Best Boy
Will also be shared on Deviantart also! There's no need to explain the Squidward Suicide creepypasta, I'm sure everyone now has heard of it by now. It's also one of my favorites besides Ben Drowned and NES Godzilla creepypasta and many more. But today our focus here is Squidward's Suicide and the little story I wrote that takes place after the pasta, written like any other fanfic from the show. This story features Squidward's archrival Squilliam Fancyson learning about Squidward's failure and want to rub it in his face.
I want to also note that, with this story I tried a different style of writing so I hope you'll like it. So, let's get to my story, My Rival's Suicide...

A cold wind blew, surrounding a depressed octopus in bitterly cold air while he was approaching his house. Tears flooded down his cheeks as he hurriedly unlocked his door, shivering as thunder rumbled ominously overhead. Lightning strikes as Squidward swung open his door, entering his home just as the first drops of rain begun to fall. The cephalopod's door is slammed shut, matching the loud crack of thunder as it boomed louder, startling Squidward as he retreats to his bedroom quickly. Where he then set on his bed and sobbed loudly, the images of the concert still fresh in his mind, haunting him as his cries are overlapped by thunder. Soon, It reached a point where the griefstricken cephalopod could no longer take it. Slowly reaching his trembling tentacle towards his nightstand, Squidward curls it over the knob and opens the drawer. Snifflng, Squidward wiped his tear-stained eyes as he took out what was contained inside. Meanwhile, at 950 King Street, Squilliam Fancyson was watching Tv and sees the events of the concert. Squidward played his piece in front of the crowd who, to the delight of Squilliam, all begin to boo his rival. He leans in closer, wanting to see Squidward's face, but due to the storm the Tv cut off before showing the desired shot.
The unibrowed octopus mumbles under his breath, as the rumbling thunder seemed to be mocking him, though he find himself picking up his phone instead to call Squidward. Feeling he should rub this all in his face, Dailing the number, Squilliam waited for Squidward to answer his phone, only to hang up out of annoyance when getting the answering machine. Glancing back at the Tv, Squilliam saw that the picture was back, all he sees though is a strange red mist and Squidward standing motionless on stage before there was a blast of loud static. Fumbling with the remote Squilliam lowers the volume all the way to zero in a haste and shut off the Tv, he took a moment to steady his breathing as the sudden loud noise, had come close to giving him his second heart-attack. "Dear Neptune!" Squilliam groans. "I Thought I had It at a decent volume already!" Going to his closet he pulled out an umbrella. "Lucky for my staff these walls are Sound Proof!!" Squilliam let out a sigh. "But nevermind I'll sort this out after I pay Squiddy a visit!"
Laughing, Squilliam left his bedroom and proudly makes his way down the long halls of his house, greeting staff members along the way. He also informs them of where he's heading as he enters the foyer, where he's stopped only for a moment by his butler. "Master, are you sure you want to go out in this awful weather?" In which, the unibrowed octopus simply chuckled out a reply. "No need to be concerned good sir, It's just a light drizzling." Bowing his head the butler opens the door for Squilliam who prepared his umbrella, lightning flashes as Squilliam left the safety of his mansion. He kept a firm grip on his umbrella as the wind was strong, making his way to his garage Squilliam closed his umbrella and shook it dry as he gets into his expensive boat. The storm has settled to a light sprinkle as Squilliam pulls up to 122 Conch Street, preparing his umbrella again the wealthy octopus walks merrily up to Squidward's house and knocks on his door. No sounds were heard inside, Squilliam knocks a second time. "OOoooh Squidddy!!"
Squilliam raised his voice over a loud crackle of thunder, he waits still, his patience though wears thin as he still gets no answer or response. "Helllllo? Anybody Home?" Squilliam continues knocking with hopes of annoying him to the point where he'd answer, as he was beginning to shiver. "If you carry on ignoring me Squiddy, I'll just have to let myself in!" The wind picked up, bitterly cold air surrounded the unibrowed octopus. "I happen to know where you keep your key!" Squilliam listens, waiting, after a few minutes Squilliam scoffs and leans down. Taking hold of the key underneath the doormat, he grinned despite being cold. "I've the key right here!" Squilliam said in a sing-song voice while placing the key into the keyhole and turns, he still hears nothing as he slowly opens his rival's door. The house was dark and, eerily quiet as Squilliam peeks inside. "Squiddy?" Closing and shaking his umbrella dry for the third time, Squilliam enters the house. Shutting the door behind him, he placed the umbrella beside the door, all the while listening for any sigh of Squidward. The wealthy cephalopod then searched the house for his rival, just then he shudders as he gets a sudden chill, shaking it off he made his way up the stairs. "Squidward?" His voice echoed, "Are Ya Home?"
Making his way down the hall, the octopus for reasons he did not know, just couldn't shake off that foreboding feeling that something was wrong. It certainly wasn't the first time he had even been in his rival's home either, however now he had a sudden sense of dread. At this moment Squilliam felt that he shouldn't be here, and it wasn't just because he entered Squidward's house without his knowledge. When reaching the bedroom of his rival, Squilliam felt strangely hesitate to announce himself to Squidward. Sure, he had came here to taunt him, to rub in his failure. But now for some reason he felt reluctant, and he couldn't explain it no matter how hard he tried. Standing in front of the door, he listens for movement inside, there was none so Squilliam deeply sighs and slowly grabs the knob and shakily turn.
A loud crack is heard as Squilliam opens the door, only to freeze when he smells something that instantly horrified him. Shoving the door open, the unibrowed cephalopod's trembling legs gave way, buckling underneath him. What he set his eyes on made him reel backward and collapse. "Oh Shrimp!!" In the room, laying on the bed, was his archrival's mangle up body. He was laying on his side, one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at him. Squidward Tentacles, his old rival from highschool bandclass, was dead. "Holy Sweet Neptune!!" No!! No!!
So how was that eh? This is part [1] so the next one will be featured here as well and...for the heck of it, maybe Ghost In The Darkness to! Which will be Squilliam's final nightmare.
I want to also note that, with this story I tried a different style of writing so I hope you'll like it. So, let's get to my story, My Rival's Suicide...

A cold wind blew, surrounding a depressed octopus in bitterly cold air while he was approaching his house. Tears flooded down his cheeks as he hurriedly unlocked his door, shivering as thunder rumbled ominously overhead. Lightning strikes as Squidward swung open his door, entering his home just as the first drops of rain begun to fall. The cephalopod's door is slammed shut, matching the loud crack of thunder as it boomed louder, startling Squidward as he retreats to his bedroom quickly. Where he then set on his bed and sobbed loudly, the images of the concert still fresh in his mind, haunting him as his cries are overlapped by thunder. Soon, It reached a point where the griefstricken cephalopod could no longer take it. Slowly reaching his trembling tentacle towards his nightstand, Squidward curls it over the knob and opens the drawer. Snifflng, Squidward wiped his tear-stained eyes as he took out what was contained inside. Meanwhile, at 950 King Street, Squilliam Fancyson was watching Tv and sees the events of the concert. Squidward played his piece in front of the crowd who, to the delight of Squilliam, all begin to boo his rival. He leans in closer, wanting to see Squidward's face, but due to the storm the Tv cut off before showing the desired shot.
The unibrowed octopus mumbles under his breath, as the rumbling thunder seemed to be mocking him, though he find himself picking up his phone instead to call Squidward. Feeling he should rub this all in his face, Dailing the number, Squilliam waited for Squidward to answer his phone, only to hang up out of annoyance when getting the answering machine. Glancing back at the Tv, Squilliam saw that the picture was back, all he sees though is a strange red mist and Squidward standing motionless on stage before there was a blast of loud static. Fumbling with the remote Squilliam lowers the volume all the way to zero in a haste and shut off the Tv, he took a moment to steady his breathing as the sudden loud noise, had come close to giving him his second heart-attack. "Dear Neptune!" Squilliam groans. "I Thought I had It at a decent volume already!" Going to his closet he pulled out an umbrella. "Lucky for my staff these walls are Sound Proof!!" Squilliam let out a sigh. "But nevermind I'll sort this out after I pay Squiddy a visit!"
Laughing, Squilliam left his bedroom and proudly makes his way down the long halls of his house, greeting staff members along the way. He also informs them of where he's heading as he enters the foyer, where he's stopped only for a moment by his butler. "Master, are you sure you want to go out in this awful weather?" In which, the unibrowed octopus simply chuckled out a reply. "No need to be concerned good sir, It's just a light drizzling." Bowing his head the butler opens the door for Squilliam who prepared his umbrella, lightning flashes as Squilliam left the safety of his mansion. He kept a firm grip on his umbrella as the wind was strong, making his way to his garage Squilliam closed his umbrella and shook it dry as he gets into his expensive boat. The storm has settled to a light sprinkle as Squilliam pulls up to 122 Conch Street, preparing his umbrella again the wealthy octopus walks merrily up to Squidward's house and knocks on his door. No sounds were heard inside, Squilliam knocks a second time. "OOoooh Squidddy!!"
Squilliam raised his voice over a loud crackle of thunder, he waits still, his patience though wears thin as he still gets no answer or response. "Helllllo? Anybody Home?" Squilliam continues knocking with hopes of annoying him to the point where he'd answer, as he was beginning to shiver. "If you carry on ignoring me Squiddy, I'll just have to let myself in!" The wind picked up, bitterly cold air surrounded the unibrowed octopus. "I happen to know where you keep your key!" Squilliam listens, waiting, after a few minutes Squilliam scoffs and leans down. Taking hold of the key underneath the doormat, he grinned despite being cold. "I've the key right here!" Squilliam said in a sing-song voice while placing the key into the keyhole and turns, he still hears nothing as he slowly opens his rival's door. The house was dark and, eerily quiet as Squilliam peeks inside. "Squiddy?" Closing and shaking his umbrella dry for the third time, Squilliam enters the house. Shutting the door behind him, he placed the umbrella beside the door, all the while listening for any sigh of Squidward. The wealthy cephalopod then searched the house for his rival, just then he shudders as he gets a sudden chill, shaking it off he made his way up the stairs. "Squidward?" His voice echoed, "Are Ya Home?"
Making his way down the hall, the octopus for reasons he did not know, just couldn't shake off that foreboding feeling that something was wrong. It certainly wasn't the first time he had even been in his rival's home either, however now he had a sudden sense of dread. At this moment Squilliam felt that he shouldn't be here, and it wasn't just because he entered Squidward's house without his knowledge. When reaching the bedroom of his rival, Squilliam felt strangely hesitate to announce himself to Squidward. Sure, he had came here to taunt him, to rub in his failure. But now for some reason he felt reluctant, and he couldn't explain it no matter how hard he tried. Standing in front of the door, he listens for movement inside, there was none so Squilliam deeply sighs and slowly grabs the knob and shakily turn.
A loud crack is heard as Squilliam opens the door, only to freeze when he smells something that instantly horrified him. Shoving the door open, the unibrowed cephalopod's trembling legs gave way, buckling underneath him. What he set his eyes on made him reel backward and collapse. "Oh Shrimp!!" In the room, laying on the bed, was his archrival's mangle up body. He was laying on his side, one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at him. Squidward Tentacles, his old rival from highschool bandclass, was dead. "Holy Sweet Neptune!!" No!! No!!
So how was that eh? This is part [1] so the next one will be featured here as well and...for the heck of it, maybe Ghost In The Darkness to! Which will be Squilliam's final nightmare.