SpongeBob's Psychological Warfare

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
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You see the title and you go, "this must be a classic Roadie topic." :P

Ever wondered why Squidward, no matter how many times he said he hates everything that SB does, always caught the bug. I may have found the answer to this. People might say that it was just a matter of not being lucky. But surely there's more than meap the writer's mind.

Well, here's the theory. Or the hypothetical theorhetical argument :

Squidward fell to SpongeBob's inadvertent mind games. He'd been attracted by the fun-looking activities SB does, especially how SB laughs and screams with happiness.

Obviously, it wouldn't be proven until we find the sources. I've come up with the 5 of the most visible unintentional mind games made by SB to inadvertently attract Squidward to a death trap.

1 :

In one way or another, this is probably why mentally rational people stayed away to do things almost unimaginable. SpongeBob thinks ridiculously big and the writers took a full hand to it. Squidward meanwhile, had no child magic what so ever. He lost literally everything for falling towards the psychologically amusing activity SB did. The yellow exuberance however, enjoyed Squid's ex-stuff after his unitentional seduce falls brilliantly.

2 :

Another episode featuring SpongeBob and Patrick unintentional seducing took place and took a certain squid towards the bait. Squidward showed no interest until he realised the game could kill the tag team beelzebubs. But as the two vows peace, the instigator was having none of it. He wanted the 2 to enjoy the battle like before so he can see both's death. Instead, it would be Squidward who will be seduced to play .....

Against himself, that is.

3 :

An episode where Squid's utter arrogance left him for dead. SpongeBob created the phrase "Have fun inside" as a perfect mind game to destabilize Squidward's raw emotions. Squidward decided he was having none of it, so he joined SB and Pat. That's a short warfare, but enough to create a whole episode!

4 :

Things get to the most extreme levels of psychological warfare around here. For the whole 11 minutes, SB and Pat's secret but simple ability detsabilize Squidward to the marrow of his emotions.

5 :

They say, save the best for last. This is undoubtedly the most extreme case of mind games ever created by SawBob BillyPants. He just sat there with an innocent face and with an innocent look and asking innocent question. Sounds like another Dora special. However, it destablize Squidward till the very deep parts of his complicated artistic mind. Squid went mad. He went berserk.

So, here's the conclusion,

Whether they realise or not, the writers have created one if the most entertaining plot device ever designed. Although there are more ways of getting Squid into trouble, but this was is by far the most enjoyable to watch. Let's hope the writers keep on with this psychological games stuff. Cause really, it is utterly exciting to watch. Even vice cersa! (The Great Snail Race)

So what do you think? What is the best way to get Squidward in trouble? A way that doesn't include heartbreak, or torture metaphors.
Now that I think about it, that does happen alot.....
Yeah whenever SpongeBob says something it's like reverse psychology.
SpongeBob should tell Squidward that Squilliam should not date him.

Unlimitedcha said:
Yeah whenever SpongeBob says something it's like reverse psychology.
SpongeBob should also tell the creators that Squidly appears too much
This is a side of Squidward that I'd like to see more of in the new episodes. It's always funny watching him get dragged into their games but the "holier-than-thou whilst secretly kind of curious" attitude seems to have fallen by the wayside lately.
I've noticed this formula for awhile, but this post made me recognize this plot device's brilliance even more.
I've really never thought about this too much.
It's a seemingly obviously plot, but it can be pushed in a lot of different directions. I really like all of those episodes. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more episodes like those.