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I hate this episode but I can see why you think it's mehY’all already know exactly where my mind went when I saw the title of this episode. I mean, “My Friend Patty”? Sounds like “To Love A Patty” to me. And I’m actually very interested, because if you remember my review of that episode, I said that the episode could’ve easily been fixed had they nixed the romance aspect and kept SpongeBob at most aesthetically attracted to the patty (didn’t want to see it ruined by being eaten). Perhaps this episode will do something similar? Though the title implies that whoever becomes friends with the patty will, you know, be friends with the patty. So a little different than what I said. But I’m optimistic. And who knows, maybe this episode won’t be like “To Love A Patty” at all!
Alright why does the title card have a patty with legs. Because that’s not what I wanted to see at all. “To Love A Patty” worked (in a certain way…obviously it had a whole lot of other ways it didn’t work) because the patty was clearly not sentient in any way whatsoever. Please do not ruin that comedy by making the patty sentient. Or if you do, don’t make this episode like “To Love A Patty”, or it won’t work. I know that I’ve only seen literally less than 2 seconds of the episode at this point, but can you blame me for being wary?
Is Sandy going to play a major role in this episode? Because I’m tired of episodes teasing me with what I can’t have (more than one major Sandy appearance in season 13) lol. Anyway, Sandy drops into the Krusty Krab holding herplot deviceI mean, her “Anthropromorphizer”. Oh noo….(I feel compelled to tell everyone that every time I say oh no like that, it sounds exactly like this clip)). Well, I think I have an idea of where this plot is going, and I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all. But my guiding principle is that I always give episodes a chance. I at least like that the episode gets to the point quickly. Sandy’s second demonstration with the ray is bringing a Krabby Patty to life. I have to wonder what the ethical considerations for something like this are. I know this is way too serious for this show, but I literally can’t stop thinking about it lol. Yes, I am fun at parties.
SpongeBob shows his new friend Patty around Bikini Bottom, starting with Jellyfish Fields. Well, I do always like a Jellyfish Fields appearance. Unfortunately we don’t actually get to enjoy any jellyfishing, as SpongeBob has to rescue Patty from a worm’s mouth. Somehow Patty was not scared at all…I’ll chalk it up to them having been born that day LMAO. Next stop is Goofy Goobers, which I can appreciate being revisited so frequently now. So is the running joke going to be Patty getting eaten by a whole bunch of people? Because at some point it’s just going to get ridiculous and boring. Oh wait, that time is now! Yeah no this better be the last time the exact same situation happens because I don’t care for it. And also, if Patty is literally alive, shouldn’t people literally notice that? The worm was one thing, because the worm wouldn’t notice or care. But the person in the mascot costume???? Makes no sense at all. And also, who just picks up a sandwich in someone’s chair???? The only thing I actually like about this scene at Goofy Goobers is the end when SpongeBob’s all like “I’m never coming back here again!” both that and then the follow up of him immediately breaking that promise were amusing.
Then we get the reveal that Patty was actually trying to get eaten. Ugh I hate when episodes do this because now my complaints look stupid LMAO. I won’t delete them though, at this point my reviews are live reactions mixed with review content, so that’s just what the style is. It seems that Patty has a desire to get eaten (…I have thoughts about this which I again will not be bringing up). And they’ve got a really strong desire. I feel like there are levels to the humor here and the second, much darker level, is not intentional. Underneath all the differences, this episode has a very similar basic conflict to “To Love A Patty”. And that’s fine, lots of episodes have the same basic conflict. It’s just funny that instead of someone else telling SpongeBob that Krabby Patties are meant to be eaten, it’s literally the Patty itself telling SpongeBob it’s meant to be eaten this time.
We then get a similarity to “To Love A Patty” that’s a bit more on the nose, with SpongeBob fighting a bunch of toddlers to make sure Patty doesn’t get eaten. The scallop scene was better. Then Plankton enters the episode, which makes things a bit better thank god. Patty’s desperation to be eaten has now entered actually entertaining levels. It reminds me of that one recurring joke from ASDFmovie (yes I watched those, I’m Gen Z). And I like that the episode is back to leaning into some pretty disturbing aspects (the beginning of the episode, with the inanimate objects given life, had some body horror, and now we’ve got Patty looking a bit frazzled and stuffing themself inside Plankton’s body). Poor Plankton was very disturbed by that LMAO. Kinda traumatic, honestly.
Finally, SpongeBob understands why Patty wants to be eaten so bad, so he decides to help them get eaten. I have an idea of where this is going, but let’s see how it plays out. This auditions thing is somewhat interesting. But maybe it’s my general discomfort of a sentient thing getting eaten that makes me very not engaged. And then of course we have Slappy appearing out of nowhere making my discomfort levels go through the roof, so that’s great. Eventually Sandy comes in and offers the most obvious solution—just have SpongeBob eat Patty. Like…duh. I’m trying to enjoy the inherent absurdity of this scene between SpongeBob and Patty, but I can’t shake the discomfort, sorry. And of course, even though the episode had a perfectly fine ending right here, we’ve got to have everyone who was auditioning get in a fight before SpongeBob can eat Patty. Obvious padding is obvious. And annoying. Finally, Gary just ups and eats Patty. Thank you Gary. And then for some reasons the customers get angry at Sandy. Yeah this is annoying.
“My Friend Patty” was…not an episode I really enjoyed. Other than the fact that the subject matter of the second half just made me uncomfortable, I think the episode was just weak in a writing sense. Too many moments of not enough happening, unappealing tonal whiplash, and then an ending with more padding than a kneepad. And, frankly, it was nearly a inferior version of “To Love A Patty”, because I like that episode more in every way except the romance plot that drags it down.
Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score: 5.6/10