Squidward's Father - Fan Made Script

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
I decided to make another script based on one of my ideas in another thread.

Plot: After a backstory where we learn that Squidward and his father were very distant from each other, SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs help Squidward find his father so that he and his father can bond.

Narrator: Ahh, Father's Day in Bikini Bottom. Right now, everyone is celebrating Father's Day with their fathers at the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob and his dad are making Krabby Patties.
(SpongeBob is in the kitchen showing his father how to make Krabby Patties.)
Harold SquarePants: So all you do is flip patties all day?
SpongeBob: (laughs) No, it gets a lot more complicated than that. First--
(Cut back to Krusty Krab)
Narrator: Patrick and his father are eating Krabby Patties.
Herb Star: Wow, these are amazing! I wonder how they're made!
Patrick: Well, I'd tell you, but they're watching us...
(Cuts to surveillance cameras surrounding the Krusty Krab interior)
Narrator: And Squidward is also celebrating Father's Day with his--
Squidward (deadpan): Welcome to the Krusty Krab. How can I make your pleasure?
Narrator: Squidward, where's your father?
Squidward: He never came, okay?! Besides, he never even bonded with me when I was just a little squid.
(Mr. Krabs walks out of office)
Mr. Krabs: Mr. Squidward, can I see you in me office?
(Squidward lets out a heavy sign and walks into Mr. Krabs' office)
Squidward: What now, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. Krabs: I heard you talking about your father in me office and I thought I could help you learn more about him and his backstory.
Squidward: Wait, how do you know about my father?
Mr. Krabs: I know because he was my captain in the Navy.
Squidward: Wait, he was in the Navy before?
Mr. Krabs: There's a lot you don't know about your father. Let me tell you all about the story of Howard G. Tentacles.
(SpongeBob barges in)
SpongeBob (excited): Story time! Story time! Story time! Story time!
Mr. Krabs: What's with him?
Squidward: I don't know. For some reason, he always gets this way whenever someone mentions the word "story".
SpongeBob: So what's this story about?
Mr. Krabs: This is a story about Squidward's father. I wasn't sure if you wanted to hear though.
SpongeBob: A story about Squidward's father? Sounds great!
Mr. Krabs: Okay then. Let's get started, shall we?
(Scene: The sea under the sea. As it reveals, Armor Abs Krabs, his Navy buddies from Shell of a Man, and his captain, Howard Tentacles are on a ship.)
Mr. Krabs: After the Chum Famine of '59 happened, I knew I had to do something with my life and join the Arm-med Forces. I was known as Armor Abs Krabs back then and me and my Navy buddies were the biggest toughest people to ever travel the sea.
Howard: Attention!
Old Ironeye: (gasps) It's Captain Tentacles! Pay attention, guys!
Howard: Yeah, uh, thanks for that, Ironeye. Anyway, great job defeating the enemy ships, guys. You'll all get medals, especially you, Armor Ab, for the way you fought those pirates in hand-to-hand combat.
(Everyone claps for Armor Abs Krabs as Captain Tentacles hands him a bravery medal)
Howard: Well, I have to go back to my office now. Keep up the good work, guys!
(The others congratulate Armor Abs Krabs)
Squidward: I'm sorry, but can we please skip forward? I don't want to hear about your Navy days.
Mr. Krabs: Okay, fine. We'll just skip ahead to after the Navy since you're so impatient. Anyway...
(Back to story)
Mr. Krabs (narrating): ...Howard Tentacles returned from the Navy to his family.
Mrs. Tentacles: Welcome back, Howie, how did you do in the Navy?
Howard: I did excellent and so did my crew. Does Squidward still have that job as a cashier at a fast food restaurant?
Mrs. Tentacles: Yes, he still does.
Howard: I always knew he was a disappointment. Why couldn't he get a college degree and work in the Navy like father and son? He could have had his dreams fulfilled!
Mrs. Tentacles: He already has dreams to become a famous clarinet player like his idol, Kelpy G. Why can't you accept that?
Howard: I always wanted a rough and tough son who can defend himself, not a cashier!
Mrs. Tentacles: Why don't you rest, dear? Tomorrow, you have to work at Cephalopolis tomorrow.
Howard: Yeah, I guess you're right.

More coming soon. So far, what do you think about it? Is there anything I need to change to make it better? It would mean a lot to me if you guys gave me your opinion on this.


Mar 16, 2013
I hope Squidward gets his long-deserved hug once he meets his old man.


Porous Freak
May 8, 2014
Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat
I'm enjoying it and I'm excited to read more.

However, it does have kind of a plot hole. I may be looking into this too much, but in "Krab Borg," Spongebob suggested that Squidward's father never hugged him, and he cries. Squidward thinks this ridiculous, and says rather defensively, "My father loved me very much."

Then again... we haven't actually SEEN his dad in the show, so Squidward might have been lying...

I like it. MOAR!

TheOpenWindowManiac said:
I hope Squidward gets his long-deserved hug once he meets his old man.
What are you talking about? Squidward gets hugs constantly!





Jun 29, 2013
Shell City
BabySmitty said:
I'm enjoying it and I'm excited to read more.

However, it does have kind of a plot hole. I may be looking into this too much, but in "Krab Borg," Spongebob suggested that Squidward's father never hugged him, and he cries. Squidward thinks this ridiculous, and says rather defensively, "My father loved me very much."

Then again... we haven't actually SEEN his dad in the show, so Squidward might have been lying...

I like it. MOAR!

What are you talking about? Squidward gets hugs constantly!



Sorry for getting a bit off topic here, but notice how Squidward isn't hugging back in any of those pictures :P


Porous Freak
May 8, 2014
Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat
100-Percent-Spongy said:
Sorry for getting a bit off topic here, but notice how Squidward isn't hugging back in any of those pictures :P
Squidward isn't exactly the "huggy" type of person.
He is, though, surrounded by people who sincerely love him and care about him.

100-Percent-Spongy said:
Sorry for getting a bit off topic here, but notice how Squidward isn't hugging back in any of those pictures :P
here he is hugging little Spingebill



Crazy Artist
Feb 18, 2015
SpongeBob's bed
Really good story.
Wanted to see a good ending, where his father accepts him, and help him with a clarinet concert :D

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
Today, I decided to finish my script for the Squidward's Father episode. Please like and support!

Squidward: Hold that thought, Mr. Krabs! I know everything now! My father lives in Cephalopolis and he never liked me because I became a cashier instead of going to the Navy!
Mr. Krabs: Well, that's not quite it, Squidward. You see, Howard put all his money and dedication into making the buildings bigger and building a pool that he had no more money to pay for taxes. Therefore, Cephalopolis got bulldozed and turned into a place you may not like anymore, Mr. Squidward.
Squidward: Really?! What place is it?
(Cuts to Tentacle Acres. Camera zooms in on a sign that says "Tentacle Acres: Squidward Tentacles Free Since 2001".)
Squidward: (screams) Not that place! I can't go back to that place now seeing what I did to all those people!
Mr. Krabs: And that's why you'll be going in disguise.
SpongeBob: Disguises? Ooh, I love making disguises! Can I help?
Squidward: What?! No, for the love of Neptune, get someone else to--
Mr. Krabs: Why, sure, SpongeBob.
Squidward: Alright, fine, but make it a very convincing disguise.
SpongeBob: Oh, don't worry, Squidward. I know convincing.
(Cuts to Tentacle Acres. We see Squidward disguised in a poorly looking octopus disguise as Tympup A plays in the background.)
Squidward (sarcastic): Very convincing, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Oh, why thank you, Squidward! Now just ring the doorbell.
Intercom: Hello?
Squidward (in disguised voice): Hello, my name is Squiduardo Tentpoles and I would like to join Tentacle Acres
Intercom: Are you now or have ever been a sponge?
Squidward: Nope, not at all.
Intercom: Are you Squidward Tentacles?
Squidward: I just told you my name!
Intercom: (beat) Okay, then, sir.
(Door opens)
Squidward (in normal voice): Okay, now we just have to find building 201 and we can find my father!
SpongeBob: Over there? (points to an Easter Island house with the number "201" written on the door)
Squidward: Wow, that was fast.
(Squidward knocks on the door)
Howard: Coming!
(Howard opens the door)
Howard: Oh, hello, Squiduardo! What brings you here?
Squidward: Actually, it's me, Squidward Tentacles. I was just disguised as someone else.
Howard: (gasps) Squidward Tentacles? Is that you?
Squidward: Yes, it's me. I live a life as a lowly cashier in a grease trap known as The Krusty Krab instead of being a tough sailor in the Navy. I clearly haven't made the right decisions in my life and I'm sorry, Dad.
Howard: No. It's my fault. I should have bonded with you when you were just a child. I should have also respected your decisions to work at the Krusty Krab. I actually don't think it's that bad. I mean, you work in the most successful fast food eatery in Bikini Bottom! And you get paid for it, right?
Squidward: Well--
Mr. Krabs: Of course he does, Mr. Tentacles!
Howard: Well, good for you, Squidward. I'm going to give you something I should have gave you a long time ago.
(Howard hugs Squidward)
Howard: Doesn't that feel much better, son?
Squidward: I love you, Dad.
Howard: I love you too, son. Alright, now you all should head home now.
SpongeBob: Well, Squidward, you finally met your father and hugged him. Good for you!
Squidward: Well, you know what they say. All's well that ends--
(Squidward runs into the real Squiduardo Tentpoles)
Squidward: Huh? Who are you?
Squiduardo: I'm Squiduardo Tentpoles. Who are you?
Squidward: Um, uh, (in disguised voice) Squiduardo Tentpoles?
(SpongeBob, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs start running from an angry mob)
SpongeBob: Now what do we do?
Squidward: Look! A person just entered Tentacle Acres! If we can catch that door that's about to close, we might be able to make it!
Mr. Krabs: Hmm, now we need a buttery substance to slide through that door.
SpongeBob: Like the spare butter you keep in your pocket?
Mr. Krabs: Bingo!
(Mr. Krabs pours the butter on the ground and they all slide on it and successfully make it to the other side on time. Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and SpongeBob all cheer.)
Intercom: And stay out of Tentacle Acres! Forever!
(Bubble transition back to the Krusty Krab still celebrating Father's Day)
SpongeBob: Well, Squidward, you finally came to terms with your father. How do you feel?
Squidward: Well, SpongeBob, it looks like I finally came to terms with my father and, as much as I hate to say it, but I wouldn't have done it without you or Mr. Krabs' help.
Mr. Krabs: No problem! Now back to work, Mr. Squiduardo! (Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob laugh as we get a closing shot of the Krusty Krab)
Squidward: Okay, it isn't that funny. (Krabs and SpongeBob continue laughing) I'm serious! (laughing continues) Stop it!

So what do you all think? Any problems with it? Please let me know in your comments below.