How Nick Withers reacts to Squilliam's Gilded Doorknob. "*Jiggle-giggle* Ooohh!"
SB: "Bye, Squidward... Bye, Squidward..." (Yeah, classical example, sorry! I consider it a very adorable, non-romantic moment, but I know very well that it's a fave for out of context 'proof' of SquidBob... that is, a bane of the fandom.)
Squidward: "Goodnight, Clari.."
Squidward: "Is that what he calls it?" (My personal fave classical !"perv" quote - I love the whole episode and that line just had me doubled over laughing!)
Squidward: '...Imagine him in his underwear...' - 'Oh, no! He's HOT!' (Another fave of mine, that has been mentioned over and over again as a classical perv quote.)
OH! Patrick's off-set scream in 'Band Geeks', during his fight with Sandy, before he comes back in wearing the trombone.