34b. Frankendoodle

I like this episode, mainly because I love to draw, and this inspired me when I was little to start drawing. 9/10
What an action-packed episode, complete with hilarious one-liners: "FINLAND!" "Where's the leak, ma'am?" "He was just a two-dimensional drawing, lost in our three-dimensional aquatic world, longing for a purpose" and even Mr. Lawrence, the voice of Plankton, Larry, etc and a writer for the show as an artist at sea! Who couldn't love this episode?! One of my all time favorites. 10/10! ;)
A 'violent' episode the focuses on art. But we should take it easy, it was just about a drawing. But not just that! It was about the humor, Patrick and all of his "FINLAND!!!"s, and the conflict. It was started because our friend Douglas couldn't hold onto his pencil. Over all, just freaking hilarious, an episode that had to deal with pencils and their magnificent drawings of things like hair for our tentacle'd friend. Underrated and awesome!

10/10 :1st:
Overrated, but I guess it is still top 150. I just found that they did random humor badly in this episode imo
Awesome episode actually one of my favorites! A very odd plot.
This was an amazing episode. Great plot with HEE-larious jokes that could be found all over the episode. This episode gets yet more points cause I like drawing.
One of the most overrated episode in the series. This episode did humor wrong. I found nothing funny about FINLAND, Happy Birthday, or anything really. I did like s0ome jokes and the plot, but that's it. Overall, not enough to get top 75 status at all. :/
8.0/10 I liked the picture
Meh, I'm not a huge fan of this one. It's all right, but the replay value isn't very good because of how random the humor is.
I love this episode as well! It was one of the things that led me to drawing (I thought drawing on concrete would bring the pictures to life
) and it was very creative! Though, why do people adore "FINLAND!!!" so much? I don't see anything funny about it. Can someone explain it to me? :confused:
GordokTheScary said:
I love this episode as well! It was one of the things that led me to drawing (I thought drawing on concrete would bring the pictures to life
) and it was very creative! Though, why do people adore "FINLAND!!!" so much? I don't see anything funny about it. Can someone explain it to me? :confused:
It's funny due to how random and absurd it is. The problem with humor like that is it has very poor replay value. When I first heard "FINLAND!!" I laughed pretty hard at the randomness of it. After you've already seen it, though, it's harder to laugh at it because you're expecting it, so the "random" charm of it is lost. This is why it's usually not a good idea to have too much random humor in one episode.
One of my favorite episodes because of how creative the plot itself is and how it was executed. For those reasons and the several classic moments here, it's truly deserving of a 9/10.
I think that this gem is an episode that no one can really "hate". People might not like it, but I haven't seen someone call this one horrible.
One of my favorite episodes because of how creative the plot itself is and how it was executed. For those reasons and the several classic moments here, it's truly deserving of a 9/10.

I agree! You know, some people I know say this episode is really stupid. I disagree and I try to make them like it! :)
Giorgos500 said:
10/10 better than Graveyard shift..
I actually have to disagree, I enjoyed that episode more then Frankendoodle. I still laugh at the jokes of course.