138a. The Play's the Thing

Mr. Sea Shell

Floating Shopping List
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score

Review: When I saw this episode at first, I didn't like it for the most part. But, when I saw it again, I now think this episode is a SpongeBob classic! I loved how Squidward's play turned into a food fight! :D

Rating: 8.7/10
It's another underrated season 7 episode. I thought this episode was good but It could have been much better. It's not one of the best season 7 episodes because some parts were boring and I really felt bad for SpongeBob and Squidward at the end but the ending was funny. Some parts in this episode was funny like SpongeBob throwing a garbage at Squidward, SpongeBob pretending to be a garbage truck, Patrick's cameo and the mailman screaming. Overall, I liked this episode. 8/10
Ugh, another Squidward Torture episode, and look its a Spongebob Torture episode mixed together. Isnt that grand? No its just another mean spirited episode. Nothing special. And really? You had to go with Singy-Eaty Time? To quote Eddy: That's stupid.
Okay idea, bad execution. Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob are unlikable but in the end, SpongeBob was thrown stuff at too. I hate it when Mr. Krabs gets away with something like this and doesn't get punished for it. Singy eaty time thing was really dumb too. Just a poor episode and not really funny either. 4/10
I actually really liked this episode. It had some pretty funny parts (for a new episode) and it was never over played. I think it was a good idea and they did a good job turning it into an episode. It was unique and not an overused storyline. 8/10
Its A Pretty Good Episode

Until Patrick Says: ''I like throwing food''

Nobody cared about the return of the anchovies? I thought that was so awesome!!!

As for the rest of the episode, hilarious! 10/10
I liked the beginning but the second half of this episode is boring and bleh. 4/10
Season: 7

Episode: The Play's the Thing

This episode was terrible. The plot was really bad. There was a bunch of Squidward and Spongebob abuse mixed together. There were few funny jokes. 3.5/10
Surprised again.

This was another episode I found incredibly boring in the past, but after rewatching it, It's not as bad. There's some good jokes, Squidward is hilarious here and the customers were the best part tbh.

Still no where near perfect though. Just a typical good-ish episode. Probably 7 or 7.5 out of 10.
3.6/10???? Seriously?! I just watched this episode and I thought it was pretty decent. Nothing amazing, but it floated. 5.5/10.

This place is full of enterbots :/
777 said:
3.6/10???? Seriously?! I just watched this episode and I thought it was pretty decent. Nothing amazing, but it floated. 5.5/10.

This place is full of enterbots :/
You really shouldn't care that much about the SBM ratings of the episodes because there are a lot of them that are either underrated or overrated. Don't say that this place is full of enterbots (stupid term btw) just because of that.