Oh boy, this episode is a crapper. Even more so is it's partner. But that's another story for another day. I can't stand this episode. I've felt that way since I first saw this nasty patty (an episode that's in my TOP 50, so that isn't hinting anything, it's maybe even in my top 25). But I needed a metaphor for bad and that's the first thing I came up with. It starts with Squiddy trying to have a nice walk in the neighborhood and coming to a piece of gum that gets all over him. A police officer runs over to Squidward and tickets him up. Enraged like the audience is, Squidward protests but it doesn't do anything. Basically most of the episode is Squidward trying to do some normal stuff he usually does, but trash gets in his way, so he gets ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket after ti-
-after ticket after ticket after ticket. Squidward then goes home to relax, and does so, in his house, wait not his hous
e, BUT A REPLICA OF HIS HOUSE ENTIRELY MADE OUT OF TRASH. HE DOESN'T EVEN NOTICE UNTIL MAYBE A DAY AND WHEN he finally does, he runs out of the "house" in disgust. HE THEN GETS TWO TICKETS-ONE FOR THE PILE OF CRAP THE WRITERS CALLED A HOUSE, AND THE OTHER, THE OTHER? HE GETS THE OTHER BECAUSE THE FIRST TICKET FELL ON THE GROUND. WOW. THEN PICK IT UP! FREAKING PICK IT UP, YOU (DOLPHIN NOISE) (DOLPHIN NOISE)ES! SB sucks all the garbage into his mouth, getting rewarded another ticket given to not Spongebob, BUT SQUIDWARD. Spongebob doesn't stop, making a statue out of Squidward. Squilliam makes his last appearance to date and says that it's like Squid as it has the stench of failure. The stinkyness causes the statue to melt, and all three of them get a ticket. Well that was a stupid ending. I really hate this episode. It's dumb and even gross-JUST LET'S MOVE ON