Anyone remember “SpongeBob: Nighty Nightmare”?


Baby Clam
May 30, 2024
Does anybody remember this weird Pc game? It’s basically a Pc version of Creature From The Krusty Krab, except there are a ton of weird and strange differences to them. SpongeBob gets captured by some weird jellyfish aliens, Patrick has to defeat Dreaded Patrick by litteraly cleaning his house, and Plankton gets swallowed by a whale in a Pikmin-styled level. This game became infamous by a few people due to how awful the 3D models and cutscenes are. It gives off a very cheap vibe, but it also ironically kind of makes it scary in a unique way that boosts the nightmare aspect to it. I can’t find much information surrounding development, but apparently the lack of resources from Creature’s development led to these bizzare changes. The game came out a few months before Creature did (August 2006) but it would end up being a big flop.
Fun fact actually, the game got rereleased in a collection that I owned called “4-Square” which also included The Movie, Lights Camera Pants, and Operation Krabby Patty. They relabeled the game as Creature From The Krusty Krab, and mistakingly used a screenshot of the console version of the game instead of actual gameplay. Also in certain countries this game got the Creature title too. Decent game overall, but it’s arguably the worst of the PC games for sure. It’s a fun game for a laugh though due to how weird and surreal it is. You can download it on AbandonWare, but make sure that the computer is suitable for it. Physical copies aren’t expensive, but scalpers love to sell the Creature From The Krusty Krab variant for over $100 because it’s “rare”.

Puffy Fluffy

Jul 4, 2014
Millington, Tn
I've heard of it, but never played it. I got the PS2 version of Creature from the Krusty Krab around when it first came out, but haven't touched it in a really long time. I've never even looked at gameplay of Nighty Nightmare, I guess because I was never interested in it.


Baby Clam
Jun 13, 2023
Does anybody remember this weird Pc game? It’s basically a Pc version of Creature From The Krusty Krab, except there are a ton of weird and strange differences to them. SpongeBob gets captured by some weird jellyfish aliens, Patrick has to defeat Dreaded Patrick by litteraly cleaning his house, and Plankton gets swallowed by a whale in a Pikmin-styled level. This game became infamous by a few people due to how awful the 3D models and cutscenes are. It gives off a very cheap vibe, but it also ironically kind of makes it scary in a unique way that boosts the nightmare aspect to it. I can’t find much information surrounding development, but apparently the lack of resources from Creature’s development led to these bizzare changes. The game came out a few months before Creature did (August 2006) but it would end up being a big flop.
Fun fact actually, the game got rereleased in a collection that I owned called “4-Square” which also included The Movie, Lights Camera Pants, and Operation Krabby Patty. They relabeled the game as Creature From The Krusty Krab, and mistakingly used a screenshot of the console version of the game instead of actual gameplay. Also in certain countries this game got the Creature title too. Decent game overall, but it’s arguably the worst of the PC games for sure. It’s a fun game for a laugh though due to how weird and surreal it is. You can download it on AbandonWare, but make sure that the computer is suitable for it. Physical copies aren’t expensive, but scalpers love to sell the Creature From The Krusty Krab variant for over $100 because it’s “rare”.
Honestly with how many licensed SpongeBob games there are I might’ve heard of this one before, but If I did I definitely don’t remember it LOL. I looked up gameplay and ur right it is like eerie as hell haha
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