27a. Prehibernation Week


Sussudio Enthusiast
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score

Another one I can't believe a thread hasn't been started for yet! Surely one of the classics of season 2

It was unique at the time too for having an animated title screen I think.

Some quotes:

Sandy: Well I'm glad, SpongeBob, 'cause for the next seven days, it's gonna be you, me, and these sweatbands!
  • Yee-ha! [sliding down the mountain so fast she is now on fire. She rides past a fish with a backpack on his back. When she goes past him, he drops to the ground and rolls around cause he is on fire. She then rides past a man and a woman. The man turns into a little kid and the woman is now wearing jogging outfit when Sandy slides past them both. The woman looks at him]
  • Fish #1: Uh... I can explain. [Sandy flips in mid-air, still on fire]
  • Girl: Maybe, if we sing that song, he'll come to life.
  • Billy: Ready?
  • Both: [singing] Oh, there once was a sandman... [SpongeBob rides into the sandman. a musical note pops up]
  • SpongeBob: Life's as extreme as you want to make it! [jumps off the mountain] Whoo!
  • Girl: Maybe we didn't sing it right. [SpongeBob flying toward the ground. When he hits it, two bones are sticking out]
  • Sandy: Status report!
  • Small Fish: He's not at the poison sea-urchin cove.
  • Sandy: Well, look again.
  • Vera: He's not at the leach farm.
  • Sandy: Well, look again!
  • Squidward: He's not in my thoughts.
  • Sandy: Well, THINK AGAIN!
One of my favorites. It's funny, creative and I think Extreme Spots will be similar to it. This episode is for sure 9.5/10
Not my favorite, but good storyline. Definitely laughed at the "I can explain" fish and Patrick's cameo with his line "who are you people" 7.5/10 (B-)
This one was decent. I liked some of the Bikini Bottomites, but then there was Sandy. Ugh, I didn't like her. She went from oblivious to annoying. She acted like only SpongeBob mattered. Oh well, some of the games were pretty funny, especially hay in the needlestack. Overall, an average episode. It seemed to be lacking a bit of humor here and there, and I didn't like Sandy. Otherwise, gold team rules!

6.5/10 =/
This episode was OK. I loved the appearance by Pantera, and their were some pretty good jokes. But not enough to make it past the 30's on my list.
This and "Wormy" are my two favorite Episodes. This feels very underrated, even though it's really not.
BrickSponge2015 said:
This and "Wormy" are my two favorite Episodes. This feels very underrated, even though it's really not.
Well, it's not one that people talk about much, so that's probably why it feels underrated.

This and Pressure are my favorite Sandy episodes. People say that Sandy isn't funny enough, well she's hilarious in this episode, especially toward the end when she goes crazy.
This episode was actually good. Some parts were good like:

- "Uh... I can explain"
- "I am a man"
- "Who are you people?"

Well, Sandy just wanted to spend time with SpongeBob with those dangerous activities, which is a bit annoying. However, she had a good character overall.

Best Character: SpongeBob.
Best Moment: People searching for SpongeBob and the ending along with "Who are you people".
Rating: 10/10
President Squidward said:
Because, Sandy really got on my nerves and there was SpongeBob abuse! This episode just makes me sad to see what SpongeBob went through, and Sandy showed absolutely no sanity for SpongeBob. In fact, I'm rating this episode 3.5/10 It gets bonus points, because it has its moments.
Season: 2

Episode: Prehibernation Week

This episode was pretty good. I liked the plot. There were some funny jokes. 7.5/10
Nice episode. Not the best of season 2, but quite a gem! The jokes are placed well, and it has a good-written plot. I love ALL of the character in here. And let's not forget the fact that flippin' Pantera does music for a SB episode! (When I was younger, I always thought Pantera was some low-budget, unknown band :p I really should have walked on home *ba-dum-tiss*)