If you could rewrite one episode...


You know what else is yellow? You are!
Apr 27, 2016
Favorite Character
Which one would you rewrite? Would you make an episode you already love even better? Or would you try to salvage an episode you didn't like, but feel like had potential? Which changes would you make? You can only choose one, so choose wisely!

I'd personally go with "Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom" from Season 8. I feel like the episode had a lot of potential, but really poor execution. Aside from needing more humor, I think Patrick could likely be cut from the episode. Nothing he really does is funny or charming, and he really serves little more than a plot device. The plot would actually stay largely similar, since I liked the ideas the episode worked with, just not the execution. I like the idea of SpongeBob inviting Squidward after winning the backstage passes, and I like the idea of Squidward trying to keep SpongeBob away as he tries to socialize with other squids. However, to avoid the "Squidward Torture" route this episode takes, I feel like the end could be done a bit better. Say, from the "Read my lips" gag onwards, Squidward and SpongeBob are kicked out, and SpongeBob tries to cheer Squidward up with a ukelele beat or something, and asks for Squidward to join along. Turns out SpongeBob's help is all Squidward really needed for his music to sound good, and before Kelpy G. does his performance, he notices Squidward and SpongeBob, pulls them inside, and has them join him for the concert at the end. You see, for a Squidward Torture episode to work, you either have to

A.) Justify why Squidward deserves the torture
B.) Let Squidward have some huge victory at the end

In the original version, Squidward doesn't really have justification. He just wants to enjoy a concert. And he doesn't really endure a huge victory either, since it's only SpongeBob who wins at the end while Squidward gets carried away by the guards. I think my alternative ending could help fix the main issue with this episode, and with a bit more humor spiced in, I think it could be transformed into something other than an episode where the most enjoyable thing is the title card music.

Feel free to give your opinions on which episode you'd rewrite!
I'd fix Truth or Square. That was a landmark episode in the show's history so it's really depressing it turned out the way it did. As for what I'd fix... honestly it probably is in need of an entire rewrite in my opinion.
The Appetizer said:
"Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful".
You have any ideas for improvements? If not, it's fine, but I do like to see how some of you would improve these episodes.
Stuck in the Wringer I would take Patrick out of the episode and make the plot more interesting and have less abuse towards SpongeBob
The end of "A pal for Gary", lets just leave it at that.
I'd change Squid Baby by making Squidward way uglier as a baby, adding gross out gags that have nothing to do with poop, take away the poop gags, and have Squidward get hurt way more. The ending would be completely changed, I'd have Squidward hit his head again, but instead of turning him to normal, he wrinkles up and becomes an old man, then immediately dies of old age.
I'd change Squid Baby by making Squidward way uglier as a baby, adding gross out gags that have nothing to do with poop, take away the poop gags, and have Squidward get hurt way more. The ending would be completely changed, I'd have Squidward hit his head again, but instead of turning him to normal, he wrinkles up and becomes an old man, then immediately dies of old age.
you must really hate Squidward
Without a doubt, "Perfect Chemistry". I remember pulling for that plotline before it came out, and what it ended up being was really disapointing imo.
One Coarse Meal. It simply wasn't clear what was going on (and the ending didn't really make sense)
A Pal for Gary.

Erase it from existence.
Supmandude said:
Nah, I just love Squid Abuse. :)
This probably summarizes you more perfectly than anything else ever has, at least for you over the past half-year.

Hmmm, one ep, I see the hate for Good Neighbors and while it still bothers me but to a way lesser extent than everyone else, I'd spot that one up a bit in some areas near the end, and maybe the level like paint in the eyes at the beginning, but the conflict still needs to stay the same, like maybe SB & Pat don't do anything worth it yet Squidward perceives them as nuisances instead, and then the cake and giant house, and then an understanding ending.
Kelpy G. said:
You have any ideas for improvements? If not, it's fine, but I do like to see how some of you would improve these episodes.
I'd make it so that the cop doesn't show up all the time. Also, I'd delete the grossout jokes, and include a better ending.
I'd change Squid Baby by making Squidward way uglier as a baby, adding gross out gags that have nothing to do with poop, take away the poop gags, and have Squidward get hurt way more. The ending would be completely changed, I'd have Squidward hit his head again, but instead of turning him to normal, he wrinkles up and becomes an old man, then immediately dies of old age.
I think you need to see a therapist.
Little Yellow Book: Squidward reads SpongeBob's personal diary. When SpongeBob sees him and runs away crying, Squidward tries to apologize like he did in Fools In April.
Demolition doofus, I would remove mrs puff, just spongebob in the demolition derby.
Give Gone a better ending...you know, have an actual, good reason for everyone abandoning Spongebob other that the fact that everyone wants to get away from him. Maybe he missed the memo on a jellyfishing/Mermaidman and Barnacleboy/fast food/whatever convention because he was distracted by some mundane task, like feeding Gary or something, and the bus to the convention left without him. Or maybe...the Dirty Bubble kidnapped them all *insert evil laugh here*! It would get a much better rating from me.

And I've said this recently, but A Pal for Gary might actually be a good episode if Puffy Fluffy was tamer and Spongebob didn't yell at Gary so much. Maybe they could be friends and get into trouble together.