293b. Sandy, Help Us!

Mediocre. It could've been pretty good, but it has Narlene in it which automatically makes it worse in my eyes. Of course Narlene is not my only problem. Another problem is the strange story structure, almost as if it's two stories smushed together (to give them credit the beginning did have hints to the second plot). A third problem is how this episode felt more childish than usual. I mean, post-sequel is already somewhat more childish than the seasons before it, but it was never to this extent. By this I mean the thinking sequences, and
the way the earth was saved
. The ending also feels a little rushed/abrupt. Still, I don't call it bad because the overall concept is good, and it had some decent jokes
This episode has pretty blatant problems, the way Sandy helps everyone is pretty random and sorta poorly thought out with her whole brain thin coming out of nowhere. And that would be fine but it isn't really funny, it's just kinda boring and a bit too dumb. This episode gets significantly worse when Sandy creates Pecan Sandy and Narlene join, the fact that Sandy's support animal is Narlene and that she validates using feet to defeat Pecan is pretty sad. And Pecan Sandy is a preschool-level villain. Overall, very mediocre and a poor way to end the season
It was ok. The best thing about it was that Sandy gets a major role which is pretty rare lately. I'm ok with Narlene sticking around since Kamp Koral won't be continuing. 7/10
For our last episode of the season (yeah, I know), we’ve got “Sandy, Help Us!”, a title that couldn’t be more basic and bad if it tried. Yeah, that’s harsh. But am I wrong? Besides the fact that the title implies that we’re about to get something similar to “The Sponge Who Could Fly”, I have no idea what this episode is about. So what a fun last episode, wouldn’t you say? Let’s see if this episode falls victim to the subpar season ending curse that most of the seasons of this show have going on. At least it’s fitting that the last episode to be a part of this project (for now) is focused on the character I’ve been begging and pleading to see more of.

It’s nice to see a typical morning for Sandy, because we never see this kind of domesticity for the squirrel. Because, you know…well, I won’t say it. But you know what I’m thinking. And as SpongeBob bursts into Sandy’s treedome begging for help, and Sandy is hesitant to help him, I can already see what’s about to go down. At least potentially. I shouldn’t be so confident when I don’t know the episode yet. But it’s giving “Appointment TV”. It’s giving “Best Day Ever”. It’s giving “Overbooked”. Mostly the first though. So the first problem that Sandy’s gotta fix is SpongeBob’s alarm. As we move into the pineapple, I’m realizing that I’ve definitely seen part of this scene on Twitter before. And lo and behold, the hilariously yet understatedly violent scene of Sandy breaking SpongeBob’s arm is just as hilarious as it was on my phone screen. It’s also cute. Just so many emotional whiplashes. But in general it’s all very enjoyable, and I think very emblematic of SpongeBob and Sandy’s dynamic.

Surprisingly, the next person to request Sandy’s help is none other than the Flying Dutchman. The second that phone appeared on the screen bathed in that ghostly green glow, you bet your butt I was hooting and hollering (on the inside, I have appearances to maintain). Cuz y’all know I love me some Flying Dutchman. Funnily enough, I also mention him in my season 13 overview that I’ve already written, but his appearance here doesn’t diminish what I wrote there. Anyway, it’s nice to see that apparently the Flying Dutchman knows Sandy. I think this is the first ever indication we’ve gotten of such a thing. The only time the two have even interacted was in “The Legend of Boo-kini Bottom”, I think. The two have shared episodes before, but that’s the most direct their connection has been. So this is very exciting for me. I mean, two characters I love that I find severely underutilized? Say no more.

The Flying Dutchman needs Sandy’s help to get out of a glass ball. I wonder how he even called Sandy then lol. And why is it always Sandy who has to help people? So far we’re 2 for 2 out of tasks that don’t require Sandy’s expertise in any capacity. None of this is a nitpick, but I am wondering if the episode will address this. Moving on, I like that Sandy calls the Flying Dutchman by the nickname that SpongeBob had given him in “Ghost Host”. I’m choosing to see this episode as taking place after that one because of that (and that’s why Sandy has a friendly relationship with him, because SpongeBob does). The solution to this problem was…interesting. Especially when literally Sandy coulda just thrown the ball on the ground, or kicked it like a soccer ball, or done anything other than sit on it like a chicken? No idea what that was about. But also, this problem is left not fully solved, as the Dutchman is still tiny. I’m sure this won’t come up later.

Then it’s the Undersea Space Agency who needs Sandy’s help. Finally, something that will actually require her unique capabilities! And…oh my god…is that one of my favorite one-off characters of all time, Sergeant Roderick??? I think I’m ascending now. Alas, he doesn’t have the voice, but that makes sense given that his voice actor, Robin Sachs, passed a decade ago. Their problem is a bit more urgent—a giant meteor is heading to Earth. Thank god, Sandy gets to actually be smart. Because that chicken thing was something SpongeBob woulda come up with. Sandy’s solution is to move the Earth out of orbit (lol). Ignoring the catastrophic destruction that would cause, it seems to be a decent solution…til the meteor comes swinging right back. I liked the detail of Sandy’s screen here looking like a video game.

I’d like to think that it’s because Sandy has to go on all these crazy adventures that we never see her around. I’m going to adopt this into my personal idea of what the show is because it’s an appealing in-universe explanation that somewhat soothes the wounds caused by the out-of-universe one. Finally, Sandy is able to spend some time with her experiment, the seed. Which has now grown to something huge, which turns out to be a pecan clone of Sandy. This is giving a horrid (in a good way) My Little Pony/TF2 crossover animation I saw a long time ago. Yes these were the kinds of videos I was watching as a young impressionable child. Sandy created Pecan Sandy to do chores while she saved people. Yeah, this isn’t going to go well is it?

Takes about 2 seconds to see that I’m right, as Pecan Sandy gets mad about taking out the garbage. As she should. Honestly, she’s a sentient being Sandy, not your servant. Smh. Sandy’s too tired from all the stuff she’s had to do today to think of a solution to this problem. This is the moment where everyone Sandy’s helped today should come back and help her with this. That doesn’t happen, but what does happen is Sandy calls Narlene for help. Well, wasn’t expecting that one. But honestly, Sandy and Narlene sound like a great duo, why haven’t we done that yet? Although I didn’t particularly love the running gag of the inner brain, I do like that we got a Narlene version of it here. Narlene and Sandy then fight Pecan Sandy with their feet. Yeah sure, why not. I’ve seen many a comment going around about how Narlene is a “gross” character that is just an insert for a Tarantino-esque fetish, but frankly I don’t see it. Probably because these are cartoons lol, and we really haven’t seen anything grotesque or uncomfortable. Let’s focus that energy to Slappy. But even then he’s just an homage to a character actor.

Anyway, Narlene decides to reason with Pecan Sandy, and when she finds out that Pecan Sandy is mad because Sandy made her to do chores, she sympathizes and says what I’ve been saying. Come on Sandy, leave the deeply unethical experiments to Princess Bubblegum. So they let Pecan Sandy free. Good. And Sandy says that they both earned a break. Let’s see how long they get to keep that peace. For the rest of the episode, because even though Pecan Sandy goes on a rampage throughout Bikini Bottom, Sandy and Narlene are too occupied listening to tunes. It’s funny that the one time Sandy has to solve a problem she created, she ain’t doing it.

“Sandy, Help Us!” was a real good episode. It had lots of surprise characters I wasn’t expecting (3 of them!), and it was about my favorite squirrel doing favorite squirrel things. And it actually gave flaws to Sandy’s character. Can I get a “no misogyny here”?? lol. But seriously, I like seeing Sandy and Narlene together. I don’t know if that’s something that happens with Kamp Koral or not, but I’d like it to be, because they just make sense as our two country folk. And yet they each represent a different brand of country, so that makes it interesting to me.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.3/10

Note. I feel like this Megamind clip right now. You guys know the drill. Season overview tomorrow. Season 14? We'll talk about it.
I feel like this is what people who haven't watched modern episodes think what modern episodes are: Random crap going on with wacky silly faces with nothing good and Narlene my favorite! I'm so happy she's here you guys!
  1. Dopey Dick (15/10)
  2. Friendiversary (11/10)
  3. Gary's Playhouse (10.5/10)
  4. Salty Sponge (10/10)
  5. Delivery To Monster Island (10/10)
  6. Welcome To Binary Bottom (10/10)
  7. The Flower Pot (10/10)
  8. Swimming Fools (10/10)
  9. Spatula Of The Heavens (10/10)
  10. C.H.U.M.S (9.5/10)
  11. Ma And Pa's Big Hurrah (9.5/10)
  12. SpongeBob on parade (9.5/10)
  13. Yellow Pavement (9.5/10)
  14. Patrick The Mailman (9.5/10)
  15. Karen For Spot (9.5/10)
  16. Say Aww! (9.5/10)
  17. The Goobfather (10/10)
  18. Mandatory Music (9/10)
  19. Goofy Scoopers (9/10)
  20. Food PBFFT! Truck (8.5/10)
  21. Abandon Twits (8.5/10)
  22. A Place For Pets (8/10)
  23. Hot Crossed Nuts (8/10)
  24. Sir Urchin And Snail Fail (8/10)
  25. Squidferatu (8/10)
  26. Big top flop (8/10)
  27. Big Bad Bubble Bass (8/10)
  28. Under The Small Top (8/10)
  29. Plankton And The Beanstalk (8/10)
  30. Squidward's Sick Daze (7.5/10)
  31. Sea Man Sponge Haters Club (7.5/10)
  32. Ain't That The Tooth (7.5/10)
  33. Squidbird (7.5/10)
  34. Spongebob's Road To Christmas (7.5/10)
  35. Walhalla (7.5/10)
  36. You're Going To Pay Phone (7.5/10)
  37. Arbor Day Dissarray (7/10)
  38. Potato Puff (7/10)
  39. Allergy Attack (6.5/10)
  40. Pat The Dog (6.5/10)
  41. Ride Patrick Ride (6.5/10)
  42. My Friend Patty (6.5/10)
  43. Skin Wrinkle in time (6.5/10)
  44. Captain Pipsqueak (5.5/10)
  45. Lockdown For Love (5.5/10)
  46. Slappy Daze (5.5/10)
  47. Plane To Sea (3.5/10)
  48. There Will Be Grease (3/10)
  49. Upturn Girls (3/10)
  50. Sandy Help Us! (2/10)
  51. FUN-Believable (1/10)
  52. Something Narwhal This Way Comes (0/10)
That was season 13! I will talk about what I will do for 14!
Wow, in my opinion, I think this episode was just as bad as I predicted it would be almost two years ago. The plot is derivative and dull, and it just feels like Overbooked and Appointment TV but with... Sandy! But what makes this episode worse than both of them is how "dumbed down" everything has become. The events throughout this episode all feel random and unsatisfying. SpongeBob appears out of nowhere... and Sandy solves his problem by breaking his finger. The Flying Dutchman then randomly appears... and Sandy solves his problem by sitting on him. The most interesting scene is where Sandy stops an asteroid from hitting Earth- but it all happens too fast and there isn't anything at stake, because you know Sandy will somehow solve it. It's clear that the writers are trying to make this episode creative, but in the end, it just doesn't really work. There is no charm in this episode, and Sandy's personality feels shallow.

And Narlene being shoved into the second half of this episode was also unnecessary. I was never a fan of her character, and while this episode did try to establish a Sandy-Narlene dynamic, it fails miserably. Both characters just work together to fight Pecan Sandy, and there isn't anything distinguishing the two of them. I never found the scene where Sandy and Narlene used their feet to attack Pecan Sandy funny either- it just left me uncomfortable and disappointed. And as for Pecan Sandy... talk about a half-baked, painfully lame, Sam Star-rip off. There certainly could've been a better antagonist created for this episode. We just see Pecan Sandy destroy Sandy's house for no reason, and in the end, she gets set free and destroys Bikini Bottom, all while Narlene and Sandy carelessly relax in the treedome. What kind of ending is this? Remember when I said that this episode was "unsatisfying?" Well there you have it. Nothing gets done in the episode, and we're left with a worse state than we started the episode with. Overall, this episode is just a massive insult towards Sandy's character. There never was any potential in the premise to begin with, and this will probably end up in my bottom 3 episodes of Season 13.

So... if you're looking for an episode that is actually creative, stop by somewhere else. If you're looking for an episode that is (in my opinion) Atrocious (3/20), just watch this episode.