Original Framerate

Yes. Most traditional cartoons--even now, inclusive of Spongebob--run at 24 FPS. Increasing the FPS in editing can make animations run extremely smoothly and--in fact, beautifully--especially at 60 FPS. Cartoons usually draw at 24 FPS and telecine to 30, which is around the range where Spongebob animation is at as well.

I'm not sure about the exact framerate SB is animated in and--quite frankly--I couldn't find it whatsoever. But anyway, I hope this helps a good bit @Enzito.
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I believe since around season 8 or so, SpongeBob's framerate has been locked in at 24fps. Before that, the show would occasionally have 60fps scenes - most notably the Patchy the Pirate segments. All streaming copies of the show, however, have those scenes downconverted to 24fps.