Anyone else hate Sandy? (Or why do you like her?)

Pyreflies of MJ

Imitation Krab
Feb 23, 2014
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I've noticed a fair amount of Sandy love around these forums and elsewhere, so I'm curious if anyone else here shares my opinion on the character.

To be frank, she may be my least favorite character on the show. I definitely like her the least of the main cast and it's hard for me to pinpoint precisely why. Somehow she manages to be both boring and annoying at the same time.

Part of it is her voice and accent, which is so badly done in my opinion - it sounds neither authentic or funny to me. Sandy herself isn't very funny, or witty despite the show lauding her as a genius.

And then there's her personality, which can also be grating. She's usually very pompous about her abilities and knowledge, and while Squidward can get away with it because his sarcasm is funny, Sandy just manages to look like a jack*** pretending to be intelligent. To me she falls flat on every note.

I like rooting for girl characters as much as the next chick, but Sandy is just bleh. Thoughts? (Feel free to call me a blasphemer, and I apologize if this is the wrong place for this kind of topic - I am brand new like a calf.)

p.s. OMG, that dolphin noise censor is hilarious - all websites should do that.
See, I like who she is.
I don't like how the creators use her. They, infact, make her look exactly like your post, when in reality, she's not a jack*** or a Mary Sue.
I wish she'd be used more as the common sense lady rather than the OMG IM SO SMART lady who can do anything. She's more than a "perfect" character, and it's time the creators start exploring what she could be again,
Oh. and yes, she also has the POTENTIAL for humor, but as I said, ever since forever ago, the creators have used her to no potential with that either,
I've always found it confusing when people talk about how annoyingly pompous Sandy is. Yeah, I know she represents the sin of Pride, and she is very confident, perhaps overly so, and she likes to show off. But I don't think it goes as far as people make out, and I've never found it annoying because she was never mean about. Yes, she can overestimate her abilities and can be smug, but it's not like she puts other people down in the process, or at least not the way Squidward does. Squidward makes it clear that he thinks everyone is beneath him. Sandy doesn't do this. She thinks highly of herself but she doesn't think badly of her friends, she's very supportive of them, in fact. Also, Sandy has a bit more right to be prideful than Squidward does, since she actually is knowledgeable and capable. Squidward's worse than Sandy when it comes to having an ego if you ask me (though I love Squidward too). Pressure is the only example I can think of where Sandy puts people down while elevating herself, but she's not the only one guilty of this, everyone behaved this way in Pressure. Actually, I always thought of Sandy as slightly more of the victim in that episode since she was the one being ganged up on.

Anyway, all this to say that while Sandy is prideful, I personally was never bothered by it.

As for Sandy being a Mary Sue, well, I wouldn't call her that, because for me Mary Sue has a very specific meaning that Sandy doesn't fit, and I think people throw that word around too loosely, but I can sort of see what people mean by that. It's true that in a lot of post-movie episodes, Sandy is basically only there to be used as a plot-device. It's easy to just have her come in and save the day because of how capable and intelligent she is, and I'm fine with Sandy saving the day, but not when it's in such contrived ways. I'd like her to be more involved in the antics and I'd like to actually see her working out the problem rather than having her come out of left field with an easy solution because the writers don't know how else to fix things before the episode is through. That is annoying. But that isn't a problem I have with Sandy, that's a problem I have with how the writers use Sandy.

I love Sandy. I actually do find her funny, not as funny as other characters, but she gets a laugh out of me a fair amount of times. I like her bravery, I like her strength, I like her confidence, I like her intelligence, I like how diverse she is, I even like her voice, I find it charming, though I can see how it would be grating for some people.

Honestly, I can't think of a reason to dislike Sandy. I could understand being indifferent to her, she is kind of hard to connect with or sympathize with compared to other characters, in some ways her strength almost works against her. I understand just not being able to click with Sandy, but I don't understand outright dislike for her. Often when people complain about her I either can't see where they're coming from at all or I think they're making a mountain out of a molehill.

Of course everyone's entitled to their opinions, please don't jump down my throat, but I just don't get Sandy hate.
Personally, I like what sandy COULD be a lot. But I don't like what she is. She shouldn't be the overly proud whiz kid who knows everything as often as she is. In moderation, it is needed. However, her being humorous and having common sense is needed. She just needs to be the witty Texan they designed her to be.
I've always found it confusing when people talk about how annoyingly pompous Sandy is. Yeah, I know she represents the sin of Pride, and she is very confident, perhaps overly so, and she likes to show off. But I don't think it goes as far as people make out, and I've never found it annoying because she was never mean about. Yes, she can overestimate her abilities and can be smug, but it's not like she puts other people down in the process, or at least not the way Squidward does. Squidward makes it clear that he thinks everyone is beneath him. Sandy doesn't do this. She thinks highly of herself but she doesn't think badly of her friends, she's very supportive of them, in fact. Also, Sandy has a bit more right to be prideful than Squidward does, since she actually is knowledgeable and capable. Squidward's worse than Sandy when it comes to having an ego if you ask me (though I love Squidward too). Pressure is the only example I can think of where Sandy puts people down while elevating herself, but she's not the only one guilty of this, everyone behaved this way in Pressure. Actually, I always thought of Sandy as slightly more of the victim in that episode since she was the one being ganged up on.

Anyway, all this to say that while Sandy is prideful, I personally was never bothered by it.

As for Sandy being a Mary Sue, well, I wouldn't call her that, because for me Mary Sue has a very specific meaning that Sandy doesn't fit, and I think people throw that word around too loosely, but I can sort of see what people mean by that. It's true that in a lot of post-movie episodes, Sandy is basically only there to be used as a plot-device. It's easy to just have her come in and save the day because of how capable and intelligent she is, and I'm fine with Sandy saving the day, but not when it's in such contrived ways. I'd like her to be more involved in the antics and I'd like to actually see her working out the problem rather than having her come out of left field with an easy solution because the writers don't know how else to fix things before the episode is through. That is annoying. But that isn't a problem I have with Sandy, that's a problem I have with how the writers use Sandy.

I love Sandy. I actually do find her funny, not as funny as other characters, but she gets a laugh out of me a fair amount of times. I like her bravery, I like her strength, I like her confidence, I like her intelligence, I like how diverse she is, I even like her voice, I find it charming, though I can see how it would be grating for some people.

Honestly, I can't think of a reason to dislike Sandy. I could understand being indifferent to her, she is kind of hard to connect with or sympathize with compared to other characters, in some ways her strength almost works against her. I understand just not being able to click with Sandy, but I don't understand outright dislike for her. Often when people complain about her I either can't see where they're coming from at all or I think they're making a mountain out of a molehill.

Of course everyone's entitled to their opinions, please don't jump down my throat, but I just don't get Sandy hate.
Couldn't have said it better. Sandy is my personal favorite because of her generosity, intelligence, and her strong will. I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue because her traits can be used as her flaws. Honestly, I'd rather date an independent, strong-willed woman like Sandy than the overly dependent, overly superficial woman like Pearl.
I myself like Sandy. I also think the show would be completely different without her. Think about the show without episodes like Squirrel Records, I Had an Accident, Sandy's Rocket etc. We need a main character that's extreme and fun loving and sciency, in which Sandy comes into play. She's perfect and I don't see any major flaws with her.

Overall, she's just a fun loving squirrel.
I don't hate Sandy.

Of course, this is me, and I don't actually hate any character on the show - 'cause they all have their strong points - or, at least, add a good episode or two. And, I just don't have any energy to spend on hating an SB character. ;-)

I kinda like Sandy, even quite a bit. I can see how she can get annoying, no doubt, but I like her and the dynamic she adds to the show in the few episodes she appears. I appreciate that SpongeBob likes her... and I also like the who land-creature-living-under-the-sea-through-science thing... And a best female friend of SB. And, honestly, though I don't come from the southern states - in fact, I come from the northern states, and the southern accent is nuts - I kinda like that about her.

She's your southern girl who is anything but a rednec, even if she IS a red-squirrel - she is both super strong and intelligent. Yes, she can be cliche and annoying... I admit that. But, I like her, somehow still. I'd like to see more of her, more of how she reacts with each character... until the writers do more of that, it's hard to really see the potential she has.

What'd be hellafun, is an episode with her interacting with Squilliam. LOL! ;-) Sorry, far-fetched, yes, and I don't mean shipping, I just mean to see how the two'd bounce off each other personality-wise. I could see Sandy trying to either fix/upgraid or install something in his house, and him being him.

Sorry, I just haven't found any character I actually dislike, or can't justify. And I do like Sandy. She's not my fave, but she's cool, IMO.
I don't honestly like Sandy's attitude. Usually a know it all or a too tough and pride type of person. In episodes like Pre Hibernation week and Mooncation and Sandy's Rocket are some exceptions for these traits. Episodes like Texas and the beginning of Pressure are kind of the downsides. Episodes like those have faded a bit, but now she's just the know it all apparently. We have Plankton and Karen for geniuses so why is Sandy even used? I'm not saying that she should be gone but with her current role she might as well be.
2000skid said:
Personally, I like what sandy COULD be a lot. But I don't like what she is. She shouldn't be the overly proud whiz kid who knows everything as often as she is. In moderation, it is needed. However, her being humorous and having common sense is needed. She just needs to be the witty Texan they designed her to be.
See, that's my thing. I don't mind the concept of Sandy, it's mainly the execution I dislike. She's supposed to be oh so cool and fly and all this and that but she just doesn't live up to that hype to me.
Squidina said:
I don't hate Sandy.

Of course, this is me, and I don't actually hate any character on the show - 'cause they all have their strong points - or, at least, add a good episode or two. And, I just don't have any energy to spend on hating an SB character. ;-)

I kinda like Sandy, even quite a bit. I can see how she can get annoying, no doubt, but I like her and the dynamic she adds to the show in the few episodes she appears. I appreciate that SpongeBob likes her... and I also like the who land-creature-living-under-the-sea-through-science thing... And a best female friend of SB. And, honestly, though I don't come from the southern states - in fact, I come from the northern states, and the southern accent is nuts - I kinda like that about her.

She's your southern girl who is anything but a rednec, even if she IS a red-squirrel - she is both super strong and intelligent. Yes, she can be cliche and annoying... I admit that. But, I like her, somehow still. I'd like to see more of her, more of how she reacts with each character... until the writers do more of that, it's hard to really see the potential she has.

What'd be hellafun, is an episode with her interacting with Squilliam. LOL! ;-) Sorry, far-fetched, yes, and I don't mean shipping, I just mean to see how the two'd bounce off each other personality-wise. I could see Sandy trying to either fix/upgraid or install something in his house, and him being him.

Sorry, I just haven't found any character I actually dislike, or can't justify. And I do like Sandy. She's not my fave, but she's cool, IMO.
I actually think the idea of a southern character is cool, but not when it's this cheesy - it's like a bad joke. Southern accents can be really cool and her's isn't to me, just doesn't feel authentic enough. Dolly Parton or Blanche Devereux she is not, lol.

I'm not gonna say I spend energy hating a character either. (Maybe that's a lie considering I wrote this post. =/) I mean, I can usually tolerate her if she's in an episode but there's a couple I avoid (where Sponge is probably being annoying as hell too) - she's usually just boring to me. I haven't seen much of the recent seasons either so I can't say I know what "new" Sandy is like.

HarryPotterLives said:
I've always found it confusing when people talk about how annoyingly pompous Sandy is. Yeah, I know she represents the sin of Pride, and she is very confident, perhaps overly so, and she likes to show off. But I don't think it goes as far as people make out, and I've never found it annoying because she was never mean about. Yes, she can overestimate her abilities and can be smug, but it's not like she puts other people down in the process, or at least not the way Squidward does. Squidward makes it clear that he thinks everyone is beneath him. Sandy doesn't do this. She thinks highly of herself but she doesn't think badly of her friends, she's very supportive of them, in fact. Also, Sandy has a bit more right to be prideful than Squidward does, since she actually is knowledgeable and capable. Squidward's worse than Sandy when it comes to having an ego if you ask me (though I love Squidward too). Pressure is the only example I can think of where Sandy puts people down while elevating herself, but she's not the only one guilty of this, everyone behaved this way in Pressure. Actually, I always thought of Sandy as slightly more of the victim in that episode since she was the one being ganged up on.

Anyway, all this to say that while Sandy is prideful, I personally was never bothered by it.

As for Sandy being a Mary Sue, well, I wouldn't call her that, because for me Mary Sue has a very specific meaning that Sandy doesn't fit, and I think people throw that word around too loosely, but I can sort of see what people mean by that. It's true that in a lot of post-movie episodes, Sandy is basically only there to be used as a plot-device. It's easy to just have her come in and save the day because of how capable and intelligent she is, and I'm fine with Sandy saving the day, but not when it's in such contrived ways. I'd like her to be more involved in the antics and I'd like to actually see her working out the problem rather than having her come out of left field with an easy solution because the writers don't know how else to fix things before the episode is through. That is annoying. But that isn't a problem I have with Sandy, that's a problem I have with how the writers use Sandy.

I love Sandy. I actually do find her funny, not as funny as other characters, but she gets a laugh out of me a fair amount of times. I like her bravery, I like her strength, I like her confidence, I like her intelligence, I like how diverse she is, I even like her voice, I find it charming, though I can see how it would be grating for some people.

Honestly, I can't think of a reason to dislike Sandy. I could understand being indifferent to her, she is kind of hard to connect with or sympathize with compared to other characters, in some ways her strength almost works against her. I understand just not being able to click with Sandy, but I don't understand outright dislike for her. Often when people complain about her I either can't see where they're coming from at all or I think they're making a mountain out of a molehill.

Of course everyone's entitled to their opinions, please don't jump down my throat, but I just don't get Sandy hate.

That One Random Boss said:
Couldn't have said it better. Sandy is my personal favorite because of her generosity, intelligence, and her strong will. I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue because her traits can be used as her flaws. Honestly, I'd rather date an independent, strong-willed woman like Sandy than the overly dependent, overly superficial woman like Pearl.

I find that I actually feel more sincere empathy coming from Squid than Sandy.

To me, Squid keeps it real. He doesn't hide the fact that he's a jerk and he knows it, he owns that jerkiness with sharp wit. He's a narcissist, but so is Sandy. Sandy would lead you to believe that she's sweet and unassuming, but the reality is that she only cares about looking brainy and strong compared to everyone else. Whereas Squid pretends and dreams that he's better than everyone in Bikini Bottom, deep down he knows better - it's all stemming from insecurity. I'm convinced Sandy truly believes that she is the end-all-be-all, Queen Squirrel of Bikini Bottom.

In the rare moments that Squid shows concern for Spongebob, I actually feel that emotion, it seems real and I can tell that deep down, he values the company and attention from his friends.

With Sandy I feel like I'm watching a poorly acted segment from Saved by the Bell. She's probably being sincere with her niceties but I just can't fall in love with it. If I want gooey, feel good crap then that's what Spongebob does right...sometimes, lol.

I can actually name a moment where I thought Sandy was funny, and that was when she was leading the search for Spongebob and told dude to "think again" after he said he'd searched his mind - that probably made me lol.

As for Pearl, well, she's just a bananae caricature and the only fish in the sea that'd date her would have to be just as crazy. And really, who is that girl's real daddy 'cause obviously Mr. Krabs ain't it. I can't believe he'd be altruistic enough to adopt a kid, lol.

Anyways, Sandy fans, please don't take my comments too seriously - I'm only ever being partially serious in my day to day life, let alone the internet. (that made me sound terrible ._.) I mean, we are talking about a children's cartoon here, lol. I'm sure a lot of the things I've said are cray cray but I can't help playing the devil's advocate sometimes.
Pyreflies of MJ said:
I actually think the idea of a southern character is cool, but not when it's this cheesy - it's like a bad joke. Southern accents can be really cool and her's isn't to me, just doesn't feel authentic enough. Dolly Parton or Blanche Devereux she is not, lol.

I'm not gonna say I spend energy hating a character either. (Maybe that's a lie considering I wrote this post. =/) I mean, I can usually tolerate her if she's in an episode but there's a couple I avoid (where Sponge is probably being annoying as hell too) - she's usually just boring to me. I haven't seen much of the recent seasons either so I can't say I know what "new" Sandy is like.

I find that I actually feel more sincere empathy coming from Squid than Sandy.

To me, Squid keeps it real. He doesn't hide the fact that he's a jerk and he knows it, he owns that jerkiness with sharp wit. He's a narcissist, but so is Sandy. Sandy would lead you to believe that she's sweet and unassuming, but the reality is that she only cares about looking brainy and strong compared to everyone else. Whereas Squid pretends and dreams that he's better than everyone in Bikini Bottom, deep down he knows better - it's all stemming from insecurity. I'm convinced Sandy truly believes that she is the end-all-be-all, Queen Squirrel of Bikini Bottom.

In the rare moments that Squid shows concern for Spongebob, I actually feel that emotion, it seems real and I can tell that deep down, he values the company and attention from his friends.

With Sandy I feel like I'm watching a poorly acted segment from Saved by the Bell. She's probably being sincere with her niceties but I just can't fall in love with it. If I want gooey, feel good crap then that's what Spongebob does right...sometimes, lol.

I can actually name a moment where I thought Sandy was funny, and that was when she was leading the search for Spongebob and told dude to "think again" after he said he'd searched his mind - that probably made me lol.

As for Pearl, well, she's just a bananae caricature and the only fish in the sea that'd date her would have to be just as crazy. And really, who is that girl's real daddy 'cause obviously Mr. Krabs ain't it. I can't believe he'd be altruistic enough to adopt a kid, lol.

Anyways, Sandy fans, please don't take my comments too seriously - I'm only ever being partially serious in my day to day life, let alone the internet. (that made me sound terrible ._.) I mean, we are talking about a children's cartoon here, lol. I'm sure a lot of the things I've said are cray cray but I can't help playing the devil's advocate sometimes.
Well, your vocabulary and your logic REALLY makes you sound serious...

On the narcissist logic, Sandy is smug, but not overly smug like Squidward. Also, you think Sandy DOESN'T care for SpongeBob? I feel that Sandy cares for SpongeBob A LOT more than Squidward. Take episodes like Pre-Hibernation Week and The Way of the Sponge as prime examples. They are perfect examples of times when Sandy put SpongeBob first even before her. In Pre-Hibernation Week, she forced the town to look for SpongeBob. In The Way of the Sponge, Sandy wanted to prove that SpongeBob DID have the skills of a karate master even after having her black belt revoked. Sandy cares more for her friends than Squidward. When I see Squidward, I see a jerk that only finally softens up when he takes a situation too far, with A Christmas Who?, Dying For Pie, and Fools In April as proof.

Also, about her accent, I say it's sort of accurate. My cousin is from Texas and her accent is actually similar, except not as in-and-out like Sandy. I also find Sandy funnier than most other characters like Mr. Krabs, Gary, and Karen. Her funniest moments are in Bubble Troubles, Band Geeks, Pre-Hibernation Week, Pressure, The Smoking Peanut, and many others I can't think of on the spot.

I'm not trying to change your opinion, it's more like me just defending my favorite character. Like others have stated above, Sandy is a great character, but the writers are not executing her correctly. Her season 2 and season 8 performances are the best she is so far. That's why we need MORE episodes of Sandy. I want to learn of her past in such a way as to relate to her and feel more sympathy. I want to see some character development. I want to see Sandy show MORE emotion and MORE flaws. Honestly, the best to suffice is an entire season focusing mostly on Sandy. She's underrated, underused, and misused to the point where I feel really bad. She has SO MUCH potential, but the writers just don't care for her and care more on the pointless, repetitive crap like Squidward "abuse" and Krusty Krab episodes.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Sandy either. She can get on my nerves, and I much prefer Karen. She's definitely not my favourite, but she's not as bad as Pearl. I wouldn't say I hate her though, just not like as much as the other characters.
Award said:
I mean for being the smart characters. Being evil had no part of what I was saying.
I understand that you weren't, but even though they're smart, would Plankton and Karen help SpongeBob when he was running away from the Jellions? Would they help him find a way to destroy the Jellions and get his friends back? No, they wouldn't even care, Plankton would probably use the Jellions as minions. Sure if he wasn't evil, he would help him. And the male characters of the show aren't really that smart (sure, there's Squidward, though he can be dumb, and then they made SpongeBob's character a bit dumb), so we really would need Sandy for solutions.
and there's not really any female characters on SpongeBob, so...
Squidina said:
I don't hate Sandy.

Of course, this is me, and I don't actually hate any character on the show - 'cause they all have their strong points - or, at least, add a good episode or two. And, I just don't have any energy to spend on hating an SB character. ;-)

I kinda like Sandy, even quite a bit. I can see how she can get annoying, no doubt, but I like her and the dynamic she adds to the show in the few episodes she appears. I appreciate that SpongeBob likes her... and I also like the who land-creature-living-under-the-sea-through-science thing... And a best female friend of SB. And, honestly, though I don't come from the southern states - in fact, I come from the northern states, and the southern accent is nuts - I kinda like that about her.

She's your southern girl who is anything but a rednec, even if she IS a red-squirrel - she is both super strong and intelligent. Yes, she can be cliche and annoying... I admit that. But, I like her, somehow still. I'd like to see more of her, more of how she reacts with each character... until the writers do more of that, it's hard to really see the potential she has.

What'd be hellafun, is an episode with her interacting with Squilliam. LOL! ;-) Sorry, far-fetched, yes, and I don't mean shipping, I just mean to see how the two'd bounce off each other personality-wise. I could see Sandy trying to either fix/upgraid or install something in his house, and him being him.

Sorry, I just haven't found any character I actually dislike, or can't justify. And I do like Sandy. She's not my fave, but she's cool, IMO.
I'd personally love to see Squilliam wearing a helmet in her treedome,
or him being like SpongeBob was in Sandy's first appearance.
We need characters who don't normally interact, like Squilliam and Plankton,
to interact at least once.
See, here's the thing.

New "smart" Sandy IS annoying. I completely agree.

The problem is, and I've stated this before, that we've been deprived of karate/extreme sports Sandy.

Now THAT Sandy was one heck of a gal.
RedSoxFan274 said:
See, here's the thing.

New "smart" Sandy IS annoying. I completely agree.

The problem is, and I've stated this before, that we've been deprived of karate/extreme sports Sandy.

Now THAT Sandy was one heck of a gal.
Yeah I miss Texas Sandy. She was so cool to y'all.
RedSoxFan274 said:
See, here's the thing.

New "smart" Sandy IS annoying. I completely agree.

The problem is, and I've stated this before, that we've been deprived of karate/extreme sports Sandy.

Now THAT Sandy was one heck of a gal.
I feel a fine line between science, karate, extreme, and Texan will be the best way. I started adapting to Scientist Sandy, but I still miss Extreme/Karate Sandy. Episodes like Mooncation, Squirrel Record and Whelk Attack are steps in the right direction. I guess It Came From Goo Lagoon can count since half of the episode is Science Sandy and the other half is Hero Sandy. K I'll stop now. :P