It's time for Jibbix to be "that awkward guy in the room"!
I liked it. I really liked it. Maybe it's because, as a fan of things like Ren And Stimpy, and deranged animation in general, it just worked for me. Maybe after watching so much stuff in animation, I'm just desensitized to stuff like this. But honestly, I do not see how a face can look.....gross. Disturbing, maybe (and these faces weren't even disturbing to me), but not gross. Every design was wonderful. The faces were done in a way that made them look funny, which is what I guess they were going for.
The plot was definitely not something I'd expect from Mr. Lawrence. Felt really different. Like a Season 7 episode. Anyway, it was handled nicely. Nothing to honestly complain about from me. I liked the episode. Nothing fundamentally wrong. It wasn't too funny, but it was good. Best part: Snady paddling up to Spong and Pat and saying, "You need help." That was funny.
7.0/10, but only because it wasn't as funny as it could have been.