My Rival's Suicide! The Aftermath Of Squidward's Suicide!


Best Boy
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
Growlie's Den
Will also be shared on Deviantart also! There's no need to explain the Squidward Suicide creepypasta, I'm sure everyone now has heard of it by now. It's also one of my favorites besides Ben Drowned and NES Godzilla creepypasta and many more. But today our focus here is Squidward's Suicide and the little story I wrote that takes place after the pasta, written like any other fanfic from the show. This story features Squidward's archrival Squilliam Fancyson learning about Squidward's failure and want to rub it in his face.

I want to also note that, with this story I tried a different style of writing so I hope you'll like it. So, let's get to my story, My Rival's Suicide...


A cold wind blew, surrounding a depressed octopus in bitterly cold air while he was approaching his house. Tears flooded down his cheeks as he hurriedly unlocked his door, shivering as thunder rumbled ominously overhead. Lightning strikes as Squidward swung open his door, entering his home just as the first drops of rain begun to fall. The cephalopod's door is slammed shut, matching the loud crack of thunder as it boomed louder, startling Squidward as he retreats to his bedroom quickly. Where he then set on his bed and sobbed loudly, the images of the concert still fresh in his mind, haunting him as his cries are overlapped by thunder. Soon, It reached a point where the griefstricken cephalopod could no longer take it. Slowly reaching his trembling tentacle towards his nightstand, Squidward curls it over the knob and opens the drawer. Snifflng, Squidward wiped his tear-stained eyes as he took out what was contained inside. Meanwhile, at 950 King Street, Squilliam Fancyson was watching Tv and sees the events of the concert. Squidward played his piece in front of the crowd who, to the delight of Squilliam, all begin to boo his rival. He leans in closer, wanting to see Squidward's face, but due to the storm the Tv cut off before showing the desired shot.

The unibrowed octopus mumbles under his breath, as the rumbling thunder seemed to be mocking him, though he find himself picking up his phone instead to call Squidward. Feeling he should rub this all in his face, Dailing the number, Squilliam waited for Squidward to answer his phone, only to hang up out of annoyance when getting the answering machine. Glancing back at the Tv, Squilliam saw that the picture was back, all he sees though is a strange red mist and Squidward standing motionless on stage before there was a blast of loud static. Fumbling with the remote Squilliam lowers the volume all the way to zero in a haste and shut off the Tv, he took a moment to steady his breathing as the sudden loud noise, had come close to giving him his second heart-attack. "Dear Neptune!" Squilliam groans. "I Thought I had It at a decent volume already!" Going to his closet he pulled out an umbrella. "Lucky for my staff these walls are Sound Proof!!" Squilliam let out a sigh. "But nevermind I'll sort this out after I pay Squiddy a visit!"

Laughing, Squilliam left his bedroom and proudly makes his way down the long halls of his house, greeting staff members along the way. He also informs them of where he's heading as he enters the foyer, where he's stopped only for a moment by his butler. "Master, are you sure you want to go out in this awful weather?" In which, the unibrowed octopus simply chuckled out a reply. "No need to be concerned good sir, It's just a light drizzling." Bowing his head the butler opens the door for Squilliam who prepared his umbrella, lightning flashes as Squilliam left the safety of his mansion. He kept a firm grip on his umbrella as the wind was strong, making his way to his garage Squilliam closed his umbrella and shook it dry as he gets into his expensive boat. The storm has settled to a light sprinkle as Squilliam pulls up to 122 Conch Street, preparing his umbrella again the wealthy octopus walks merrily up to Squidward's house and knocks on his door. No sounds were heard inside, Squilliam knocks a second time. "OOoooh Squidddy!!"

Squilliam raised his voice over a loud crackle of thunder, he waits still, his patience though wears thin as he still gets no answer or response. "Helllllo? Anybody Home?" Squilliam continues knocking with hopes of annoying him to the point where he'd answer, as he was beginning to shiver. "If you carry on ignoring me Squiddy, I'll just have to let myself in!" The wind picked up, bitterly cold air surrounded the unibrowed octopus. "I happen to know where you keep your key!" Squilliam listens, waiting, after a few minutes Squilliam scoffs and leans down. Taking hold of the key underneath the doormat, he grinned despite being cold. "I've the key right here!" Squilliam said in a sing-song voice while placing the key into the keyhole and turns, he still hears nothing as he slowly opens his rival's door. The house was dark and, eerily quiet as Squilliam peeks inside. "Squiddy?" Closing and shaking his umbrella dry for the third time, Squilliam enters the house. Shutting the door behind him, he placed the umbrella beside the door, all the while listening for any sigh of Squidward. The wealthy cephalopod then searched the house for his rival, just then he shudders as he gets a sudden chill, shaking it off he made his way up the stairs. "Squidward?" His voice echoed, "Are Ya Home?"

Making his way down the hall, the octopus for reasons he did not know, just couldn't shake off that foreboding feeling that something was wrong. It certainly wasn't the first time he had even been in his rival's home either, however now he had a sudden sense of dread. At this moment Squilliam felt that he shouldn't be here, and it wasn't just because he entered Squidward's house without his knowledge. When reaching the bedroom of his rival, Squilliam felt strangely hesitate to announce himself to Squidward. Sure, he had came here to taunt him, to rub in his failure. But now for some reason he felt reluctant, and he couldn't explain it no matter how hard he tried. Standing in front of the door, he listens for movement inside, there was none so Squilliam deeply sighs and slowly grabs the knob and shakily turn.

A loud crack is heard as Squilliam opens the door, only to freeze when he smells something that instantly horrified him. Shoving the door open, the unibrowed cephalopod's trembling legs gave way, buckling underneath him. What he set his eyes on made him reel backward and collapse. "Oh Shrimp!!" In the room, laying on the bed, was his archrival's mangle up body. He was laying on his side, one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at him. Squidward Tentacles, his old rival from highschool bandclass, was dead. "Holy Sweet Neptune!!" No!! No!!

So how was that eh? This is part [1] so the next one will be featured here as well and...for the heck of it, maybe Ghost In The Darkness to! Which will be Squilliam's final nightmare.
Well, you know I love it already. Good idea adding the picture with it here, BTW!
Growlie said:
The picture did inspire the story after all.

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I know! :D

It's just neat to see them together. ;)

But, really, I cannot say enough about this story. I LOVE the part where Squilliam is all calling to Squidward, as he stand before the door, and is like "I'll just let myself in" and "I know where you hide the key" and "Okay, I've got the key now!"... that was so perfectly Squilliam, I think.

And, I really cannot wait to read the next part, when you get to it.
Squidina said:
I know! :D

It's just neat to see them together. ;)

But, really, I cannot say enough about this story. I LOVE the part where Squilliam is all calling to Squidward, as he stand before the door, and is like "I'll just let myself in" and "I know where you hide the key" and "Okay, I've got the key now!"... that was so perfectly Squilliam, I think.

And, I really cannot wait to read the next part, when you get to it.
It was something I'm sure Squilliam would do If Squidward didn't answer his door, or just refused to. It just seemed more believable then to just have him climb up the house with his suction cups, cause we're not quite sure on the strength they have just yet.

As for the next chapter I'm not sure if rather I just have him in Squidward's house still, or just have him at his mansion looking down. I hope to get started on it soon, as I really can't wait to get started on the hauntings in Bikini Bottom and Squilliam's nightmares.
Growlie said:
It was something I'm sure Squilliam would do If Squidward didn't answer his door, or just refused to. It just seemed more believable then to just have him climb up the house with his suction cups, cause we're not quite sure on the strength they have just yet.

As for the next chapter I'm not sure if rather I just have him in Squidward's house still, or just have him at his mansion looking down. I hope to get started on it soon, as I really can't wait to get started on the hauntings in Bikini Bottom and Squilliam's nightmares.

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We also don't know if Squilliam would even climb up a house..

As for where to go next, I could totally understand if he'd end back in his mansion... it would sort of make sense that he would either call the police after finding Squidward's body, or, actually flee back to his home. I could see him just running back home.
Of course, it's up to you what you choose to do, just wanted to suggest that it would work if you'd start the next part with him back at home.

But, I could also see him staying a while, just that I would not have a clue what else to do there.
Squidina said:
We also don't know if Squilliam would even climb up a house..

As for where to go next, I could totally understand if he'd end back in his mansion... it would sort of make sense that he would either call the police after finding Squidward's body, or, actually flee back to his home. I could see him just running back home.
Of course, it's up to you what you choose to do, just wanted to suggest that it would work if you'd start the next part with him back at home.

But, I could also see him staying a while, just that I would not have a clue what else to do there.
If I do start with Squilliam at his home, then maybe he will have a flashback from after he recovered from the amount of shock he had experienced after finding Squidward's body. It's pretty sad when you Imagine just how empty his funeral would be, with only our mine cast of characters there.

If this also takes the Idea from "Red Mist" [cause I used that for a moment when Squilliam looks at the Tv] then maybe they wouldn't remember booing Squidward at the concert. For SpongeBob It may have been a nightmare, more so when he realized it was real. I may include SpongeBob when I write about the hauntings around Bikini Bottom, [or just the concert hall] since the nightmares may just be Squilliam's part only.
Oh, wow, that image is.. poooor Squiddy! Yeah, that would likely be what Squilliam finds, that makes sence.

Oh, if you're not logged into DevArt, they won't be able to see the image as it's listed as mature content.

Also, I KNOW that artist, malaard.. I did not know they drew SpongeBob fanart.
Squidina said:
Oh, wow, that image is.. poooor Squiddy! Yeah, that would likely be what Squilliam finds, that makes sence.

Oh, if you're not logged into DevArt, they won't be able to see the image as it's listed as mature content.

Also, I KNOW that artist, malaard.. I did not know they drew SpongeBob fanart.
It would also scar him for life, and led to his nightmares to.
Yes, absolutely. Finding someone who blew their own brains out would not be pleasant, to say the least. It'd be very scarring.

He'd want to get out of there as quick as possible. Which is what I've written so far for the next part, him running away.

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My Rival's Suicide pt 2 Is Completed, and WILL be posted SOON!!!
FINALLY!!! At Long Last! part 2 of "My Rival's Suicide" Is completed and ready to be viewed by all! I'll have some extra notes below after the story.

So here's part 2 of "My Rival's Suicide!"


Suddenly feeling nauseous and sick to his stomach, Squilliam fled from his rival's bedroom forgetting all about his umbrella as he's throwing open the front door to Squidward's house. Trembling, Squilliam unlocked his boat in a mad haste and came close to hitting his head as he climbs inside. A crack of louder thunder startled Squilliam who sped back to his mansion, clutching the steering wheel with one hand and his stomach with the other. Once Squilliam pulled back into his garage and parks his boat, he immediately rushed inside his mansion, ignoring every single question that was asked as he ran down the hallways and upstairs to the shelter of his bedroom.

Shutting himself in his bedroom, Squilliam retreats to his bed and hid in the soft, silky canopy surrounding his bed. There he simply sits in pure, dead silence with the only sounds being his heavy breathing as he's shivering and clinging to all four legs. Squidward. His classmate from highschool, his archrival from then on, now dead. Laying on his bed in a bloody mess, that image was deeply embedded in Squilliam's mind, that scene alone would haunt his nightmares. Nausea took hold of him and the unibrowed octopus soon left the safety of his canopy, rushing into his bathroom he begins throwing up and having an empty stomach didn't make it any better on him.

Once he was sure he was okay, Squilliam then washes his face then takes a small cup of water to drink while returning to his bed moaning, even with that nausea gone Squilliam just couldn't being himself to sleep. As all he could think about, was Squidward, and the horrible way he had died. Why? Why had Squidward done this to himself? Was It...could it had been what had happened at the concert he saw earlier? Had it been because the crowd had all booed him off the stage? Squilliam started blanky into space, thinking it over and taking it all in. No, surely that couldn't had been it. Squidward had been booed of the stage, more times then he could count, but he would just be aggravated. His rival had never been one for giving up, whatever challenge he threw at him Squidward had never backed down. Even if he had been shunned, Squidward would swear that he'll prove himself time and time again, so what made this different from those other times?

Blinking, Squilliam gazed down at his bed sheets, recalling what he had watched before leaving his house. All he could remember though was the crowd booing his rival, everything after this was all a blank. But, was that really why he had...? No...nothing had seemed out of the ordinary, as far as he could recall. So deep in his thoughts, the millionaire was startled by a sudden flash of lightning lighting up his darken bedroom. Something suddenly crosses Squilliam's mind, could all this have been, his own fault? Had what he said to Squidward, before the concert, led to his possible suicide? Thunder rumble ominously, as if to echo his very thoughts, Squilliam is then struck with a great deal of grief. Tears well up in his eyes, he wipes them with a shaky tentacle. *sniff* "Sq-Squiddy I-I'm sorry."

The millionaire whimpers as he placed his hands on his face, a knock is then heard at his door. Squilliam ignored it, a minute later his door is opened and his housekeeper steps into the room. "Squilliam?" Lowering his tentacles, Squilliam peeks out from behind his canopy before pulling it fully back when seeing Squilissa approach his bed, where he wipes his tears away for a second time. "Sir? What's wrong?"

"It-It's Squidward, I went to visit him earlier and he-he's-
"What happened to him? Is he hurt?"
"No-no It's worse he's- *whimpers*-de-de-dead! Squidward's Dead!

Pulling the canopy back more, the millionaire offers Squilissa a set on his bed, which the shell-shocked cephalopod accepts. "Ye-yes I-I saw the concert on Tv, went to his place an-and found him laying on his bed de-dead, from what I could tell he-he took his own life!" Squilliam's housekeeper let out a quiet gasp. "You mean-?" the wealthy octopus simply nodded, the unpleasant memory still fresh in his mind, the scene was just unsettling especially when finding him with one lifeless eye that just stared blankly at nothing. "The concert didn't go over so well, ole Squiddy had ended up being booted off the stage."

"That's terrible! Those people should be ashamed of themsel-!"

She paused when noticing her master flinch out of the corner of her eye. "Squilliam?"

"They're not all to blame, I share that blame to."

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Squilissa turned to face Squilliam just as his head droops, he then begun shaking. "I-I met with Squidward just an hour before the concert an I-[sniff]-I had told him not to bother preforming, that he was going to fail because he-he-[chokes back a sob]-he just sucks at playing Clarinet!" As tears begin to slide down her master's face, Squilissa went and grabs some tissues and hands them to Squilliam whose tear-stained face broke her heart. "Even-even when knowing that he was to fail, I thought he'd live through his failure an-...The wealthy octopus paused to blow his nose..-demand another go, preform in concert another day. Bu-but now he-won't ever play Clarinet again, and that's because-"...Squilliam stops for only a minute to discard the used tissue in the trash, Squilissa hands him a fresh one as he set back down on the bed...-"because I..I drove him!"

"No, sir!"

Squilissa cuts her master off, gazing deep into his amber eyes, wiping tears from them. "I don't want you saying things like that! You're not to blame for th-"

"But I-"
"It Isn't your fault! There are some things in this world that we have no control over. Squidward knows you would've stopped him if you had been there."
Squilliam let out a soft sign. "I appreciate what you're doing, but..I still share the blame either way. Even If I had not been there in the crowd, even If I wasn't booing him to, I had still taken part. Maybe If I hadn't seen Squidward before the event, maybe If I had not been so tempted to bring him down then maybe, just maybe he'd still be alive. "The housekeeper drapes an arm around Squilliam as he lowers his head again, she set closer to him as he begun to cry softly. "He'd still be al-alive." Squilliam muttered quietly under his breath, after a few minutes have past, Squilliam slowly lifts his head. "I...can't believe that...I'll never see him again, or hear his voice, and It's all because of-"

"Have you called the police yet?"

The unibrowed octopus glanced at his housekeeper, accepting another tissue handed to him. "No, ma-maybe I'll call them early tomorrow morning. I-I just don't know If I have It in me at the moment. This Is to much for me to take in right now." They carry on talking for most of the night as, Squilliam didn't think he could possibly sleep which Squilissa, though tired, tries her best to hide her sleepyness from her master and stayed up. Squilliam however had caught glimpses of her yawning out of the corner of his eye, after blowing his nose for the forth time, he sent her off to bed. Reassuring her that he'd be alright, that he just needed to deal with this all on his own. Really, after what he had seen at Squidward's house, the unibrowed octopus didn't want to be alone at all. But he wasn't gonna keep his housekeeper awake when she had Important duties to tend to, besides he wasn't a scared little child anymore. Squilliam remembered how Squilissa had treated him as if he was her own son, which as of today, had never change.

This more, happier memory is able to force a chuckle from the millionaire, though it had not been enough to distract him from Squidward. Alright knowing that he'd be unable to really get any shut eye, Squilliam found himself standing out on his balcony, letting out a sigh as he stared in the direction of his rival's house. "Oh Squidward-" a gentle breeze then picked up, carrying with it a very pleasant aroma, sort of a musky smell, Squilliam breathes in the fresh clean air through his mouth. "Why did you do It?" Speaking to nobody in particular, Squilliam tilted his head up to, where he wanted to believe Squidward would be now. "I mean...You had your whole Life Ahead Of You! Why Would You Do Something So-So Cowardly Squidward Q. Tentacles?!! Why?!!" Squilliam found himself yelling up at the heavens, suddenly angry, which doesn't linger around for more then two seconds. Taking another deep breath, the millionaire lowers his head. "Of course, It shouldn't be you I'm angry at Squiddy, sure you disappointed me by going through with this. But I'm more angry with myself. Forgive me, ole chum, forgive me."

Squilliam was done shedding tears by this point, the few left over were wiped clean before moving away from the balcony back to his bedroom. His bed was the first to meet his gaze, he yawned, but shaking his head he turned away. Squilliam drags his feet over to his dresser, towards a fancy jewel-encrusted picture frame. Curling his tentacle around the frame Squilliam gazed sorrowfully at the picture within, an old photo of him and his rival back when they were in highschool.


The wealthy octopus gave a brief chuckle when seeing his younger self giving a younger Squidward bunny ears while he's happily smiling, the memory was a joyish one, at the sametime it brought back the pain he felt. "Those were the days, eh Squiddy?" Carrying the picture over to his nightstand, Squilliam yawned as he set on his bed.

Memories flooded back as he's staring at the picture of his old friend. "I wish 'sigh' I honestly wish that I could take all of what happened to us back! It may not have always seemed like it, but Squiddy, I've Always wanted to repair our friendship. My pride though, just always got in the way." Yawning again, Squilliam gently places the picture on his nightstand, he yawns again. "It's to late to fix what had long since been broken, the only thing I can do for you Squiddy old pal is make sure you're put to rest." Leaning over the wealthy octopus picked up his alarm clock, which read two O-clock, and begun setting it while he kept yawning. "First thing in the morning, I Promise! I'll arrange everything!"

Finally, after spending most of the night fighting sleep, Squilliam is forced to surrender. It would seem like he had yawned about five times already, pulling back the covers the millionaire adjusts the pillow before climbing into bed and, leaving his canopy only partly opened so he could still see the old picture of him and Squidward. Squilliam had a restless sleep that night, as everyone of his dreams were filled with memories of their old highschool days. He's filled with pain while watching his younger self talk with a younger Squidward out in the hallways, holding back tears as he watches himself tease Squidward during lunch and in class. His eyes well up with tears when he watched his archrival, his old friend, wave goodbye to his younger self before he leaves the school grounds. Where he simply, fades out of thin air. "Squidward No Come Back!"

He then heard a faint voice in his ear. 'Squilliam' The wealthy octopus spun around two times looking for the source of the voice whom he believed to be Squidward's voice. "Sq-Squiddy?! Squiddy?!" Everything suddenly grew dark around him, Squilliam became scared. "Squidward Where Are You!!" Squilliam awakes in an instant, upon catching sight of the picture frame on the nightstand, he leans over slowly, shivering while gently lifting it up. Taking one last glance at the picture, Squilliam wrapped his arms around the frame held to his chest as fresh tears stream down his face.

Well, this was part 2, I really hope it was good. This certainly will be the last fanfic where suicide is featured since, It's so hard! My younger sister, known as Emmalinefires97 on Deviantart, helped with acouple of lines said by Squilly's housekeeper on here like...

There are some things in this world that we have no control over.


Squidward knows you would've stopped him if you had been there.

So she help with the middle part. I didn't think I was ever gonna get chapter 2 done mainly cause I did not want to speed through it. Or just write anything down and be done, It's nice, in a way, to show Squilliam in a different light. And have him deal with something other then fame and fortune, I guess he's dealing with something that he never would've thought he'd have to deal with.

I had thought about adding the five stages of grief in here but I wasn't sure on how to add it, I do have him confused when he's trying to figure out why Squidward did it. Most of this feelings are mostly guilt and sorrow, and for a minute he's angry, which was him calling Squidward out when he's on his balcony but he switches back to guilt and sorrow.

And I suppose Squilliam's guilt comes from him teasing Squidward before the concert, I had decided not to include a flashback so we can only imagine how their conversation played out, besides what Squilliam tells us in the story. I also wonder If the talk between Squilliam and his housekeeper was to short, I guess It was but that was probably due to my brain stalling on me.

Weirder things will start happening to Squilliam in part three, thought part three may focus on SpongeBob not remembering what happened at the concert. Maybe, when Squidward doesn't come to work SpongeBob may go back to see what was up. And that, may be when I have the police at that point.

Just an Extra note, chapter 2 took the longest for me cause, well since It's about suicide, I didn't want to just write anything down! But It's hard to write about for a first timer like me. So, after "My Rival's Suicide" will I write another fanfic about suicide? Probably not. This may be the only one I do about it since it Was taking place after Squidward's Suicide.

Please, tell me how I did on this chapter!
Nice. Maybe for the final part, have Squilliam encounter what caused Squidward's eyes to withdraw and bleed...