SBM goes to Las Vegas


See You Ocean Man...
Aug 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry but I have to do this

Chapter 1
At the Admin's headquarters, all the mods are sitting at a conference table while ssj is standing over by a whiteboard holding a dry erase marker
ssj: Okay, everyone. We have to think of another place for SBM to go for vacation. Do any of you have any ideas?
SBRoxMan: My house? You've seen my collection.
ssj writes down "SBRoxMan's house" on the whiteboard
DMAP: How about my house?
Abney: How about we take ideas from the members instead?
2 days later, the mods hold a public forum in the park. Members from around the world arrive and all sit down in rows of seats while ssj, Abney, and DMAP all stand on a wooden stage with a huge poster that has the SBM logo on it, and the rest of the mods sit in the front few rows
ssj: The time for the annual SBM "company" retreat is arriving fast. And we have no idea where to go.
ssj starts to look upset, and DMAP and Abney look like they're about to cry
ssj: *sniff* We need you to help us.
Abney: Help us, we're so little.
DMAP: We need love.
ssj: HELP US!
E.V.I.L: Let's go to HPL's house.
Cha/CowBob: Nooooooo, LET'S GO TO MY HOUSE!
All of the members start arguing over where to go.
ssj: Settle down, please!
No one stops
Still no response, SBRoxMan climbs up onto the stage and stands in front of the microphone
Everyone suddenly stops
Random Member: But I like fighting!
"Random Member" has been kicked from the chat
DMAP: Here's an idea. Why don't all of you tell us some places you've been and see if that gives us any ideas?
Storm raises his hand, DMAP points at him
DMAP: Yes, Storm? Where have you gone on vacation?
Storm: PhillipB's house.
PhillipB: Wait, what?
Roadie raises his hand, DMAP calls on him
Roadie: On every vacation any and all of you have been on, you've all gone to Earth. That is a true fact, and is very logical.
Random Spaceman floats by in the sky
Random Spaceman: That's not true!
I raise my hand, DMAP calls on me
Me: Okay. Before I say this, I didn't love this place. It was both good and bad. Nonetheless, there is lots of SpongeBob merchandise there, and although you will have to work for it, it will be worth it. I think we should go to Las Vegas.
ssj: Well... you ARE the only person that actually described somewhere that we realistically could actually go... ah, what the :Dolphin Noise: , why not?

Coming up next on "SBM goes to Las Vegas": the members arrive at the airport and board their airplane... of course, things don't go exactly as planned!
*sniffs* Don't you smell the freshness of new fad?
StormAllenBryat said:
I love this. More please more.
More coming soon!

TheSlash-BringingHasher said:
Can I be included?
Every member that I've met that has more than 100 posts should at least have a cameo, so yes.

TheOpenWindowManiac said:
*sniffs* Don't you smell the freshness of new fad?

E.V.I.L said:
Let me guess
The heat kills HPL and I and we both land in hell?
o.o DUDE, NO!
BrickSponge2015 said:
o.o DUDE, NO!
I can guarantee you that if I wrote something about us all going to Fairbanks in the winter, I'd just freeze most of you to death. (yes, including yourself)
E.V.I.L said:
I can guarantee you that if I wrote something about us all going to Fairbanks in the winter, I'd just freeze most of you to death. (yes, including yourself)
That's some sick ::dolphin noise::.
StormAllenBryat said:
Well this be updating tonight?
New chapter should be up by noon tomorrow :)

Award said:
Well time to get left behind for talking too much about the Broncos beating the Seahawks with a shutout win :sbgrin:
Okay, I'm sorry, but I've just about had it with this. I've never bragged about the Seahawks winning ever before, and you constantly hating on them specifically in my topics is really getting annoying and kind of offending me. I'm sorry, and I don't want to be that one party pooper who can't take a joke, but just PLEASE stop. I don't care if you hate them, but can you please just stop rubbing it in my face? I'm sorry, but just PLEASE STOP already!
BrickSponge2015 said:
New chapter should be up by noon tomorrow :)

Okay, I'm sorry, but I've just about had it with this. I've never bragged about the Seahawks winning ever before, and you constantly hating on them specifically in my topics is really getting annoying and kind of offending me. I'm sorry, and I don't want to be that one party pooper who can't take a joke, but just PLEASE stop. I don't care if you hate them, but can you please just stop rubbing it in my face? I'm sorry, but just PLEASE STOP already!
uh constantly? This is like the 2nd time I've done it and it was a joke since you love them and I dislike them. If you think I hate Seattle, well try Pittsburgh, well only the Penguins really, just see me rant on them. But seriously, I'm sure it's like the 3rd time I've mentioned them, and I never bragged about MY teams, just a little sidenote on how I'm not trying to make up, but hey Seattle mainly HAD to take the best wide receivers my team really had at the time, so yeah Seattle irritates me a lot. Fine then I'll stop it here but I won't stop thinking about it though. Besides I wasn't even specifically rubbing it in your face, again it was an accident and I could do WAY and I mean WAY worse intentionally. Leave me out of this story then I don't care really but if it bothers you then fine.
Chapter 2
All the members are at the airport, waiting to leave and shopping. They're wearing SBM T-shirts
Me: Does anyone want to go and buy an SB Beanie Ball, keychain, or coloring book?
A few members raise their hand
Me: Come with me, I know where to buy them. We can pick up some bagels on the way!
Me and a small group of members walk away
Guy on loudspeaker: Las Vegas, boarding in 15 minutes!
DMAP: That gives us some time. If any of you want to get anything else, you should get it now.
A few more members walk away
SBRoxMan: I'm going to go and play SpongeBob Moves In.
SBRoxMan goes and sits down in one of the chairs right outside the boarding area, the other members sit down by him and start doing random things. Meanwhile, me and the group of members are walking to the seats holding Beanie Balls, keychains, coloring books, and bagels
Guy on loudspeaker: 5 minutes!
Me: Well, at least we made it in time, and I got a SB Beanie Ball.
Me and Storm have slightly freaked out reactions
Storm: ...Yeah...
Trophy/Award: Uh... sorry about that.
We reach the seats at the same time the plane starts boarding
TheSlash-BringingHasher: It sure was nice of ssj to pay for our plane tickets! Can I have mine?
ssj: I didn't.
Deadly silence, then members start panicking
ssj: :Dolphin Noise:
Pineapple: WE HAVE TO GET ON!
ssj: Okay, that's it. We'll make it-
Close-up of ssj's face with dramatic lighting
ssj: -even if we have to fight.
Coming up next on "SBM goes to Las Vegas": SBM vs. Airport Security!
Anyways great epi. can't wait for the next one.
i wish this happened in real life