128b. Stuck in the Wringer

Mr. Sea Shell

Floating Shopping List
Feb 14, 2012

Summary: SpongeBob gets stuck in a wringer, but he doesn't let that stop his daily activites.

Review: I guess this episode was pretty funny, but I didn't like it when SpongeBob got mad at Patrick and everyone said that he deserved what he got. :(

Rating: 7.5/10
Oh, boy. This episode is quite funny. But, it annoyed me when Patrick used his "Forever Glue" on SpongeBob. And I was depressed when SpongeBob was scolded by the others. 8.5/10
It was good but it wasn't like SB to act nasty so 7/10


You gave this episode to many points
-10000/10 isn't a worse enough ranking
Kumatora0203 said:
You gave this episode to many points
-10000/10 isn't a worse enough ranking
Oh, right. -infinity/10 (just like A Pal For Gary)
This episode was pretty bad. Let me start with: PATRICK PATRICK PATRICK! Why do you even exist in this ep? This really exemplifies what post-movie-haters say is wrong about Patrick: he's oxygen-suckingly dumb and (deliberately) mean-spirited.

It starts out okay, with SB getting ready in the bathroom, then drying himself with a wringer (we've never actually seen this thing before, but I let it slide; new ideas are scarce). Suddenly, he slips on soap, rockets around the room and gets "Stuck in the Wringer". Next, Patrick barges in to collect his rubber duck, oblivious to SB's plight. When SB screams that he's stuck loud enough to penetrate Patrick's squeaky brain, Patrick takes out "Forever Glue", GLUES Spongebob to the wringer, and cheerfully says, "There you go buddy; now you're stuck forever!"

What the ::dolphin noise::? How could even Patrick be this stupid and oblivious? It wasn't funny, didn't make any sense, and felt like an incredibly cheap way to jump-start the plot.

What exactly is this plot? Well, Spongebob tries to get through work with him stuck in his wringer, using his tongue to maneuver his spatula and his holes to add the mustard. Then when Squidward pops his head in to mock his new outfit, the mustard squirts him in the face, burning off his eyes. Then SB jumps on top of him in panic. As much as I like SquidBob, that was gross and unnecessary.

Finally after nearly destroying the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs kicks him out (which I did appreciate as an act of mercy, since he did force head-injury baby Squidward to man the register) telling him he's helped enough already. SB sobs, so Patrick tries to cheer him up, telling him crying doesn't solve anyone's problems and inviting him to go have ice cream with him.

Now THIS is the part of the episode that makes me angry. After finding he's unable to even eat ice cream due to the wringer (uh, maybe ice cream is different underwater, but wouldn't it melt in his mouth before it got to his stomach?), Spongebob gets taken to the carnival by Patrick. They go through sequence of carnival games/rides (ie, arrows knocking over the can) that Spongebob can't do because his arms are pinned (Patrick is oblivious to his injuries and enjoys himself). Spongebob rightfully yells at him for ruining his day, but Patrick protests he was only trying to help. Well, if you buy his moment of reality-warping idiocy that was the Forever Glue scene, it could be plausible (with the ice cream), but it came off as incredibly mean-spirited considering Spongebob was obviously not enjoying himself. We get a nice callback to the scene at the Krusty Krab with Spongebob telling Patrick he's helped him enough already, but the townspeople surround the injured SB and scold him for being a jerk to Patrick.

WHAT? So SB has been put through the wringer (badumtish) the whole day; he got injured in his bathroom, stuck to something that won't let him use his arms, do the job he loves, or even eat solid food while Patrick plays the ignorant douchebag, and when he finally blows his top, he's the one that gets reprimanded by the townspeople? That's not fair.

I like coming up with wacky theories, so I'm going to say that sometime during Season 6 Plankton tried invent a radio frequency device to mind-control everyone in Bikini Bottom, but he's only found out the wavelengths for "Heartless Jerks" and "Angry Mob", since those were the two predominant frames of mind they'd been in for 1.5 seasons. Weird theories aside, that gag got old fast.

So anyway, Patrick grows a heart by recognizing that he shouldn't stay away from his friend who he hasn't seen in two days. He breaks down the door only to find an insane, washed-up Spongebob by the TV hearing voices. He cries and somehow the apparently permanent Forever Glue washes off with tears (so it comes off with sadness? That's the only explanation I can think of, considering they're already surrounded by saltwater.) The two of them cry off the convenient plot device...uh, glue, and Spongebob delivers the "heartwarming" moral that's the rotten cherry on top of a poor episode:

"I guess crying really /does/ solve your problems after all. DAHAHAHA!"

Okay, so I wasn't as offended by this as some people seemed to be, and it was a continuity nod to Patrick's pep-talk midway through. I understand that it's a spoof Aesop; some other episodes tell us things that aren't necessarily good life lessons; Chocolate with Nuts has the rather nasty message that if you make ridiculous claims to people desperate enough to believe them, you can be a success. It's all in the sake of comedy. But not only was this incredibly blatant, it opened up a huge plot hole (it's not like they believed Squidward, who invented Forever Glue as a way to leave him alone), and the humor in the episode did not make up for it. It came off as more ridiculous than funny to me, although I assume absurdist humor was what the writers was going for.

I'll admit to laughing at Funny Pants and Squid Baby a few times, but Stuck in the Wringer just got worse as the episode went on (although not at the extreme level of Squid Baby). 1.75/10 for the okay beginning and sense of continuity, but Patrick and the townspeople (plus the gross put with Squidward) kept this from being a consistently "meh" episode. Try again, Zeus the Guitar Lord!
Not bad as A Pal for Gary but It's a bad episode and It's one of the worst season 7 episodes. A few parts like SpongeBob damaging Krusty Krabs were funny but this episode was very stupid and I really hated Patrick in this episode because he glued the wringer after SpongeBob got stuck in the wringer. One of the Bikini Bottomies said "You know, kid, your body isn't the problem. It's your heart. You deserve what you've gotten" to SpongeBob after SpongeBob yelled at Patrick. Then I said "WHAT?". SpongeBob didn't deserve to get stuck in the wringer and Patrick is the reason why SpongeBob got stuck in the wringer. Also this episode gave a bad message to kids. "Crying solves your problems.". I said "WHAT" again. Crying doesn't solve your problems. I really hate this episode and I don't recommend this episode but I would rather watch this episode than A Pal for Gary. 3.5/10
Okay this is one of my least favorite episodes ever. It's pure hate and abuse toward SpongeBob. How the heck are we suppose to root for Patrick when he gets "hurt" by SpongeBob? Patrick needed to get kicked in the skull to realize how idiotic and rude he was to basically handicap poor SpongeBob. There's a line between stupid things Patrick does and just being a babbling idiot. Have I ever described my pure frustration for Patrick in S7 to present? Don't get me started. :p Yes as I remember, did feel bad for SB at the end. But did the citizens at the carnival really need to tell SpongeBob he was wrong for yelling? Oh really? SpongeBob deserved to get a black eye, be viciously tossed out of a ride, yelled at his boss because of his handicap, ruined his only job and not being able to eat and eventually will starve to death because the wringer is stuck on his throat? Yeah okay you sick people, you don't know nothing of what happened. You just wanted to see a "street fight" as some of you said.

For goodness sake, Patrick should have been the one yelled at! If they at least did that the episode wouldn't be as cringe worthy as it already is. You think Patrick being the loyal friend he is would at least have the common sense to take SB to a hospital. Or for goodness sake SpongeBob, you should have done so yourself. The plain hospital part aside, I commend Patrick for trying to cheer SpongeBob up with ice cream and what not.

The scene where Squidward's eyes fall off is by far the grossest scene in the show. Worse than the toenail even. The end of the episode was so rushed and barely made sense. Yes, they're underwater and illogical stuff happens from time to time like fire and etc. But those stuff are for fun and they don't really have anything to do with the plot. SpongeBob being able to easily get out from a single tear is ridiculous. If you want to see a good SpongeBob scene where they actually use a tear to save a character and it makes sense, see the Shell City part of the movie. The only remotely funny part in the whole episode I can remember is when Patrick is like. "Oh common when is the carnival ever in town"? And a sign says the carnival is always here. Oh and they did the "don't drop the soap" joke terribly here if that was their aim. Gary Takes A Bath's prison joke was more tamed than this.

Bad Squidward abuse, take notes on this episode.

how did I not comment before
Patrick was dumb but hey he's not the problem
it's the townspeople. Wow they are even worse then the moral and that says something 2/10
it did have a decent plot though
I'm shocked anyone likes this episode. It's still one of the worst episodes of the show ever made although I will say that there were at least two or three scenes that were kind of clever and I will give the episode credit for trying to reincorporate what Patrick said at the end with the "moral." Other than that, it has possibly one of the worst characterizations of Patrick that I've ever seen on this show, hypocritical townspeople and a cheap, uncreative ending to go with it. Also a cluster::dolphin noise:: of an episode with regards to the editing too. 2.5/10.
This is a really stupid episode. The episode is SpongeBob getting stuck in the wringer while Patrick makes SpongeBob even more stuck by putting glue on it. Then Patrick shows off his glory in front of his friend's pain. And SpongeBob is not allowed to scold him about it? Go away, stupid townspeople! Anyway, Patrick tries to stay mad, but he breaks and decides to check on SpongeBob. Then SpongeBob realizes that crying helps him get unstuck. So he and Patrick cry until SpongeBob gets unstuck. I was going to give this episode some points for story, SpongeBob says something that gets those points taken away . I guess crying does solve your problems after all! Im not joking, that's what he says at the end. Anyway, I give this episode a 0/10. :patboo:
Zeus Cervas, Sean Charmatz, Derek Iversen
Zues made a pal for gary and one coarse meal,sean charmatz made the splinter,Derek iversen made squids visit

so how do you think THIS went along?....YEAH. I THOUGHT SO

Spongetron Robotpants said:
This is a really stupid episode. The episode is SpongeBob getting stuck in the wringer while Patrick makes SpongeBob even more stuck by putting glue on it. Then Patrick shows off his glory in front of his friend's pain. And SpongeBob is not allowed to scold him about it? Go away, stupid townspeople! Anyway, Patrick tries to stay mad, but he breaks and decides to check on SpongeBob. Then SpongeBob realizes that crying helps him get unstuck. So he and Patrick cry until SpongeBob gets unstuck. I was going to give this episode some points for story, SpongeBob says something that gets those points taken away . I guess crying does solve your problems after all! Im not joking, that's what he says at the end. Anyway, I give this episode a 0/10. :patboo:
theres another problem that i hate. tears are technically saltwater. THEY LIVE IN THE OCEAN