
Jun 29, 2004
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Teh Loft
Let's all talk about Doodle for bit.

What's the appeal?

He is easily one of my favorite characters, mainly because he is like a dark version of SpongeBob. Kinda like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But is he really evil? I prefer to call him mischievious.

Although, the cartoon never makes refferences to past shows (with the exception of Squilliam Fancyson), I would REALLY have liked to see Doodle return in another episode. He was too good to 'kill off'!

Let's have more thoughts on him, then I'll add more of my own.
Doodle was pretty cool and funny, until I read your stories. :ph34r: j/p

Um, I dunno. He's a kinda like a freaky little guy who looks so innocent, and then attacks... uh, yea :ph34r:
Well, your stories convinced me that another episode with DoodleBob would be great. I don't know what type of episode there might be that involves him, but hopefully there will be one.
Maybe that might be one of the new episodes.I have a coloring book of the episode with Doodle. :ph34r:
I have that coloring book! It's great!

But he really does scare me...he IS freaky! I'd hate for him to have a knife instead of that pencil!

How could the show bring him back, if they were going to make another episode with him?
Good point. I dunno... he's trapped in a book, and I'm sure SpongeBob doesn't have any plans on finding a magic pencil and drawing something with it. :ph34r:
Spongey34 said:
Good point. I dunno... he's trapped in a book, and I'm sure SpongeBob doesn't have any plans on finding a magic pencil and drawing something with it. :D

:ph34r: -Remember Doodlebob :ph34r: -AAAh!Doodlebob where!?
Heh, my dream last night was I had a magic pencil, and I used to erase my teacher, and NO ONE EVEN BOTHERED ABOUT HER! I also drawn a tank and it caused chaos, and so I had to erase it.

So my dream was a analogy to the episode.

Anyway, DoodleBob rules.