03b. Plankton!


Abney=last name
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score

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The first time we see Plankton. I love the part when he's taking control inside Spongebob's body and uses his own voice to say to Squidward "Shut your mouth you medeoker, clarinet player" and Squidward goes "Medeoker?" in a frightened voice. :lol:
There's a really strange part in this episode where Spongebob is laughing, but it's not his normal laugh. It's like ... a primitive Spongebob laugh, before they fully refined it. I often wonder if they deliberately made him sound weird for this episode, or if that's what his laugh was originally going to sound like and they just happened to record this episode before altering it. If it was the latter, I'm glad they made the change, because the laugh he ended up with is soooo much better. :thumbsup:
The first time we see Plankton. I love the part when he's taking control inside Spongebob's body and uses his own voice to say to Squidward "Shut your mouth you medeoker, clarinet player" and Squidward goes "Medeoker?" in a frightened voice. :lol:

Actually it's spelt "mediocre", not "medeoker", lol.

I love that part as well, though.
This is on Nick at the time of posting, first episode to ever feature our favorite microscopic mastermind Plankton!! He has really changed since then..he has become even more maniacal. :smirk: lol but this episode is not the best, but still an important (I guess) episode for SpongeBob fans.
Ahh Plankton, the mini creature who is only 1% evil, and 99% hotgas makes his amazing debut here.

10/10, for my favorite characters debut! :thumb1: :thumb1:
Ahh Plankton, the mini creature who is only 1% evil, and 99% hotgas makes his amazing debut here.

10/10, for my favorite characters debut! :thumb1: :thumb1:
lol I loved that line! Karen can be a really funny character!
There's a really strange part in this episode where Spongebob is laughing, but it's not his normal laugh. It's like ... a primitive Spongebob laugh, before they fully refined it. I often wonder if they deliberately made him sound weird for this episode, or if that's what his laugh was originally going to sound like and they just happened to record this episode before altering it. If it was the latter, I'm glad they made the change, because the laugh he ended up with is soooo much better. :thumbsup:

I think it was the latter, as his laugh wasn't exactly the same in "Ripped Pants" either.
Personally I like any episode with Plankton in it because I love his voice. Also the fact that he's evil. That's a good point too.

Anyway I don't remember how I felt about this episode when it first aired all I remember is thinking "This episode again?" I think they played it a lot. I do really like this episode now because this is an episode where Plankton is quite evil.
This is a great episode, and a perfect way to introduce the little one-eyed creature we know and love: Plankton! I laughed when SpongeBob was acting like he was French! It very hilarious when he kept on laughing and Mr. Krabs yelled "Get back to work!" It's also funny when Plankton was playing that record player, when he lnsulted Squidward, and the following quote: "Plankton: 1% Evil, 99% Hot Gas". A great episode of SpongeBob!

Final Grade: 10/10
"This is my lab" "WOOF!"

"And THIS is my labratory!"

HAHAHAHAHA cracks me up all the time. Score is 8/10
The episode that introduced our favorite algae! Goodness, it's underrated. ;( Mr. Lawrence did a great job with the acting, especially at Squid's, and Plankton was a funny character. Very memorable!

9.4/10 :thumb1:
This is one of the best season 1 episodes. Not only did it introduce Plankton, it had lots of funny jokes and great character performances.
E.V.I.L said:
Ahh Plankton, the mini creature who is only 1% evil, and 99% hotgas makes his amazing debut here.

10/10, for my favorite characters debut! :thumb1: :thumb1:
gahh I wanna slap myself when I see noob me because this is certainly NOT a 10/10

I think there were some chuckles, and it was truly a good episode, but not top 150 worthy. 6.5/10
My favorite episode from Season 1. Really funny, and a great introduction to my favorite little evil genius: Plankton!

I love the scene in Squidward's house.
Plot: Plankton, Mr. Krabs arch enemy hatches an evil plot to get the Krabby Patty formula. Oh, how I love this episode. The plot plays out so well, introducing the antagonist, the Chum Bucket, and giving a taste of some future Plankton episodes. A great way to introduce Plankton. 3.7/4

Jokes: The jokes in this episode were spot on. Plankton is one of the wittiest characters on this show. His humor is just so smart, and plays out so well. The record player with the ABC's, THIS IS MY LAB, AND THIS IS MY LABORATORY!, just everything was amazing. Plus, Spongebob cranked out some great jokes, going well with Plankton. Packed with great jokes, in a great episode. 2.8/3.

Characters: As said before, Plankton is my favorite character besides Squidward, and honestly, this is one of his best episodes. He is fun to watch and witty, and none of the other characters really annoy me. They played it out nearly perfectly. 2.9/3.

Overall: This episode was incredibly well done in my opinion. One of the best episodes in the series (that I have seen), just a classic all around. It gets a 9.4/10.

http://www.sbmania.n...e-2#entry577439 Link to my original post about my reviewing quest thing.
https://docs.google....xvT0MzWVE#gid=0 Link to my Google Doc sorting the episode in order of best to worst. It is updated to the newest episode I have reviewed.