293a. Big Top Flop

The fact this is not a youtube parody frame bothers me.

Also, why does Australia and New Zealand get these episodes REALLY early? It aired on the 4th and we over in the patriotic states got it on the 31st.
Pretty good episode, but not "top 5 s13 episodes" material in my opinion. The visuals are great, the story is decent (I expected better ngl). Comedy wise it was good.
Please…not another circus episode…I’m not strong enough. I’ve said previously I don’t care for circus plots. So why are we having yet another? And I didn’t even like “Under the Small Top” so this episode is already at a double disadvantage, and I haven’t even opened the episode on my computer yet. However, the episode gets back to neutral when I consider that there was a considerable negative reaction to this episode on Twitter due to “wacky faces” and I think Tom Kenny’s SpongeBob voice. As of now, y’all know my opinion on both of those (I recently replied to the thread about the voice explaining my thoughts there, and I don’t feel like repeating). Because I am fueled by hatred and spite, these complaints endear me to the episode.

I like the way this episode begins, especially as Mr. Krabs starts getting wind of what’s truly driving his customers away. Yes, I too am repulsed by calliope music (kidding, kidding). I also like that Mr. Krabs has a rivalry with the ringmaster, because firstly it’s nice to see Mr. Krabs go against someone who isn’t Plankton, and it’s nice to see Mr. Krabs go up against another greedy crab like himself (”Kracked Krabs”, anyone?). And the episode immediately makes me root for Mr. Krabs more than I already am by revealing the ringmaster as a nepotist. I also really like this guy’s design. SpongeBob and Squidward walk up, and I love this whole scene. It’s funny. And SpongeBob’s face here—just a little dude. Squidward’s too. I don’t know how to describe it, but this is the kind of comedy that these newest seasons have been excelling at. I couldn’t find a clip, but I’m talking about this wide shot when SpongeBob is about to pour a watering can on the smoldering Mr. Krabs. It’s just a witty use of visual gags that I think the last few seasons, but especially this season, have been doing so, so well.

Just like “The Goobfather”, Mr. Krabs will not hesitate to destroy anyone who interferes in his moneymaking affairs. This scene of him being positively nefarious is one that was thrown around on the big blue bird app, and all I have to say is…y’all ate this lil animation right up, but hate when it’s in the real show? Couldn’t be me, I have fun. Also, this scene makes me realize I really love the animation in this episode. Or the artstyle, I suppose. I’m pretty sure this one has been around in other episodes, and I think I’ve liked it every time? Something about the rounded edges and pinprick eyes captivates me. Patrick also suddenly appears here, and I love how he just falls out of the sky. I like that the episode made a joke out of something that happens frequently (Patrick randomly appearing in an episode he has no real/plot-relevant business being in).

Another neat thing in this episode is the character designs. I already talked about Ringmaster Mudkrab, so let me just mention the designs of all the circus performers, some of whom are references to previous episodes. They look really good. And then the circus personas of SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick also look really neat. SpongeBob’s look here also caused a stir on Twitter, but mostly positive because I refuse to engage with the kinds of people who were being negative about it.

We then transition to the show that Mr. Krabs and co. are meant to sabotage. Considering the reaction to Mr. Krabs’ attempt to insult the audience, I can already guess that this is going to backfire immensely, but hey it’ll be entertaining. Probably. This episode is doing real well so far so I’m optimistic. First is SpongeBob, who manages to pull off a balancing act that, of all things, reminds me of “Le Master of Disguise”, the Backyardigans episode, because of this scene/song in that episode. Yes I remember that episode by name and story—it had my favorite songs (which were ironically every song but the one I just linked). We move on.

Squidward being a sad clown is actually perfect. Mr. Krabs really hit the jackpot here with these acts and he doesn’t even know it. Next is Patrick pretending to be a sea bear. I like how these random kids know who SpongeBob and Patrick are. And Mr. Krabs starts being mean to Patrick, which gets the crowd riled up, but not exactly in the way Mr. Krabs wants. And even Patrick gets fed up. I like how Mr. Krabs dancing on the ball is basically this gif. This scene is funny. Again the art style really makes this scene better. This is why I like that the show has more than one art style, because some styles work better for some episodes.

Finally, the real performers and ringmaster escape their confinement, and the ensuing sequence between the ringmaster and Mr. Krabs is entertaining…not just to me, but to the in-universe audience too. And it turns out that their fighting left them with a fused body that puts “SquidBob TentaclePants” to shame. Well, glad to see that Mr. Krabs still got his money out of this.

I liked “Big Top Flop” a lot more than I was expecting to, considering my disdain of circus-themed episodes. This thing was just funny from beginning to end, and it was also very visually appealing. Just pluses among pluses.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.4/10
Pretty good
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