72a. All That Glitters

Ahh, the cry-fest of Season 4. The episode could have been a lot better, if three minutes of it wasn't devoted to the little yellow sponge crying. I also didn't like the fact that after SpongeBob sells everything he has to get the spatula, it turns out to be a stubborn, snooty, obnoxious gadget that runs away from him. I liked the idea of the episode, I guess, and it had a few funny parts, but the execution was pretty bad. 3.8/10
The worst episode of Season 4. The only thing I liked about it was the live action hands putting down the meat, because I love live action scenes in the show. I hated everything else, though. The crying was absurd, and too overdone to be funny. Erik Wiese, why must you disappoint me? I mean, you weren't the only one who worked on the episode, yet at the same time, you had quite a consistent record of funny ones, plus you seemed like a cool guy from the Nicktoons Behind the Scenes.

0.5|10 Overall
I went into this episode thinking I had never seen it before, when in fact I had and it all came back to me.

The last three minutes of him just sobbing on the floor... naked... is a bit weird and overdone. There was also the whole crying montage at the start that was unneccessary also.

But the main thing about this is whilst it was okay... it wasn't funny. SpongeBob is supposed to be a comedy, right? This didn't really have any comedic elements that made the earlier episodes what they are.

I'm going to start watching a lot of these "worst ever episodes" to see if they actually are the worst ever and this is the second, the first being Dear Vikings which I watched yesterday.

Overall - this episode was okay but overused the crying element and was not really that funny. It's not something I would want to watch again. Where were the jokes? 3/10
For starters, I wanna say HOW AND WHY DID WE VOTE THIS TO BE 12TH BEST EPISODE BEFORE NOVEMBER 2006?! Now on with it. I hate hate hate the plot. Spongebob breaks his spatula, and after crying for a minute, tries to find a few a new one. BUT WAIT! NOTHING CAN EVER REPLACE SPAT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Also, about the scenes where Spongebob visits his spatula in the hospital WAIT WHAT. As I was saying, everytime a Season 4 episode is bad, it's also mean spirited (This, Good Neighbors, Squid Wood, The Thing, etc). In fact, there are two major mean spirited parts in this episode. The first is the first scene in the hospital. "I'm not a doctor. I'm an actor researching for a role." That was just...mean. That's all I have to say. The second is Le Spa-oh my god. This..uh "Spatulanian Stereotype" was probably the worst one time character in Spongebob history and created one of the meanest scenes on this show-when Spongebob tries him out and he runs away. During all of his screen time, I wanted to take a nagging stick and kill him violently. The humor was nonexistent, and all the characters put up terrible performances, especially Le Spatula. In conclusion, I think this is the second worst season 4 episode and the seventh worst overal
milkmaidman said:
For starters, I wanna say HOW AND WHY DID WE VOTE THIS TO BE 12TH BEST EPISODE BEFORE NOVEMBER 2006?! Now on with it. I hate hate hate the plot. Spongebob breaks his spatula, and after crying for a minute, tries to find a few a new one. BUT WAIT! NOTHING CAN EVER REPLACE SPAT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Also, about the scenes where Spongebob visits his spatula in the hospital WAIT WHAT. As I was saying, everytime a Season 4 episode is bad, it's also mean spirited (This, Good Neighbors, Squid Wood, The Thing, etc). In fact, there are two major mean spirited parts in this episode. The first is the first scene in the hospital. "I'm not a doctor. I'm an actor researching for a role." That was just...mean. That's all I have to say. The second is Le Spa-oh my god. This..uh "Spatulanian Stereotype" was probably the worst one time character in Spongebob history and created one of the meanest scenes on this show-when Spongebob tries him out and he runs away. During all of his screen time, I wanted to take a nagging stick and kill him violently. The humor was nonexistent, and all the characters put up terrible performances, especially Le Spatula. In conclusion, I think this is the second worst season 4 episode and the seventh worst overal
take mine but don't forget to give it back *gives*
Definitely one of the worst Spongebob episodes ever! Spongebob breaks his spatula then cries about it for 4 minutes. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The only funny part about it was the therapist scene, and that at least made me chuckle. But other than that, I wanted to blow my brains out, oh my god! And then SB finds his broken spatula in the hospital (don't ask) and then buys a new fancy one, which proves to be a stereotypical French aristocratic spatula which cause one of the worst scenes in Spongebob history, and in the end, SB's spatula forgives him AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW HOW STUPID! Second worst of Season 4 and it almost made it on my Worst episodes countdown (beaten by I'm With Stupid).

WORST SEASON 4 EPISODE EVER and It's one of my least favorite SpongeBob episodes. It's just so annoying and unfunny. It's even more annoying than A Day Without Tears. At least "A Day Without Tears" was less annoying and there were some funny moments in that episode in my opinion. SpongeBob being naked is not needed. Also I hate Le Spatula character. One of the worst SpongeBob characters. I only laughed once in this episode. It was Patrick's crying. The rest of this episode is not funny. Do not watch this episode. 1/10
(This episode was so mean-spirited that it made me cry when I first saw it. (Although I was 10 when I first saw it and I was also more sensitive back then, but still.) This episode is evidence that Zeus Cervas is a deranged ::dolphin noise:: that likes to make kids suffer. (One Coarse Meal and A Pal for Gary is more evidence.)
I do have to admit that it was kind of funny when Patrick was imitating SpongeBob's crying. 1/10
This is the worst Season 4 episode. Too much crying and Le Spatula was so stupid. SpongeBob being naked is pointless. Monster Krabby Patty isn't in the Galley Grub menu. That guy who ordered it, had a pointless character. I don't get why Patrick appeared as a cameo and cried for no reason. It's kind of pointless. One of my least favorite episodes. 1/10.
This is pretty much "Squid Wood" level bad (especially with the mean spirited kind of humor used) but with an even dumber plot. What the heck is up with the soap opera crap and the shoehorned moral? Worst of all, SpongeBob cries WAY too much and it gets pretty painful to watch. The only part that actually made me laugh was how calm Patrick was before he started crying too. "Evil Spatula" is basically this episode if it had been done correctly and actually had been funny. One of the worst episodes in Season 4 and mostly a bomb at that. Cannot believe a SpongeBob veteran like Erik Wiese helped to write this monstrosity (technically Zeus is also a vet in that he got his start on the show during Season 2, but this was obviously one of his earlier episodes as a writer. Still doesn't give him an excuse either.). 2/10