298b. Pet the Rock


Balloon Traveler
Feb 8, 2021
Favorite Character
SpongeBob, Squidward, Patrick, and Gary
Patrick's new pet rock catches the eye of a mischievous rock collector.
Unfortunately did not become my new favorite S14 episode as I was hoping, but it was pretty good. 298 was a pretty good pairing, hope the future episodes (299-onwards) also retain this quality.
Yeah, in my prediction thread, I got extremely confused on it's premise, and after watching it... eh...
Decent episode. Some jokes were unfunny and the episode was dragged out but there were some laughs to be found. Again, I don’t really know what to rate it
Honestly this episode was much better than I expected. While the episode itself is alright, there are many little details and things in this episode that I really love. I'll start by saying that Gary as a magician is just SO ADORABLE! Also I love all the references to past episodes in the pet store. There's the peanut worms from "Growth Spout", the sea bunnies from "Bunny Hunt", the Earworm from "Earworm" (duh), the whelks from "Whelk Attack", the sea monkeys from "King Plankton", and a bunch of colorful Puffy Fluffies from "A Pal for Gary". It's really nice seeing that SpongeBob is not just referencing episodes from the classic seasons but also post-movie SB seasons as well. Also there's all the games in Patrick's house which are more references to previous episodes, but I'm not going to go into all of them (as there's a LOT).

The only problem with the episode is that they could have done more with the rock collector. I felt like his appearances were kind of random, and we could have seen more of his attempts to get Patrick's "rock." Him suddenly being at the pet show was kind of awkward- how did he get into the stadium? Also the ending twist was really interesting but also kind of random, but I don't really have a problem with that.

Good (7.5/10)
Also one last thing: eyebrow-less Patrick. He looks so silly without them. :O

Not the worst but a weak Patrick episode (still good)
  1. Spongechovy (10/10)
  2. Bassward (9.5/10)
  3. Momageddon (9/10)
  4. We ❤️ Hoops (8.5/10)
  5. Squidiot Box (8/10)
  6. Buff For Puff (7.5/10)
  7. Pet The Rock (7/10)
  8. Single Celled Defense (6.5/10)
  9. Don't Make Me Laugh (6/10)