This episode is just… boring. It's not memorable at all. SpongeBob not only looks absolutely hideous while he's rich, but he's a complete jerk. That's my main problem with the episode. Why didn't he invite Patrick to his house, and why was he being a total jerk towards him- BUT BEING NICE TO RANDOM BACKGROUND FISH?!? Patrick was actually pretty smart here. He knew that it was stupid to GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY. The moral at the end was pretty good too. This episode however? Nope. 5/10
-I found Patrick's mimicking sort of funny
-*throws glove at face* TOUCHDOWN!
-"I could buy and sell you!"
-"Dude, how did you get in there?"
-Unrelated, but the music at the end is one of my favorites from the show.
-The moral is pretty good here.
-SO MANY CHEEKS. This is something that Aaron Springer does all the time, I love the dude's work, but SpongeBob just looks weird and obnoxious in some scenes because of the cheeks.
-The scenes go so slow and awkward at the beginning, the rich guy approaching SB and Pat's pearl and the ice cream scene.
-The mall scenes are super weird, with SB's head and eyelids being ripped off.
-SpongeBob looks so freaking weird when his rich. His lips, mustache and eyelashes are just…off-putting.
-SpongeBob is super unlikable in this episode. Why the heck wouldn't he invite Patrick to his house?!? And when he does get in, why wouldn't he being so rude to Patrick? Not to mention even Patrick is smarter than SpongeBob here. At least he knows it's stupid to give money away to everybody?