168b. Fiasco!

I just saw this episode. It wasn't too bad, the plot was interesting. It had some funny parts but it felt a little rushed. Fiasco from "Are You Happy Now?" appears again. I'd rate it 6.2/10
I give this episode a 7.5/10.
Now, it felt like this episode went SOOO fast!
It was surely not the best episode, yet.
I liked seeing the chase scene with the cops and I also liked seeing recurring places during it. The Plankton plot ran a little slow for me though. The beginning was interesting, I liked seeing a story board commerical for the KK. The outfit Patrick wore reminded me of the episode "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" Like Perry said, it's suprising that a new character shown just a few episodes ago is back.

I just finished seeing it, and I have to say the opening scene with the storyboard for the CHEESE-TASTIC commercial was hilarious. The rest of the episode was pretty funny as well, although I don't see what was the point to Plankton's appearance. It's nice that the Fiasco from this episode and "Are You Happy Now" are one and the same. The curator character was pretty funny too. I do have to agree with the other posters, though, in that the episode felt rushed. In short, a nice, funny episode. Final score: 7.5/10.
I loved the beginning sequence, it felt pre-movie to me. I also loved how they showed the storyboards after the commercial.
The rest was pretty good. 8/10
My favorite parts were probably the beginning and the police chase montage with Plankton! Over all, a very interesting episode. But did any of you notice that Plankton could just get through the bars in the jail easily? 0_o Ah well, it was enjoyable. :D 8.7/10
This was a very good episode. I liked how Fiasco made his second appearance (the first being "Are You Happy Now?"), and how Plankton was being chased by the police! This episode was classic. But, there were a few flaws and points in the episode that were bad for my taste. For example, the part where SpongeBob kept on sighing wasn't necessary. Other than that, this episode was good. 8/10
This was a good episode, except for the ending, which was really messed up.
Ignore the "r"...poor writing, poor jokes, poor characters. I hope I can cover it soon, as I have a lot to say about this.
Ehhh, not that good. I'm not going to say I hate it, but I won't say I liked it. It was dull and the chase wasn't even that great.