Brick's top 25 pre-movie episodes


See You Ocean Man...
Aug 8, 2013
Reaction score
Title says all. I know for sure some of you won't agree with some of my opinions, so please just be mature and respect them. First, I'd like to list the honorable mentions: Frankendoodle, Jellyfish Hunter, Squidville, Walking Small, Shanghied, Survival Of The Idiots, Texas, Pre-hibernation Week, Help Wanted, No Weenies Allowed, Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost, Welcome To The Chum Bucket, Club SpongeBob, Something Smells, Squid's Day Off, My Pretty Seahorse, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II, Suds, Culture Shock, Squirrel Jokes, and Imitation Krabs. This list should start tomorrow if all goes well, but I might just post the first one tonight. :sbthumbs:
So, back in August of '13 or so, you may remember me stating this was my favorite episode.
It's not any more, but I still really like it. This episode just has everything a good episode needs: humor, good character interaction, rewatch-ability. I feel like this episode gave us all that. I mean, this scenario has happened to us a few times, right?: Someone doesn't know about SpongeBob. They want to see an episode to get a feeling of what it's like. Which episode do you show them? Wormy!
And also, don't forget the title card music. Oooohhh, the title card music.

So, you ask me, why do I like this episode so much? Well, here's the answer: I just do. I just think it's a good episode, and that's my opinion.

Hint for 24: This Episode Made Me Feel Special
I really like Wormy episode. It's very underrated.

That One Random Boss said:
Following! I need to make a list soon. It's going to be full of episodes everybody hates. :P
If Mooncation is not on the list, I will destory you. :P
24: Chocolate With Nuts
Sorry I didn't do the title card. I'm using a computer I don't usually use, so a few things are being glitchy. Anyway, here's the review:
This episode. I can't even write a real review for it, I just need to list everything I liked about it, okay? Here goes:
-The mail's for Gary
-That guy has shoes
-Swimming pool in a swimming pool
-I Love You
-That montage
-He made us feel better
-Let's get naked
-The Diner
-"Me For You" plays in a scene
-Not the way Pat uses em'
-Those old ladies
-The ending
-Every joke having to do with the candy bar carrying bags
-The Hershey's Kiss Pat drops
-A ton of other stuff
I know this episode is overrated. I know it was lazy just writing a list of the things I liked. I know this is a really short one, it's because I'm not used to using this computer.
I would give you a hint for #23, but I can't remember what 23 is because it's not on this computer.
Is there a way to follow the topic w/o getting emails?