135b. The Bad Guy Club for Villains

Mr. Sea Shell

Floating Shopping List
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score

Review: A splendid episode indeed! Of course, it's shorter than other episodes, but it has action that kept me in a good mood! I like this as much as "Back to the Past"!

Rating: 8/10
This episode is not that great, really. I like how the entire episode is an old MM&BB episode though, that was a creative idea. But the plot was sort of dull. Also, it kind of annoyed me how they changed the names of some of the members of the IJLSA. But it wasn't all that bad. 5.3/10
What a great episode, I really enjoyed this more than Back to the Past. A nice reference to past episode with the IJLSA (does he say lodge though? I thought it was league of super acquaintances).

Also, were the credits the same as the actual credits? Pretty cool if they were.

Overall a very enjoyable episode of SpongeBob, even if it wasn't really an episode of SB. I give this a solid 7/10.
This was yet another decent Season 7 episode. I liked the credits of the MM and BB lost episode as they were the SB credits :)
This episode is underrated. I thought this episode was a great episodes but I like "Back to the Past" episode more. This episode wasn't funny actually but It was enjoyable and the action scenes were good. I don't think this episode is one of the best season 7 episodes because some parts were boring and there were no funny moments. I know some people hates it but I think people should give this episode a chance. 8/10
I never got why they replaced The Quickster even if the reason was it was before he joined the team.
I like the concept of this episode, a lost episode of MM&BB. But the execution was just kind of alright. I can see why they extended the time of "Back to the Past", because this episode doesn't need to be longer. If it was then this episode would have been even more stale. This episode is not as good as Back to the Past, because that episode was actually funny. But this one, not so much. 5/10
I thought this one was better than Back to the past. That one is funny, but htis is really funny, creative, and just plain awesome. Therre's even some great animaito in the fight scene! Despite the fact that they got the IJLSA wrong, it's still an awesome episode with a hilariously cheap ending. 8.5/10
Season: 7

Episode: The Bad Guy Club For Villains

This episode was good. The plot was creative. I liked the fact we've seen a episode in a episode. There were some funny jokes. 8/10
The Good- Unique Idea. Pretty funny and just well done throughout.

The Bad- I have three major issues with this episode.

1. Why in Back to the Past does Adam West voice young Mermaid Man but in this he doesn't? They're partner episodes! It seems lazy.

2. Professor Magma?!?! And where is the Quickster?!?!

3. When the tape comes out and SpongeBob has to put it back in... What in the world was the point of that scene? Filler.

I like that they showed the credits of SB though.

But really how lazy do you have to be not to go and watch MM&BB 5... It's pathetic. Considering any fan could tell you the correct names... Just seems stupid
IDK I don't find nothing about this episode good...The only reason I have is that it is boring, I really hate this episode..It doesn't have something really bad , but it is one of the SpongeBob episodes that I am bored of, maybe it is because it doesn't have Squidward or SpongeBob at a satisfying level :/ Imma give it a 3/10 :/
Very underrated episode. The idea of doing the episode as an episode of the MM & MM TV show was a clever idea. 9/10

Py-Right Ponderer ("Why do we exist?")
The ending
The villains turn out to be having a book club.
The end credits being the actual credits for the show
With spinoffs, especially when they're episodes in the same show, it can be a bit risky. However I felt that this one paid off.

The Good Stuff:
-The fourth wall jokes are amazing, especially the credits at the end.
-MM&BB are so established that an original episode fit right in. I wasn't annoyed that SB was barely in it like I might be several years ago; instead, I enjoyed the twist, especially because the previous episode put me in the mood. I almost forgot about Spongebob at points, but the brief cuts to Spongebob and Patrick were a good idea.
-The ending was smoothly done, yet hilarious and unexpected. I was expecting a Scooby Doo reference that never came for some reason.
-The references to real superheroes were entertaining, but they never felt out of place.

The Bad Stuff:
FireyFistOPain said:
1. Why in Back to the Past does Adam West voice young Mermaid Man but in this he doesn't? They're partner episodes! It seems lazy.
Yeah, that messed me up too. What was the point of that? Considering the episodes were a pair it would have made more sense.
The plot could have had more action, but it wasn't so bland that I was bored.

I actually probably liked this better than Back to the Past. Very creative, funny, and different. 9/10