Phineas & Ferb


May 1, 2006
Reaction score
England, United Kingdom
Just wondering what everyone's opinion on the show is. :)
It's my 2nd favourite cartoon behind SpongeBob. I watched one episode out of boredom in 2010, and I was immediately hooked! Definitely one of the funniest cartoons out there! :)
Watched it from the beginning. I love that show. Love the songs. Love the fact that Perry the Platypus is a secret agent. Love Doofensmirtz and his relationship with his daughter. Love the humor.
Love everything. My favorite episodes are Summer Belongs To You!, Across The Second Dimension, Rollercoaster: The Musical!, Meapless In Seattle and Oh There You Are, Perry!. :)
I'm sad I haven't watched in forever because my stupid parents removed both channels. I guess SpongeBob became a bigger priority for me. :/
Yeah, Phineas and Ferb is awesome! In fact, I actually think it's one of the only good shows on Disney Channel now along with Gravity Falls. You've got to love Perry!
I really love this show, but the humor is a little out there, and the new episodes are worse than the first ones. Still, this show has a place in my heart.
My favorite episode is when phineas and ferb spilt candace into two personalitys. One is for bustng, whle the other wants to hang out with jermeay
I've been watching in since the beginning and I'm still watching it even if I'm not too interested in it anymore.
It's my favorite show on Disney channel. I don't watch it much but when i do, i really enjoy myself. My favorite episodes are the ones with MEEP and really good songs but not the ones with just transition songs because those are boring. I like the ones where they flat out sing.
I used to love this show, haven't caught up in a while. And when I say love, I mean love. This show was my life. But, sometime after the movie, something happened, and I just stopped loving it. The episodes weren't at as high a quality as they were in the past- Although episodes like Remains Of The Platypus kept me watching for their sheer brilliance. I stopped watching recently. I haven't seen a single Season 4 episode- Has the show improved any since the middle half of Season 3?
I haven't watched the show in a LONG time. I think i stopped watching it around the time when the movie came out as well. I do sense that P&F changed just by the little snippets i have seen of the show. I don't really watch disney channel anymore so I probably won't check it out.
this is what I think about the show:
The show was OK at the start but it is the same thing over and over again every show pretty boring and now it is getting cheesier ugh 2/10
It's an alright show; it's definitely better than all the other junk they show on Disney. What I don't like though is that it's kinda repetitive; it uses the same main plot over and over again in almost every episode.
Love this show...haven't seen in a while though. The songs are fantastic! :D I bought the first album some years ago and I have a Perry shirt. :3

Anyone here watch Doof's Daily Dirt?
President Squidly said:
I'm sorry, but I hate this show. It isn't funny, its repetitive every single episode... Just ugggghhhhhhhhh... 0/10