Art director Peter Bennett has died at the age of 57

For the last 9 years, his name has been the first thing we see in the end credits. It’s going to feel weird seeing someone else’s name there.
i honestly was scrolling trough twitter and saw one of the most digusting replies to the tweet that he died it was someone with a name with a crown that should be taken away after what they said, they said and i quote "when he is in heaven he is gonna tell stephen hillenburg how bad the show got" which is really disgusting, putting words in a dead man's mouth saying that is honestly really digusting they got hate everywhere and its deserved they are probably a spongeboomer who only watched the first 3 seasons and say they are a long time watcher which is bad i honestly hope this person gets their account suspended for some or another reason because they deserve it after what they did
that's just wrong on so many levels, awful.

some people just have no respect
I even saw someone say "SpongeBob Spongeboomers watch the first 3 seasons and call themselves "long time watchers" which is so true