SpongeBob Season 1 V.S. Season 4


twitch chat is a gift from god
Nov 16, 2014
Reaction score
In Maine and Poland (at the same time)
If I completely fail at something, It's because I am a n00b. So forgive me, pl0x.

Many people consider these two seasons to be the beginning and the end of the "truly great" SpongeBob, although I do not endorse post-movie haters.

Season 1 has 41 episodes, and Season 4 has 38, so there will be some clumps in this list.

I want to finish this list, unlike OTHER UN-LOYAL, POST ABANDONING MEMBERS of this forum


So, I would like to start this list by beginning to even out the episodes compared.

Oh, and I'm doing this list in the style of Roadie's Season 2 V.S. Season 3 list.

So I would to start this off like this.





This is pretty one sided, sorry about that.
So, Bacon.

~Avenger of forgotten signatures~

It's Help Wanted, Reef Blower, and Tea at the Treedome V.S Fear of a Krabby Patty.

~Avenger of forgotten signatures~

Oopsies, sorry. I'm used to separate posts, and double siggies disgust me.
While Help Wanted and all is the beginning of the show and it's a nice episode. Fear of a Krabby Patty wins for me because C.H. Greenblatt is amazing.
1 VV1|_|_ |V|8

I have one vote for Fear of a Krabby Patty.
This is still the most productive thing I've ever done.

~Avenger of forgotten signatures~

Yep, this is the life.

Yep, um..
I guess Fear of a Krabby Patty wins?
Season 1:0 Season 4:1
President Squidward said:
While Help Wanted and all is the beginning of the show and it's a nice episode. Fear of a Krabby Patty wins for me because C.H. Greenblatt is amazing.
I'd want C. H. Greenblatt back on the show if he wasn't working on Bad Seeds.
Written signatures are signatures, too. D: ^
I guess Fear of a Krabby Patty wins 1-0.
Season 4 takes the lead?

Now, to even it out.




I'm hoping that this match-up will have legitimate votes.

~Avenger of forgotten signatures~

I see.
I need ROADIE!
But, considering that this list is inferior to his, Bacon.

Nobody replies 'cause I'm a n00b
What a warm welcome
BubbleStand is great, ripped pants is good, and Shell of A Man is really great so I guess Shell of A Man
Help Wanted Vs. Fear Of A Krabby Patty: IMO Help Wanted wins due to the better simplicity, but FOAKP is still pretty good
Bubble Stand/ Ripped Pants: BS/RP wins IMO due to the better quality, However SOAM is still OK.
Web Surfer 2.0 said:
Are you seriously using the terms "n00b" and "pl0x"? In 2014 no less?
I'm glad that you noticed.
I'm including my vote.
Help Wanted wins.
So does Bubblestand/Ripped Pants, 2-1. My vote would make it 3-1.
So, Season 1 is winning, 2-0.
Now for the 1 V.S 1 match-ups!




~Written siggies are siggies too~

Double posting, double posting, YEAH!

Yep, this is SO popular.

No replies?
It's 'cause I'm a sheep, isn't it.
Stupid Cows.
The Lost Mattress wins.
Season 1:2 Season 4:1

Now for:




Vote, and a pretty Top Hat will come to your mailbox. Signed by yours truly.

I use too many GIFs.

~Written siggies are siggies too~

Oh, COME ON! Where are you, Roadie, now that I need you most? Even if we've never met, I mean, COME ON!
This list needs NastyPatty2002 as well.
Oh, and my thanks to E.V.I.L. Gee, you REALLY helped my cause.
But is it okay if someone else likes ooooofy too?