bull. Nonsense, even!

After rejecting both Spongebob's and Squidward's art (and craft), the retarded, VERY RETARDED ::dolphin noise:: CRITIC, is willing to give Patrick $500 and Squidward's hat.

Yes, Nostalgia Critic, that is stupid.

2.Unnessesary Cruelty to Squidward

They just had to torture Squidward. This is by far one of the stupidest cruelty thrown to Squidward since That Sinking Feeling. Even Good Neighbors did better than this!

3.Smartass Star

Basically, PATPRICK is now acting like a dick in this episode. He thinks he's so damn perfect he thinks he's the best painter ever. He thinks he can get everything. NO PATRICK!!!! YOU CAN'T GET EVERYTHING!!! Plus, he just keeps creating the same things, and people still like it? Are these people blind when they see that objects with googly eyes are hardly any appealing without any effort put into it? This is a main problem with this episode. He put NO EFFORT!!! Can anyone just see that?

Now, I am going to compare this episode with Are You Happy Now? to see why that episode is better.


Are You Happy Now?

-A Good Story

-SpongeBob Finally Helps Squidward

-Some Decent Jokes

-For Some Reason Likes Ending

-A Decent Beginning

The Googly Artiste

-Some Decent Jokes


Are You Happy Now?

-Unnessesary Suicide Jokes

-Writers Take the Depression Verry Seriously

The Googly Artiste

-Very Bad Jokes

-Every One (Almost) Is Stupid

-Unessential STP

-Greedy Mr.Krabs


So yeah, by a big landslide, Are You Happy Now? is better.

The reason The Googly Artiste wasn't higher is that there are more episodes worse than this.

Congrats! You are the first STP!

24.Slide Whistle Stooges

We are getting to more hated episodes now. Guys, do you know why this episode is worse than the rest?
Yes, the unnessasary torture to the squid. And you know what they do? Annoy the ::dolphin noise:: out of us while they play their damn slide
whistles. You, now, I should've placed this terror higher, but I'm gonna leave it here because there is another episode worse than this trash.Plus, the slide whistles are very loud if you make the sound large. Well, it's still loud anyways. Plus, the rest of the episode is just retarded. Oh, but not the ending. The ending is s o damn cruel. While Squidward's slide whistle annoys everyone. Spongecrack and Pattrat's whistles make everyone happy. What the hell? That's just harsh. Horrible episode.