314b. A Taste of Plankton

Weakest Season 15 episode yet. Not disliking any episodes of the franchise, I don't dislike this one either. I'd probably give it like a 6. But for context the lowest I give to any other Season 15 episode is 7, and the S15 average so far (with this included) is 7.75/10 for me. So this episode is very much below average for this season.

The reason being, not that well executed story and mostly lackluster jokes. Some may also complain about how gross this episode is but honestly I don't mind the grossness. My biggest problem is that this episode is very underwhelming especially for a season that has been consistently really good
I think many people were anticipating that this episode would be bad. Personally, I found it particularly engaging with its premise, and there was some really good storyboarding throughout. 8/10.