For starters, I wanna say HOW AND WHY DID WE VOTE THIS TO BE 12TH BEST EPISODE BEFORE NOVEMBER 2006?! Now on with it. I hate hate hate the plot. Spongebob breaks his spatula, and after crying for a minute, tries to find a few a new one. BUT WAIT! NOTHING CAN EVER REPLACE SPAT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Also, about the scenes where Spongebob visits his spatula in the hospital WAIT WHAT. As I was saying, everytime a Season 4 episode is bad, it's also mean spirited (This, Good Neighbors, Squid Wood, The Thing, etc). In fact, there are two major mean spirited parts in this episode. The first is the first scene in the hospital. "I'm not a doctor. I'm an actor researching for a role." That was just...mean. That's all I have to say. The second is Le Spa-oh my god. This..uh "Spatulanian Stereotype" was probably the worst one time character in Spongebob history and created one of the meanest scenes on this show-when Spongebob tries him out and he runs away. During all of his screen time, I wanted to take a nagging stick and kill him violently. The humor was nonexistent, and all the characters put up terrible performances, especially Le Spatula. In conclusion, I think this is the second worst season 4 episode and the seventh worst overal