The Drifter
Some person.
So, this is a short, weird story I've written for my Indonesian writing assignment. This story is translated from Indonesian, and it's heavy on Indonesian pop culture references, so I'll add some visual aids on the story.
In a faraway land, there was a goat who like to burn cars. he like to burn cars so much until he ran out of gasoline, so he goes to Mars to buy some more. In Mars he met a rock that hate ugly things, the rock thinks that the Goat is ugly so he kills the goat. After the rock absorb Goat's life essence, the Goat burst out from the rock's chest. Because of that the Goat is ticketed by a traffic cop for parking in no-parking zone. To prevent himself from getting ticketed, the goat went back in time to kill Karl Benz, the inventor of car. Because Karl Benz died, the car is never invented, because there's no car the police can't ticket him. Goat later realize that without cars, he have nothing to burn. So he switch his profession from car-burner to chilli polisher.
After century of chilli polishing, something bad happens. Due to bad economical situation, there's a shortage in chilli. Because of the chilli shortage, the province of West Sumatra (West Sumatra are known in Indonesia for their food heavy in chilli) declares war to the world, and invades Kambingnesia (kambing is Indonesian for goat). Goat later take refugee to Cileungsi, but he was kidnapped by the Gestapo. He was forced to write a Keroncong song to wake Mount Kidul. Mount Kidul is actually a giant Terminator robot sent from the future to kill John Connor, but malfunctioned in it's way and turned into a mountain. After a vicious dance battle, Goat throws mount Kidul into Bojong Kenyot (a fictional place equivalent to "nowhere").
Here's the first 2 paragraph, I'll post the rest of the stories in 2 paragraph per post.
Adventure of Goat
An fable by The Drifter.
"What" -80/100
My Indonesian Language Teacher.
In a faraway land, there was a goat who like to burn cars. he like to burn cars so much until he ran out of gasoline, so he goes to Mars to buy some more. In Mars he met a rock that hate ugly things, the rock thinks that the Goat is ugly so he kills the goat. After the rock absorb Goat's life essence, the Goat burst out from the rock's chest. Because of that the Goat is ticketed by a traffic cop for parking in no-parking zone. To prevent himself from getting ticketed, the goat went back in time to kill Karl Benz, the inventor of car. Because Karl Benz died, the car is never invented, because there's no car the police can't ticket him. Goat later realize that without cars, he have nothing to burn. So he switch his profession from car-burner to chilli polisher.
After century of chilli polishing, something bad happens. Due to bad economical situation, there's a shortage in chilli. Because of the chilli shortage, the province of West Sumatra (West Sumatra are known in Indonesia for their food heavy in chilli) declares war to the world, and invades Kambingnesia (kambing is Indonesian for goat). Goat later take refugee to Cileungsi, but he was kidnapped by the Gestapo. He was forced to write a Keroncong song to wake Mount Kidul. Mount Kidul is actually a giant Terminator robot sent from the future to kill John Connor, but malfunctioned in it's way and turned into a mountain. After a vicious dance battle, Goat throws mount Kidul into Bojong Kenyot (a fictional place equivalent to "nowhere").
Here's the first 2 paragraph, I'll post the rest of the stories in 2 paragraph per post.