219a. Man Ray Returns


Jan 29, 2014
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Synopsis: "When Man Ray rents Squidward's house for the weekend, it's up to SpongeBob and Patrick to stop his evil vacation."

Sounds so silly that SpongeBob and Patrick just make a huge deal out of a mundane situation. I just love how much irony this idea has.

Discuss it when it airs.

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They're still finding ways to somehow include MM & BB in these eps themselves O.o

Besides the zaniness of the Squidward scene I generally liked this ep, heck I would've even liked that scene if they just toned something down a bit. The antics were a bit endearing and Man Ray continuing to be less dangerous is an interesting trend, even with the ending there. I actually have some hope with Mermaid Pants episodes as the fight in this one was really interesting this time around, something that Mermaid Pants lacked. Also the anticlimactic fight ending with Squidward coming back was hilarious. Not my favorite episode but there's honestly quite the bit to like in this episode.
One of the best MM&BB episodes ever. This is just I don't even know what to say it's a GOLDEN episode. This is my favorite episode (as of Larry The Floor Manager) of season 11 And the ::Spoilers:: The fake out ending were he was actually evil the whole time. I can tell Larry The Floor Mananger gonna be good. 11/10 Edit: I forgot the fight part of the episode that was the best part I think :).
I haven’t laughed this much in an episode in a while. Doesn’t help that I haven’t seen much of the new episodes.

This felt like a classic Batman episode, unlike the other mmbb episodes.

Patrick licking the cactus was my favorite part. It’s like classic humor.
Worthy sequel of "Mermaid Pants". One thing I found interesting about recent episodes, that is beggining are usually the weakest part of the episode. It was here, it was in sister episode.
And ending are usually good lately. I don't know how to feel about this.
This Mermaid Pants episode was better than the first. I liked the gags, and the ending where Man Ray was evil the whole time and poor Squidward's house gets demolished. 9/10
This was a pretty decent episode. It's not as good as the original Mermaid Pants, but it's definitely a good successor. I loved the return of Man Ray (hence the title), and the action scenes were great! I do feel that there were some slow scenes, but the mundane, yet unique plot combined with the action and good humor is enough to warrant an 8/10 from me.

EDIT: My rating for this episode is now a 7/10. Not quite as good as I initially thought.
I'd say this was a great episode. This episode was actually really funny and it was cool to see Man Ray again. I also liked the battle part too. I also like how this episode, just like 9B, was able to be fast-paced without being too fast-paced to the point that it's annoying, and I also like how the episodes was funny rather than annoying. This episode could have easily became either one of those two, if not both, but thankfully it didn't, it ended up being a great episode! I'll give this a 9.5/10 and this episode competes with Spot Returns for the best episode of Season 11 so far.
After last week's awful pairing, I didn't expect much for this week. But, when I did hear about this episode far back in August, I was actually pretty excited to watch it. And when I checked to see which episodes were airing today, I got a pleasant surprise, and guess what? It reached my level of expectations. Well, actually, I think it surpassed my level of expectations.

First off, let's talk about the plot. This is a genius way to keep the Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy characters alive. I know, I know, that's pretty much what everyone said when MermaidPants came out. But honestly, I think this is much better than MermaidPants. I always found MermaidPants overrated. Sure, it was a good episode, but it's nowhere near Top 5 material in Season 10. This episode, on the other hand, has a much more interesting plot. Rather than have SpongeBob and Patrick simply pretend to be Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy, we get conflict that's much more interesting. This time, they're fighting a real enemy, Man Ray.

First off, let me just say, I absolutely love Man Ray in this episode. It's so cool seeing him as a main character (With his latest appearance before this being Super Aquatic Team Up is a Go!), and honestly, I think he's one of the best parts of this episode. There's just a charm to his character, I'm not sure how to put it. To be honest, Man Ray hasn't really been "Evil" since his debut in MM&BB III. He's since been seen doing pretty mundane things, and honestly, the only time we really see him evil, is in Back to the Past (Where the events taking place occurred before MM&BB III). I guess the ending of this episode is the first time we really see him act evil on his own terms. Sure, he's kind of forced into it, but not in a brutal way (Like in Shuffleboarding). In fact, this episode feels very similar TO Shuffleboarding. Man Ray isn't doing anything wrong. SpongeBob and Patrick assume he's up to no good, they dress up as MM&BB, and they have a showdown. Only this version actually is kind of funny, and much more wild and entertaining.

Anyway, back to the plot of the episode, I really like this episode's premise. Putting a real villain, Man Ray, in the mix of SpongeBob and Patrick's serious attitude about fighting evil makes for a really entertaining episode. I think it's a cool idea to have Man Ray (An arch rival of SpongeBob and Patrick's heroes) rent out Squidward's house while he's on vacation. Plus, this episode's layout doesn't come off as forced. It actually comes off pretty naturally, if you ask me. The way this episode progresses, Squidward leaves on vacation, SpongeBob/Patrick try to meet up with the person renting his home, they discover he's Man Ray, they go to MM&BB for help, etc. is laid out really well. This is probably one of the best paced episodes in a while, some moments are fast paced, while others are a little more relaxed, and laid back. I really love how Kaz laid out the episode, I feel as if he did a great job transitioning from one plot point to the other. It's something I can't really describe. The most I can say is "See for yourself.".

The humor in this episode is pretty good. In fact, there are a lot of really funny jokes in this episode. From the adult humor regarding the "Unmentionables" (I can't believe SpongeBob has made a bra joke for the first time in over a decade), to the silly visual humor involving SpongeBob & Patrick putting Squidward's house back together. A lot of the jokes, as expected, are based off the animation. And I must say, I really love the animation in this episode. The more wacky, and crazy animation we're now familiar with, perfectly fits within this episode, seeing it's a much more action packed episode. There are some moments when it's unnecessary (Particularly when Patrick yells in Squidward's face at the beginning of the episode, or when the old lady steals Patrick's wallet), but I think this episode gets more wrapped up in it's plot than it's humor. Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with that. The plot is really interesting, and I got really invested into it. Sure, it's kind of a ripoff of Shuffleboarding. But, this is so much better than Shuffleboarding, in which this episode is actually exciting! SpongeBob & Patrick don't come off as ignorant jerks in this episode, they come across as two guys wanting to make society better, abolishing crime. They have good intentions, but they're not aware of Man Ray's side of the story, and that's what separates this from Shuffleboarding. There are multiple times SpongeBob & Patrick abuse their power, just because they think it'd be cool to be Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy. However, the only reason they take their places in this episode, is because they're taking their [Insert word they used in this episode that's slipping my mind] naps. It's a perfect way of featuring MM&BB in this episode (Not only for cameo appearances, but to also be a pretty big plot point).

So, to sum this episode up, I think the beginning of the episode properly set up the conflict, with Squidward leaving for vacation, and telling the two to leave the person who is renting his house to alone (Not to mention, establishing the fact that SpogneBob and Patrick are trying to keep the neighborhood crime-less). Then, we see the big surprise, Man Ray is renting the house. Curious, the two try to figure out who is renting Squidward's house (With some funny gags included, particularly the gag with Patrick knocking on the window). They go inside the house, and interact with Man Ray (Unaware who this person is), until the reveal that he is Man Ray, forcing SpongeBob and Patrick to assume the worst, and flee to Shady Shoals for help. Their heroes, however, being unable to help them out, SpongeBob & Patrick ensue the role of their heroes (In probably one of the best scenes in the episode), and then head to Squidward's, ensuing in the highlight of the episode, the climax.

I absolutely love the battle between Man Ray and SP&P. This scene looks great, it has fantastic animation, and a lot of pretty funny gags (My favorite being the "Evil never takes a vacation" line). Man Ray realizes that he just can't escape from being evil, and giving into the battle, resulting in some pretty epic sequences. A storm ensues, and Squidward decides to return home early, since the weather isn't good. Rather than go the predictable route, Man Ray actually abandons SpongeBob & Patrick, leaving the two to do the greater good, by cleaning up Squidward's house. These last few minutes of the episode are awesome. Yes, the three wrecked Squidward's house, but SpongeBob and Patrick acted like true heroes, by being kind enough to restore Squidward's house to it's former glory, in probably the funniest scene in the episode.

While not my favorite at first, I think this episode has really grown on me. It's probably my favorite episode of Season 11. It has a lot of funny jokes, great characters, beautiful animation, incredible directing, it's an Amazing Episode. All in all, I give it a 10/10.
An amazing sequel to MermaidPants, It's really funny, has some great action scenes, and has a great plot, what else can i say really?


My favorite episode of Season 11 so far and it's now in my Top 20 of the series.
I LOVE this episode! It's a 10/10 for me.

At first, I was kind of mixed on this episode, because while there is a great climax with Barnacle Star + Mermaid Pants fighting Man Ray, and many funny jokes sprinkled in, the synoposis/plot was kind of a dissapointing way to bring Man Ray back, and not too much happened, but, I gave this a rewatch, and warmed up to it. There isn't a low point in the episode, and yes, SpongeBob and Patrick overreact at Squidward going on a vacation, that bit is short, and far from bad. I liked that we saw Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy for a little bit, but they didn't speak (For obvious reasons :sbbye2: :patsad: ) Nobody feels out of character, it's funny, it isn't boring, and just great! I was initially going to give this a 6/10, but all in all, it's a 10/10! This just shows, that SpongeBob is improving! I like that they toned down the zaniness a bit, while not COMPLETLEY removing it. Season 11 is good so far. Nice job SpongeBob crew. :salute:
Honestly, i didn't think this would've good idea to make squeal to Mermald Pants, but this? this is just awful. I mean SB and Pat didn't realize Man Ray was this, and they both messed up big time. I don't really think this handle well because Man Ray trying to be good then turns evil? been there, done that. It just felt this episode is huge mess.

Final Grade: F
I was looking forward to this sequel to Mermaid Pants. Let's the cons out of the way, it had a VERY ANNOYING beginning! SB and Patrick regressed back to their worst selves (seasons 6-7, that is) when they find out that Squidward was leaving. Because, we need a SB&Patrick episode that had to revolved on one scene they bother Squidward for no reason (That's why seasons 6-7 suffered for that reason). Plus, the setup was predictable towards the end, But I digress. Flaws aside, this was a great episode. It is just as great as Mermaid Pants. SpongeBob and Patrick become their post-sequel selves again later on once man Ray came to the picture. Man Ray himself was well-written, even if he didn't really feel too much of a threat until the sudden plot which like I said came off as predictable. Nick Carr surprised me with the tracks here (fitting title card music, check, return of two Hawaiian tracks, check, tons of super hero music, check). Honestly, the action and most of the middle section were the best thing about the episode. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy made cameo. It's a shame Ernest Borgnine isn't with us anymore, but non-speaking is the only way this Mermaid Pants plot is going work. While SpongeBob and Patrick should've been written better here, it was still a fun episode. I hope there's another Mermaid Pants episode later on.
sorry lads, this wasn't a good episode for me. It wasn't all bad tho, some stuff did entertain me. I laughed at a few of gags like SpongeBob and Patrick acting like fishes at the beginning and the old lady stealing Patrick's wallet. And the action scenes in this episode were good enough to entertain me, even if the set up was poorly done. My main issue with this one is that how everything came together. How they used Man Ray here was so bad. So he takes a peaceful vacation and we are supposed to root for SpongeBob and Patrick to ruin it all. I get he's evil and all but SpongeBob and Patrick destroying everything in Squidward's house was a lot like season 6-7 SpongeBob and Patrick stupidity and i couldn't stand that. Why do we need to see SpongeBob and Patrick screwing everything up again? It already got old in season 6-7. The ending was a slap in the face. I thought we got over with Squidward getting pain he doesn't deserve. Some gags felt very zany and I was already tired of seeing them in season 10 and carriyng that in season 11 was no good. The non-speaking cameos of MM and BB, it felt forced in my eyes. I get that they'd need MM and BB's help to stop their villain but the whole thing was off for me. I'll say that I'm so disappointed by this. I was expecting another fun Mermaid Pants story and this didn't work for me. after he wrote some good episodes in season 9B, I haven't been a fan of Kaz's episodes with a few exceptions and this episode was certainly not good. I didn't hate it but it was mediocre at best.

Grade: C
Season: 11

Episode: Man Ray Returns

This episode was very good. The plot was nice and it was cool too see Man Ray again. The ending was kinda predictable, but I don't really care. There were some funny jokes. 8.5/10
If there was any season 11 episode that should've been a sure fire success it'd have to be this one. Man Ray's appearance in MM/BB III is one of the comedic highlights in the show's 11 season run and the previous season's Mermaid Pants was a fantastic episode that rebooted the MM/BB formula in a clever and funny way. Surely Man Ray Returns follows suit... right....... right?

Ugh. It was kinda hard to watch this episode and to not think how much better they did this stuff better the first time but even on its own terms Man Ray Returns is an obnoxious episode that never really gets into the groove of what it wants to be. The episode immediately gives an awful first impression with SpongeBob and Patrick just being intolerable. Their scene with Squidward represents much of what I hate about season 10 SpongeBob. Characters being loud with little purpose, animation that's in your face, and characterization that make SpongeBob and Patrick out to be terrible people. In fact that's my main issue with this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick. What the heck happened? We had this nailed down in the first one. Some people took issue with SpongeBob and Patrick's characterization in the first Mermaid Pants which I disagree with. In that episode it works because Squidward and Mr. Krabs are even bigger idiots, instead of just leaving their game they continued to partake in their role play. And whenever they didn't oblige they resorted to violence.

If you said that for this episode though, you'd be completely right. Man Ray and Squidward did nothing to deserve this. Yeah Man Ray is bad but SpongeBob and Patrick didn't have a single good reason to do what they did. And even if you buy that morality Squidward still gets his house demolished under no fault of his own. Even when SpongeBob and Patrick's characterization isn't considered this episode was pretty lame in other categories too. Instead of focusing on superhero parody and character dynamics like the original most of Man Ray Returns is focused on SpongeBob and Patrick annoying Man Ray and Squidward along with their house invasion. All things that have become routine and uninteresting, toppled with a random and meaningless MM/BB cameo that's shoehorn inclusion makes a flimsy plot even more clumsy. Even the action scenes and Comic Book text gags feel so nurtured and undeveloped compared to last time. While a couple of jokes aren't complete disasters, this episode just annoyed me for all of the things that could've been better.

If there was any season 11 episode that should've been a sure fire success it'd have to be this one. Man Ray's appearance in MM/BB III is one of the comedic highlights in the show's 11 season run and the previous season's Mermaid Pants was a fantastic episode that rebooted the MM/BB formula in a clever and funny way. Surely Man Ray Returns follows suit... right....... right?

Ugh. It was kinda hard to watch this episode and to not think how much better they did this stuff better the first time but even on its own terms Man Ray Returns is an obnoxious episode that never really gets into the groove of what it wants to be. The episode immediately gives an awful first impression with SpongeBob and Patrick just being intolerable. Their scene with Squidward represents much of what I hate about season 10 SpongeBob. Characters being loud with little purpose, animation that's in your face, and characterization that make SpongeBob and Patrick out to be terrible people. In fact that's my main issue with this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick. What the heck happened? We had this nailed down in the first one. Some people took issue with SpongeBob and Patrick's characterization in the first Mermaid Pants which I disagree with. In that episode it works because Squidward and Mr. Krabs are even bigger idiots, instead of just leaving their game they continued to partake in their role play. And whenever they didn't oblige they resorted to violence.

If you said that for this episode though, you'd be completely right. Man Ray and Squidward did nothing to deserve this. Yeah Man Ray is bad but SpongeBob and Patrick didn't have a single good reason to do what they did. And even if you buy that morality Squidward still gets his house demolished under no fault of his own. Even when SpongeBob and Patrick's characterization isn't considered this episode was pretty lame in other categories too. Instead of focusing on superhero parody and character dynamics like the original most of Man Ray Returns is focused on SpongeBob and Patrick annoying Man Ray and Squidward along with their house invasion. All things that have become routine and uninteresting, toppled with a random and meaningless MM/BB cameo that's shoehorn inclusion makes a flimsy plot even more clumsy. Even the action scenes and Comic Book text gags feel so nurtured and undeveloped compared to last time. While a couple of jokes aren't complete disasters, this episode just annoyed me for all of the things that could've been better.

...You know you're stating a REALLY unpopular opinion, right?!