Between 2006 and 2010, Nickelodeon and Paramount Home Entertainment released the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons of
SpongeBob SquarePants in pairs of half-season sets, rather than as "complete seasons" (like they did with the first three, and which they began to do again starting with the seventh season). Passionate fans of any given show tend to dislike anything other than a full season package, but
there are valid reasons why half-season sets are commonly used for many kids' shows. With our favorite pineapple-dweller, though, it seems that full season sets are the better way to go. So now the studios are going back to those three seasons, and on
November 13th Nickelodeon/Paramount will release
SpongeBob SquarePants - The Complete 4th Season,
SpongeBob SquarePants - The Complete 5th Season and
SpongeBob SquarePants - The Complete 6th Season. On-disc content appears to be 100% the same, but the DVDs will be put together into new integrated packaging. Early cover art is shown below, but isn't finalized yet and could be subject to change (for example, notice that the image with the big "5" on it says "second season" in the banner across the top...we're sure the studio will fix this typo before everything is sent to the printers!). Pricing isn't available yet for these 4-disc sets, but is expected to be similar in cost to the other complete season sets available for this show.