Same Plot, Opposite Title

Skill Crane ---> Luck Chest

(A chest is kind of the opposite of a crane game. You pay a crane game to get something out of it while a chest you nothing to put something inside.)
Dunces and Dragons ---> Geniuses and Unicorns

(Dragons are intimidating mythical creatures, while unicorns are (mostly) cute creatures. It's kind of a weird comparison, but it works, I guess.)
Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy VI: The Motion Picture ---> Kraken Woman & Jellyfish Girl VI: The TV Show

(Finally, we're done with all of the MM&BB ones (for now!))
Karate Island ---> Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Lake

(We skipped this one, but now that we did it we can move on to Wishing You Well.)