CaramellPizza (゚∀゚)
(Episode begins with Spongebob running)
Spongebob: *panicked breathing* Come on!!
Sandy: You're gonna regret saying Texas is dumb!!!
*Spongebob enters the Krusty Krab in a hurry, and jumps into the kitchen*
Squidward: Two Triple Krabby Supremes with large Kelp Fries and extra Krabby Krust!
Spongebob: Okay. I cannot mess this up. Bun down, patty, pickle, mustard, ketchup, pan-- no, that's not right! Bun down, patty, cheese, patty, cheese, patty, cheese, lettuce, tomato--
Sandy: Apologize right now!!! *Sandy's voice shakes the entire Krusty Krab, causing the Krabby Patty to fall apart and splat on the wall*
Spongebob: OH DANG IT SANDY YOU MESSED UP THE PATTY! Bun down, patty, cheese, patty, cheese, patty, cheese--
*Sandy karate-chops the door in half*
Mr. Krabs: *bathing in money* Hmm...? *sniff sniff* *realization* I SENSE ME MONEY BURNING! *barges out* WHAT IN THE NAME OF SQUIDWARD TENTACLES IS THIS?! *gasps* ME DOOR!!!
Sandy: Mr. Krabs, you have GOT to fire that stupid sponge kid. He insulted my home state and now is trying to run from punishment.
Here's the Triple Krabby Supreme, Squidward! With a large kelp fries and extra Krabby Krust!
Squidward: Thank you very muUUUuuUuU- *Squidward is grabbed by Sandy, who drops the Triple Krabby Supreme* OH *dolphin noise* IT SANDY YOU RUINED THE PATTY!
Squidward: Uh-in the..kitchen-
Customer: I don't want to eat at a restaurant with a foul-mouthed employee. *All customers walk out*
Mr. Krabs: WAIT! DON'T GO!!! NOOOOO! First, me door, and now me customers? This is the worst day of me life! *cries* They just wanted to give me their money!
Sandy: AHA! There you are!
Spongebob: OH NO! SANDY! *jumps out kitchen window, and runs out of the restaurant* Sorry Mr. Krabs, but I can't stay, I gotta defend myself!
*One marathon later...*
Spongebob: *catching breath* FINALLY, MY HOUSE! I KNOW I AM SAFE HERE! *runs into house* This oughta do it! *pushes lockdown button. Spongebob's house lights flash red, and all entrances are blocked with steel*
Phew. That was a close one. Hi Gary-
Sandy: *karate-chops door in half* Hey Spongebob, guess what, you're cornered. You best apologize right now.
Spongebob: Okay, I'm sorry Sandy.
Sandy: Thanks-
Spongebob: PSYCH!!! *laughs*
Sandy: *gasps* HOW DARE YOU! You're done for! *Tries to karate-chop Spongebob*
Spongebob: Not so fast. Deactivating lockdown mode! *pushes button. All entrances are unblocked. Spongebob escapes through the window*
Sandy: *gasps* GET BACK HERE!
*Meanwhile, at the Krusty Krab...*
*Customers are bombarding Squidward, holding signs saying "SAVE (doodle sketch of Spongebob)" and "STOP THE SQUIRREL!", chanting "SAVE THE SPONGE!".
*Spongebob, however, is running as fast as he can to the Krusty Krab. He runs into Patrick.*
Patrick: Hey Spongebob, wanna go jellyfishing? *holds up jellyfish net*
Spongebob: Sorry Patrick, no time for games right now. I gotta get to work before Sandy catches me!
*A few moments later...*
*Spongebob enters the Krusty Krab in a panic.*
All customers: SPONGEBOB! Thank Neptune you're okay! I heard there was a squirrel chasing you!
Spongebob: Yeah, this has been a tough day for me. I barely made it to work.
Customer: Hey everyone, let's sing for Spongebob!
All customers: *holding Spongebob*
For he's a jolly good Spongy, for he's a jolly good Spongy, for he's a jolly good Spongy.... *throws Spongebob in the air* ....Which nobody can deny-*Sandy enters and karate chops the customers into Squidward. Spongebob falls through the floor screaming and ends up outside of the restaurant. He passes out from exhaustion.*
*One dream later...*
*Spongebob wakes up tied to a log in Sandy's dome, without a water helmet. Sandy enters with a baseball bat.*
Sandy: Now you're gonna get it Spongy!!!
*Spongebob breaks free from the ropes, and steals his water helmet which Sandy's flowers are in. He puts it on and tries to leave.*
Sandy: Nice try Spongebob, but I locked the door!
Spongebob: *karate-chops the door and runs away laughing. Sandy appears in his path, so he runs a different way. Sandy also appears in that path, so he jumps on her dome to run away, but she is on there as well. Spongebob finally accepts his fate.* Okay, since you seem so desperate, I am sorry for insulting Texas, Sandy. I hope you forgive me.
Sandy: Of course I forgive you, we're best friends forever! *hugs Spongebob*
Spongebob: Yay! Wanna come to the Krusty Krab for a bite?
Sandy: Of course! Love me some seafood.
*Spongebob and Sandy both go into the Krusty Krab laughing.*
Spongebob: *makes a Krabby Patty and gives it to Sandy* Ta-da! A delicious Krabby Patty for a very special friend.
Sandy: *holds her breath as she takes off her helmet, and holds the Krabby Patty up to her face. She puts the helmet back on and breathes, then eats the patty.* Wow, you make good Krabby Patties! I would love to eat more.
Spongebob and Sandy: *both laugh as the episode ends*
Alternate ending:
Sandy: Now you're gonna get it Spongy! *swings bat, but misses*i swear to god if this post gets taken down for this
Spongebob: *runs off* Oh barnacles, I gotta feed Gary! *tries to open door*
Sandy: Nice try Spongebob, but the door is locked. NOW FACE THE WRATH OF THE SQUIRREL!!!
*Spongebob jumps through the glass while maniacally laughing, leaving a sponge-shaped hole in Sandy's dome. He runs to his pineapple to feed Gary.*
Spongebob: Oh Gary! *hugs Gary* I'm so sorry I didn't feed you. I was in a really sticky situation. But don't worry Gary, food is on the way! Faster than you can say... *grabs Snail Po* Snail-Po!
Gary: *meows in disgust*
Spongebob: Sorry Gary, but I gotta make sure you get your nutrition. I can't let you eat unhealthy food all day. *fills food bowl with Snail-Po*
Gary: *meows and eats the Snail-Po*
Sandy: Hi-yah! *karate chops Spongebob's door. Door particles fly into Gary's food*
Gary: *angrily meows at Sandy*
Spongebob: What the barnacle Sandy? You literally ruined my pet's food with door bits because of a U.S. state! Not to mention you also broke a law by breaking and entering. See you in jail Sandy! *laughs*
Sandy: Wha-Jail!? No. Spongebob, you can't do this to me. I'm your best friend. We're tighter than bark on a tree!
Spongebob: Not anymore after you broke a law.
*Bikini Bottom police officers show up at Spongebob's door*
Police officer: It's the police, we got reports of a squirrel breaking into an innocent sponge's home. Now come out with your paws in the air, Sandy. You're getting 10 years in the slammer.
Sandy: You call Spongebob innocent? He messed with Texas! I won't stand for this.
Police officer: Hands up NOW!
Sandy: Okay fine. *puts hands in the air*
Police officer: Good, now get in the boat.
Sandy: NO!
Police officer: I said get in the boat NOW, or you're getting another 10 years!
*Sandy gets in the back of the police boat*
Police officer: That's another 10 years for threatening an innocent person. And you have the right to remain silent-
Sandy: *screams*
Police officer: -or... not silent.
This is the first time I have publicly shared a story, so please forgive me if it is a bit sloppy.
Spongebob: *panicked breathing* Come on!!
Sandy: You're gonna regret saying Texas is dumb!!!
*Spongebob enters the Krusty Krab in a hurry, and jumps into the kitchen*
Squidward: Two Triple Krabby Supremes with large Kelp Fries and extra Krabby Krust!
Spongebob: Okay. I cannot mess this up. Bun down, patty, pickle, mustard, ketchup, pan-- no, that's not right! Bun down, patty, cheese, patty, cheese, patty, cheese, lettuce, tomato--
Sandy: Apologize right now!!! *Sandy's voice shakes the entire Krusty Krab, causing the Krabby Patty to fall apart and splat on the wall*
Spongebob: OH DANG IT SANDY YOU MESSED UP THE PATTY! Bun down, patty, cheese, patty, cheese, patty, cheese--
*Sandy karate-chops the door in half*
Mr. Krabs: *bathing in money* Hmm...? *sniff sniff* *realization* I SENSE ME MONEY BURNING! *barges out* WHAT IN THE NAME OF SQUIDWARD TENTACLES IS THIS?! *gasps* ME DOOR!!!
Sandy: Mr. Krabs, you have GOT to fire that stupid sponge kid. He insulted my home state and now is trying to run from punishment.
Here's the Triple Krabby Supreme, Squidward! With a large kelp fries and extra Krabby Krust!
Squidward: Thank you very muUUUuuUuU- *Squidward is grabbed by Sandy, who drops the Triple Krabby Supreme* OH *dolphin noise* IT SANDY YOU RUINED THE PATTY!
Squidward: Uh-in the..kitchen-
Customer: I don't want to eat at a restaurant with a foul-mouthed employee. *All customers walk out*
Mr. Krabs: WAIT! DON'T GO!!! NOOOOO! First, me door, and now me customers? This is the worst day of me life! *cries* They just wanted to give me their money!
Sandy: AHA! There you are!
Spongebob: OH NO! SANDY! *jumps out kitchen window, and runs out of the restaurant* Sorry Mr. Krabs, but I can't stay, I gotta defend myself!
*One marathon later...*
Spongebob: *catching breath* FINALLY, MY HOUSE! I KNOW I AM SAFE HERE! *runs into house* This oughta do it! *pushes lockdown button. Spongebob's house lights flash red, and all entrances are blocked with steel*
Phew. That was a close one. Hi Gary-
Sandy: *karate-chops door in half* Hey Spongebob, guess what, you're cornered. You best apologize right now.
Spongebob: Okay, I'm sorry Sandy.
Sandy: Thanks-
Spongebob: PSYCH!!! *laughs*
Sandy: *gasps* HOW DARE YOU! You're done for! *Tries to karate-chop Spongebob*
Spongebob: Not so fast. Deactivating lockdown mode! *pushes button. All entrances are unblocked. Spongebob escapes through the window*
Sandy: *gasps* GET BACK HERE!
*Meanwhile, at the Krusty Krab...*
*Customers are bombarding Squidward, holding signs saying "SAVE (doodle sketch of Spongebob)" and "STOP THE SQUIRREL!", chanting "SAVE THE SPONGE!".
*Spongebob, however, is running as fast as he can to the Krusty Krab. He runs into Patrick.*
Patrick: Hey Spongebob, wanna go jellyfishing? *holds up jellyfish net*
Spongebob: Sorry Patrick, no time for games right now. I gotta get to work before Sandy catches me!
*A few moments later...*
*Spongebob enters the Krusty Krab in a panic.*
All customers: SPONGEBOB! Thank Neptune you're okay! I heard there was a squirrel chasing you!
Spongebob: Yeah, this has been a tough day for me. I barely made it to work.
Customer: Hey everyone, let's sing for Spongebob!
All customers: *holding Spongebob*

*One dream later...*
*Spongebob wakes up tied to a log in Sandy's dome, without a water helmet. Sandy enters with a baseball bat.*
Sandy: Now you're gonna get it Spongy!!!
*Spongebob breaks free from the ropes, and steals his water helmet which Sandy's flowers are in. He puts it on and tries to leave.*
Sandy: Nice try Spongebob, but I locked the door!
Spongebob: *karate-chops the door and runs away laughing. Sandy appears in his path, so he runs a different way. Sandy also appears in that path, so he jumps on her dome to run away, but she is on there as well. Spongebob finally accepts his fate.* Okay, since you seem so desperate, I am sorry for insulting Texas, Sandy. I hope you forgive me.
Sandy: Of course I forgive you, we're best friends forever! *hugs Spongebob*
Spongebob: Yay! Wanna come to the Krusty Krab for a bite?
Sandy: Of course! Love me some seafood.
*Spongebob and Sandy both go into the Krusty Krab laughing.*
Spongebob: *makes a Krabby Patty and gives it to Sandy* Ta-da! A delicious Krabby Patty for a very special friend.
Sandy: *holds her breath as she takes off her helmet, and holds the Krabby Patty up to her face. She puts the helmet back on and breathes, then eats the patty.* Wow, you make good Krabby Patties! I would love to eat more.
Spongebob and Sandy: *both laugh as the episode ends*
Alternate ending:
Sandy: Now you're gonna get it Spongy! *swings bat, but misses*i swear to god if this post gets taken down for this
Spongebob: *runs off* Oh barnacles, I gotta feed Gary! *tries to open door*
Sandy: Nice try Spongebob, but the door is locked. NOW FACE THE WRATH OF THE SQUIRREL!!!
*Spongebob jumps through the glass while maniacally laughing, leaving a sponge-shaped hole in Sandy's dome. He runs to his pineapple to feed Gary.*
Spongebob: Oh Gary! *hugs Gary* I'm so sorry I didn't feed you. I was in a really sticky situation. But don't worry Gary, food is on the way! Faster than you can say... *grabs Snail Po* Snail-Po!
Gary: *meows in disgust*
Spongebob: Sorry Gary, but I gotta make sure you get your nutrition. I can't let you eat unhealthy food all day. *fills food bowl with Snail-Po*
Gary: *meows and eats the Snail-Po*
Sandy: Hi-yah! *karate chops Spongebob's door. Door particles fly into Gary's food*
Gary: *angrily meows at Sandy*
Spongebob: What the barnacle Sandy? You literally ruined my pet's food with door bits because of a U.S. state! Not to mention you also broke a law by breaking and entering. See you in jail Sandy! *laughs*
Sandy: Wha-Jail!? No. Spongebob, you can't do this to me. I'm your best friend. We're tighter than bark on a tree!
Spongebob: Not anymore after you broke a law.
*Bikini Bottom police officers show up at Spongebob's door*
Police officer: It's the police, we got reports of a squirrel breaking into an innocent sponge's home. Now come out with your paws in the air, Sandy. You're getting 10 years in the slammer.
Sandy: You call Spongebob innocent? He messed with Texas! I won't stand for this.
Police officer: Hands up NOW!
Sandy: Okay fine. *puts hands in the air*
Police officer: Good, now get in the boat.
Sandy: NO!
Police officer: I said get in the boat NOW, or you're getting another 10 years!
*Sandy gets in the back of the police boat*
Police officer: That's another 10 years for threatening an innocent person. And you have the right to remain silent-
Sandy: *screams*
Police officer: -or... not silent.
This is the first time I have publicly shared a story, so please forgive me if it is a bit sloppy.
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