The Pokemon Enthusiast
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I am with you here this episode rocks can't wait to find out what you think of Karen for SpotAh, “Salty Sponge”, this is another episode I’ve heard a lot about, and I mean the reason is obvious—it’s the return of the Salty Spitoon…and not only that, but we finally get to see the inside of the place. This is very exciting for me, so let’s just get right into the episode.
Of course, in the episode that has SpongeBob returning to the Salty Spitoon, we’ve gotta begin with SpongeBob being the lovable, enthusiastic little dork we all know him to be. Gotta create the contrast somehow! I love how exaggerated this whole sequence is. And I like how you can tell it’s supposed to be exaggerated. I think a big problem with certain areas of criticism for this newest area of the show is that people don’t realize when the show is purposefully trying to be ridiculous. Probably because they don’t actually watch the episode but whatever clip is making the rounds on Twitter that week. And this is a problem with a lot of media criticism I’ve seen lately, not just those for SpongeBob SquarePants. It’s just…concerning to see media literacy be in the toilet like this.
Anyway, soapboxing aside, SpongeBob arrives at work to find it closed (for a week) due to an urchin infestation. Why do I feel like I’ve seen this before…oh yeah, “Best Day Ever”! Very similar plot point. But I can already tell that this episode will go in a different direction, which is good. And the different direction is…reminding me of “Le Big Switch” haha. Mr. Krabs has rented SpongeBob out to a different restaurant for the week so he can still get money. Well that’s…an ethically questionable business practice. Gotta love good ol’ Mr. Krabs, amirite. And the establishment that SpongeBob has been rented out to is, as you might have guessed, the Salty Spitoon. Oh boy, I like this already.
SpongeBob ain’t exactly enthused about working at the Salty Spitoon. I’m trying to figure out if I want this episode to be taking place after “No Weenies Allowed”, or if I want it to be its own continuity. Both options are equally good to me. I think the former is funnier if you think that SpongeBob finds the Salty Spitoon too tough because of the ice cube that ended up taking him out lmao. Anyway, SpongeBob is unceremoniously pushed into the place, and we finally see the inside…yeah, about as tough as I expected. Reminds me a lot of the Thug Tug from the movie, now that I think about it. And there are, of course, a number of references here, along with new character designs that I like. The exaggerated toughness of everyone is amusing to me, which is good because that’s what the episode was going for.
This episode also showcases the differences and similarities in SpongeBob’s character from season 3 vs. here in season 13. I’d say that his scaredy-catness is still the same, but now he’s a lot more…bold than he used to be. And I’m perfectly fine with that. I’m of the opinion that SpongeBob really hasn’t changed that much over time, it’s more that the writing has changed and so the way he’s portrayed has changed, but his core character traits have stayed the same. None of this is very relevant to my general opinion on this episode, but they were thoughts I wanted to share.
The owner of the Salty Spitoon finds SpongeBob and puts him to work. Wow, what a win for equal rights—the owner of the Salty Spitoon is a woman. I’m wiping tears from my eyes (all of this is sarcasm). Of course, SpongeBob’s job is just as tough as the establishment itself, and it seems like fry cooks die regularly LMAO. Love some morbid humor. Surprisingly, SpongeBob manages to get the hang of the job pretty quickly, after making some hipster rubbish at first.
And then, none other than Mrs. Puff shows up at the Salty Spitoon. Gotta admit, did not see that one coming. But I love this. Because not only is it continuous with “Potato Puff”, but I’m counting it as being continuous with “Demolition Doofus” and “No Free Rides”. And also, I just love seeing Mrs. Puff in a place other than Boating School. I love how she has a reputation too…and that she has “Big Fat Meanie” stitched to the back of her jacket. So many references, so little time. I feel bad for people who complain about references, because imagine complaining when you could be enjoying! Anyway, Mrs. Puff realizes that SpongeBob is working at the Salty Spitoon and promptly freaks tf out. Which is fair. Poor woman has been tormented. And since SpongeBob was the one to drive her out of the bar…well now SpongeBob’s the toughest guy around. I love this for him.
Okay, well he’s not the toughest just yet, cuz he’s gotta go through the “Trials of Toughness”. But come on, this is SpongeBob, and we’ve seen plots like this before. Our guy has plot armor out the wazoo. And it’s entertaining so who even cares. SpongeBob’s niceness is his toughness, and I love it. The callback to “The Abrasive Side” was also very wonderful, and I’m surprised I didn’t even think about that episode until now. Also, don’t think I don’t see those portraits of Sandy in the background during the mechanical bull scene. Because I do. I see them quite clearly. And I like it. You know what, I’m going to say that this is how Sandy and Mrs. Puff met. Who’s gonna stop me???
After SpongeBob is christened the toughest guy at the Salty Spitoon, he makes some changes to the place…changes that aren’t quite welcomed by the tough out-of-towners who show up. But I think they’re hilarious changes. It’s the Kuddly Krab all over again! The way the leader of the motorcycle gang has like a quadruple take between Weenie Hut Jr’s and the Salty Spitoon is so freaking funny. And his outrage in general is also really funny. SpongeBob waltzing out like he did something is also really good. Can’t wait to see if he ends up getting his **** rocked or if the plot armor extends. Both options could lead to some very funny results so I don’t care either way.
I really like SpongeBob’s interactions with this guy, the back and forth is just so funny. And the way that we end up just getting another version of the theme song, this time to introduce the Softy Spitoon, just lol. And it seems that not all changes can last forever, as the patrons of the Softy Spitoon start fighting the biker gang. But they do so for the honor of being able to cry in public, so that’s gotta mean something, right? And of course Mr. Krabs walks in on this, and ends up getting in a fight with the owner over SpongeBob. Why is the end of this episode actually so cute???? All the little drawings of SpongeBob, I think my heart is gonna burst.
So one thing that I like about episodes like “Salty Sponge” is not only do they bring back locations and characters that we know (like Goofy Goobers, or Fred, or even Kevin), but they elaborate on them so that they can be incorporated into the show beyond just meme status and iconicism. I think that moves like these are very smart when it comes to keeping the show fresh and alive, because now other episodes can use these locations without them being so much of a meme and more of simply a location or character to use, you know what I mean? Probably not, because I’m just saying words. But this is all yet again just another iteration of the self-reference this show is now frequently engaging in. A source of criticism for some, but a source of enthusiasm for me.
Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.3/10