142b. Sponge-Cano!

Mr. Sea Shell

Floating Shopping List
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score

Review: An awesome episode of SpongeBob! But, Squidward was sort of a jerk. :|

Rating: 8/10
Squidward really annoyed me in this one. He was way too much of an angry grump. I guess it was nice that he told SpongeBob he needed him and apologized, but of course, he only said that so he wouldn't be sacrificed, and said afterwards that he lied about it all. :facepalm: Pretty bad episode. 3/10
I can understand Squidward but he was annoying in this episode. I thought this episode was mediocre. It's not awesome as people says actually but It's not the worst Legends of Bikini Bottom episode. There were some good parts in this episode. I really liked SpongeBob's song at the begining of this episode. The Dolphin Warrior was kinda funny in this episode. I also liked that SpongeBob admited that he was the one who made Squidward miserable. I don't really recommend this episode but I'd rather watch this episode than The Main Drain and Trenchbillies. 5.5/10.
I have a few problems with this episode. First of all, Squidward went a bit too far with his frustratedness with this episode, and I mean WAY too far. How can a hat exactly annoy a person? The second problem is the very underwhelming and senseless ending. Sacrifice the most miserable person's HOUSE? How does that make sense in any way possible, plus the fact that it's just a plain overwhelming ending even though there were so many possibilities with an episode that involves a giant volcano.

Characters: D
Plot: C+
Humor: C

Overall Grade: C-
It is a bad Legends Of Bikini Bottom episode, but isn't The Main Drain or Trench Billies worse?
Spongetron Robotpants said:
It is a bad Legends Of Bikini Bottom episode, but isn't The Main Drain or Trench Billies worse?
I agree with you. I find The Main Drain and Trenchbillies much worse than this episode too.
It is a bad Legends Of Bikini Bottom episode, but isn't The Main Drain or Trench Billies worse?

I Found The Main Drain Is Pretty Funny For A Season 7 Episode Well Trench Billies Is The Second Worst But I Liked The Ending Of That Episode But There's No Good Thing About This Episode...
Pretty bad episode with bad characterization as well.
We all know Squidward is grumpy and hates Spongebob but in this episode apparently every little thing just pisses him off for no reason and he's the most miserable person in Bikini Bottom I guess. This is such a stretch even for this show, and to top that we get an active volcano in town which was never there before. But the thing I hated most was the fact that spongebob was almost going to just let Squidward die! Earlier Squidward told Spongbob never to help him which he agrees to. But even Spongebob is not that stupid to just sit there and watch his friend hold on for dear life and fall into a pit of lava just because he said not to help him earlier, I get that Spongebob is very gullible and can sometimes be dumb but not this infuriatingly stupid and non caring. I do like that Squidward kinda breaks down and says he loves life but even that was ruined due to him just lying about it.
At least in something like the paper when Squidward tells Spongebob not to do something it's not a matter of life or death.
Out of all of the LOBB episodes, I find this to be the most annoying. Squidward was such a jerk.
Season: 7

Episode: Sponge-Cano!

This episode was terrible. The plot was really bland and mean spirited. Squidward was such a jerk. I only liked one or two jokes. 3/10
How can this be worse than Trenchbillies???
I like this episode!, I was sad that Squidward said (at the end) that he DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING , but he do mean them... ;) that's his character and we cannot change him so yeah...
What I didn't like about this episode is the misconception...If Dolphin Warrior had said the WHOLE sentence , nothing of that would happen..but again, they didn't interrupt him..it was just an excuse... I actually thought this episode was good and I will give it a 8.5/10
This episode was actually pretty middle-of-the-road to me. There were some things I did enjoy, some things I didn't. The rest was all just kinda... there.

I don't it's the worse LOBB episode it's not as worse as The Main Drain but it's okay there are some good parts like the Gratitude song and the Dolphin Warrior is an interesting character but what really ruined it the most is the ending it would have gotten an 8/10 if Squidward didn't lie but anyways it's okay

Grade: 6/10

Best Character: :sbx:

Best Line: And you called your pipe stupid

Best Moment: The Gratitude Song