Meet Charity!


♥♫ The Luigi Queen ♫♥
Jul 29, 2013
Far away from California and/or Florida :,(
Okay, I know some people might not support a new character being introduced in SpongeBob; but this is only fanon (fan work), so bear with me ;)
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Charity (no last name yet :p ) is a girl who wanders into Bikini Bottom (with another character; fine I'll reveal her name to avoid confusion! It's Rana ;) ) and meets the infamous gang. Chari and Rana explore the community, and Rana decides to buy one of the unused, vacant buildings in BB and make it into a cake shop. (They both decide to live in the shop when it's done; it's 2-floor) Having no place to stay at the moment, and already too attached to BB to leave it behind, Chari and Rana sort out their living plans. Rana decides to stat at Sandy's place in the meantime, since she too is able to breath water -- and air (hint: she's a mythological/folklore creature). Charity, on the other hand, decides Sandy's place wouldn't have enough space with Rana being there, for a third person. But she finds everyone else's places not good enough either, and can't afford an apartment. (I'm still thinking alot of the story through; I may make a fan-episode/special if enough people like this and I think it through enough...)

I've made some pictures for you to get to know Charity more visually.


If you can't read it, it says:

This is Charity! She doesn't have a last name yet. "Hey-a!" She has long blue hair and red eyes. She's a shark!

"Erk...! I was a human..." But, she doesn't look like a shark. She's actually a hybrid between a human and a shark. But artificially! Chari, mind telling us what caused you to become this way?

"Some dumb experiment my dad did. Some lab accident..."

Charity's past life is a touchy subject to her. "..." She often is at a tie of which life has been better; human-life, or sea-life. This often troubles her...

But she has her new friends! The ones she seems to click best with are SB, Sandy, and another unintroduced character (but in this post I mentioned Rana) She admires Sandy's wits, and surprisingly doesn't mind SB's weirdness.

She likes food. So she often praises SB's cooking, and "unmentioned character's" (Rana's) cakes.


Chari on a trampoline or something, with side-doodles

She actually has dull-light-blue skin, and not tan as a human's would be. But I didn't exactly have a marker of that shade, lol :D

I'll also learn to draw decent sneakers one day....

Not sure why I anime-shined Chari's hair in the big-middle pic... experimenting with new markers I guess :p

The panel with the trash bag -- she works part-time at the KK for money BUT only does side things, like taking out the trash (thus this) or some cleaning, or just general helping when the place gets too busy for SB or SW to deal with smaller things; and is not an additional cashier or cook, so she doesn't get in the way of the "original-KK-3" element.

She also likes talking to Sandy, as her conversations about Texas remind Chari of her previous on-land life; even if she's not from Texas herself. :p

I may put more info about Chari, depending on how people like her, and maybe another entry about Rana. I have one more SB character, but she's not in the same plot as Chari and Rana, and is more of a one-shot character... maybe even an antagonist, you could say? :p She definately doesn't stay forever, lol. She'd only ...stick around... for about a movie's length. But I'll just stop there. :p

So what do you think? Should I continue feeding this idea? Or do you think an additional character would ruin certain elements? Or would it open more doors? Should I write this out someday as a fan series? :)

And BTW, I'm not expecting everyone will like this; so if you truly don't, just say so and explain your thoughts. :)